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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:04 pm
by Journeywoman
You do realise that the big *spoilers* in the heading just make me even more curious about a thread? It's cool knowing little extra bits as long as I don't know the whole plot line, which around here you :-X don't so I'm happy :D!
Because of genetic quirks, children of a human/Faey pairing always resemble a human, though they might have a certain sharpening of the eartips and usually are rather handsome.
I was wondering how come people didn't notice blue humans running round ;D!
Every single human telepath on Earth can trace his or lineage back to one village in the Scottish lowlands, even Temika (she has a white ancestor).
You mean Jason, Tim and Temika could be long lost cousins :P ;D ?

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:33 pm
by Hearly
Okey no one has talked about why I orignally posted this.. If Jason could make all humans have the talent, What would the Emperess do? Would they give the Humans some self-rule, or would they send a few more marines and start killing everyone?

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 1:05 pm
by Lochar
More likely Hearly is carpet bombs from orbit.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 1:46 pm
by Hearly
lochar wrote:More likely Hearly is carpet bombs from orbit.
I don't think they would do that Lochar, as Earth is a Major Food producing Planet, it would cause hardships for them if they destroyed it...

Maybe carpet bomb the cities, and then use troops in the farm areas, but that would cause mass disruptions of the food supplies leaving Earth.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:02 pm
by Lochar
plague, gengineered towards humans?

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:07 pm
by Hearly
lochar wrote:plague, gengineered towards humans?
Maybe, I guess it just depends on the risk of cutting the food supplies off..

Maybe Jason would limit the virus/nanite to those in his community and slowly build up the number of humans with the talent as not to let the Faey know whats going on until it's too late to do much about it.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:47 pm
by Lochar
I meant plague from the Faey, gengineered just towards human to kill them all.  Then they can bring in whatever subject race they want to farm it all.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:50 pm
by Hearly
lochar wrote:I meant plague from the Faey, gengineered just towards human to kill them all.  Then they can bring in whatever subject race they want to farm it all.

Ya I know you meant that, I was figuring just to remove/dispose of 7+ billion bodies might be a problem, esp with a large amount of people on the farms, the time it took to do that, the re-training of another speices, etc. would cost  them time, thats what I meant by cutting off the food supply.

And the second part was mostly to keep it secret he only allows his community the talent instead of all humans in 1 shot, slowly build up the number of humans who have the talent, that it wouldn't  be noticed as easily

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:16 pm
by Lochar
hearly wrote:And the second part was mostly to keep it secret he only allows his community the talent instead of all humans in 1 shot, slowly build up the number of humans who have the talent, that it wouldn't  be noticed as easily
That and the fact that if he did it to everyone in the world at once, he'd solve the Faey's problem for them.  Everyone would go insane from hearing the thoughts of everyone around them.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:51 pm
by avitchel
Instead of carpet bombing, mass destruction and all the other end-game scenarios, why not just isolation? Remove the technical enhancements, use only Imperials to subjugate the populace. Revert to the old "hearts and minds" approach.
Another approach: scan for talent, remove from the general populace, and revert to a total agrarian society. Jason, Tim and company are already "concentrating" the isotopes to be extracted. Support them, keep them away from major assets and continue.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:29 pm
by Lochar
The problem with that is someone gave Jason an exomech.  If he can outfit that with a couple of railguns, there ain't no way that they can isolate him.  He'll be able to go just about anywhere he wants to.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:18 pm
by straechav
lochar wrote:The problem with that is someone gave Jason an exomech.  If he can outfit that with a couple of railguns, there ain't no way that they can isolate him.  He'll be able to go just about anywhere he wants to.
You know what strucks me as the oddest thing about Faey technology? The fact that Fel has given virtually no glimpse at all to the faey gengineering skills, which I would assume are at quite staggering level. If the genetics have not been researched so well, why not? Faey don't strike me as religiously rigid society, which would ban such things (one of the more plausible reasons I think could hinder genetic research). I mean, targeted viruses that kill of only specific races wouldn't be much of a problem, and they would be the ultimate weapon. Just pick one alien, check the DNA, launch virus and diidahdoo... we have new nice empty planet. As for several billion rotting corpses... Hmh, some robots cleaners perchance?

Another thing: Why exomechs? Why personal armors? Why personal weapons? Why their warfare resembles guerilla warfare? In fact, why they even HAVE any personal combat experience?

