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Re: online gaming

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:14 pm
by IdiotPaste
EVE Online addict checking in. Internet Spaceships FTW!

Re: online gaming

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:20 pm
by bigthunder
eve addict of 5 years here and it wont be (Just) Internet Spaceships for long :P

Re: online gaming

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:37 pm
by Never_Fear
dawich wrote:Well, you start off with a bunch of resources, and have to build resource creating buildings, and storage. Then you start upgrading them to get better buildings. While you're doing this, you are protected from attack, being isolationist (though you can start off non-isolationist, I don't recommend it.) You start mining for ore, picking other kinds of food to grow to make your people happier, and grow your planetary industrial base. Then you start exploring other planets - apparently there are millions of them.

you can form alliances with other players, formalized with embassies. There's a lot of alliances already. It's a new game, though, so there aren't tons of people yet.

There is an Empire server, for people who don't as much PvP, and a tournament server for those who'd rather be aggressive.I have a referrer link if anyone is interested in checking it out, and giving me a boost of essentia: ... 18786e5c0f

damn right there are millions of planets i even found Karis out there. BTW i think i managed to put you down as my friend invite so you should get a boost. When you go into the create empire screen it should automatically put you referral code in there it did it for me. so ya now were neighbors

Re: online gaming

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:38 am
by zeekgenateer
I am a gaming addict. I've never really put down Team Fortress 2 since the day I bought it. I have over 1500 hours without much idling (i think I only had a day or two of idling). That game is just still so much fun to play. Otherwise I play a bit of Minecraft and League of Legends. League of Legends (LoL) is a DotA clone that is a lot easier to pick up, though the learning curve is still pretty steep. I play that with a few friends who keep their tryhard boots on so it's not really a relaxing game for me.

I've tried Eve but I couldn't get into it. I switch between games a lot, a few hours of TF2 here, a game of LoL there, I can't invest time in a new game (unless it was Team Fortress 3).