In society so technologically advanced, I would have expected them to master robotic "soldiers". I use quotes because the "soldier" could be a friggin' tank that can go everywhere and just use some nice complex recognition algorithm to pick up primitive targets and shoot them to their own personal heaven. Other options could include self-replicating machines, and of course the more traditional mass-destruction weapons.

Hell, it won't be too many years before us humans in Real Life(tm) will have computers fast enough and smart enough to be able to work as automated "soldiers". Although it'll take quite a while before they can do it reliably and without any supervision. But my bet would be on the self-replicating machines, they could go down, and build a base in no time at all and then proceed to enroach over the planet while all the faey do is feed some supplies. Afterwards, they just tear the bots apart and recycle the materials very little loss and lots of gain.

I suppose the Faey could have a warrior society which puts great weight to one's personal aptitude in fight. But their fighting methods (the small glimpses we've seen) don't seem quite ritualistic enough for that, or concentrate on the mano-a-mano approach which would be expected from society concentrating on "honor". Neither their society seems all that concentrated on martial skill, although apparently everyone has to go through army? Hmmm....

Then again there's the one Big Great Argument(tm) that can be used whenever one wishes to explain the unexplainable (huh?) = They are aliens, and ergo, their ways are alien to us.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:18 pm
by Hearly
Not sure he needs railguns on the exomech, that exomech would probably destroy anything the Faey have on Earth, it's a top of the line model while all the Faey have is 100 year old surplus junk.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:23 pm
by Hearly
straechav wrote: You know what strucks me as the oddest thing about Faey technology? The fact that Fel has given virtually no glimpse at all to the faey gengineering skills, which I would assume are at quite staggering level. If the genetics have not been researched so well, why not? Faey don't strike me as religiously rigid society, which would ban such things (one of the more plausible reasons I think could hinder genetic research). I mean, targeted viruses that kill of only specific races wouldn't be much of a problem, and they would be the ultimate weapon. Just pick one alien, check the DNA, launch virus and diidahdoo... we have new nice empty planet. As for several billion rotting corpses... Hmh, some robots cleaners perchance?

Another thing: Why exomechs? Why personal armors? Why personal weapons? Why their warfare resembles guerilla warfare? In fact, why they even HAVE any personal combat experience?

In society so technologically advanced, I would have expected them to master robotic "soldiers". I use quotes because the "soldier" could be a friggin' tank that can go everywhere and just use some nice complex recognition algorithm to pick up primitive targets and shoot them to their own personal heaven. Other options could include self-replicating machines, and of course the more traditional mass-destruction weapons.

Hell, it won't be too many years before us humans in Real Life(tm) will have computers fast enough and smart enough to be able to work as automated "soldiers". Although it'll take quite a while before they can do it reliably and without any supervision. But my bet would be on the self-replicating machines, they could go down, and build a base in no time at all and then proceed to enroach over the planet while all the faey do is feed some supplies. Afterwards, they just tear the bots apart and recycle the materials very little loss and lots of gain.

I suppose the Faey could have a warrior society which puts great weight to one's personal aptitude in fight. But their fighting methods (the small glimpses we've seen) don't seem quite ritualistic enough for that, or concentrate on the mano-a-mano approach which would be expected from society concentrating on "honor". Neither their society seems all that concentrated on martial skill, although apparently everyone has to go through army? Hmmm....

Then again there's the one Big Great Argument(tm) that can be used whenever one wishes to explain the unexplainable (huh?) = They are aliens, and ergo, their ways are alien to us.
For a few things, Maybe they have done Genetic engineering and it was a major disastar(sp?) maybe it didn't work the way they intended and decided it wasn't worth the risk anymore, same with Robots, maybe they got too smart and ended up having a war with them, there is a lot of info Fel hasn't provided which could answer/explain all these things.

Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:25 pm
by Lochar
hearly wrote:Not sure he needs railguns on the exomech, that exomech would probably destroy anything the Faey have on Earth, it's a top of the line model while all the Faey have is 100 year old surplus junk.

Ahh, but didn't you know?  I'd rather be forarmed than forwarned.  As long as he takes a GOOD LONG look at that thing to make sure it's not transmiting any type of modifications that are made to it.  Otherwise they might get the railgun specs.  

Also, about robot warriors.  Never ever give an AI a weapon.  We've seen what happens there.  If it doesn't go the Terminator route, it will go the Solo route.  AI doesn't think the war is for the betterment, so they shut down the war.  Voices can be changed to sound like someone else, so that is the way it could go.