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Re: Anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:19 pm
by straechav
My (highly qualified and of utmost interest to all parties involved, I am sure) opinion in this matter is that Jordan and Modesitt have same problem. They want to avoid coming across as chauvinists (which these days seems to be very easy to be labeled as) so they make strong female characters. Sometimes (always in case of Jordan) they go a bit too far with it.

This is actually the reason why I don't read books that have female mains anymore. I used to be able to read anything, and everything. But I'm starting to get straight out bored on reading story that bashes men.

I'm not so sure about the comment about females acting out of character or being unbelievable. I have a lot of female friends, and they all are just persons; each unique. I don't think there is THAT big of a difference between personalities between two sexes. There are differences, true. But if you just consider women as FEMALES (i.e, as female of any species) and men as MALES (as in any male of any species) and you'll get good enough idea what are the general differences between the two groups.

But when it comes to actual personalities... well... I don't think there's any reason to constrict one kind of mind in to one gender, since it's absurd. I've met violent women and gentle men and so on...

Uh, and about David Eddings getting the two gender mindframes properly... um. Well, uh. I don't think too highly of the stories, but I suppose they could work if you want the equivalent of action/romance/adventure movie from hollywood in a book format. They're lighthearted stuff for rainy days. As for the sexes portrayed in it, I just find the stories comforming to about every damn cliche in women/men relationships. If that's what makes the story's characters seem realistic... oo-kay.

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:49 pm
by Lochar
straechav wrote:As for the sexes portrayed in it, I just find the stories comforming to about every damn cliche in women/men relationships. If that's what makes the story's characters seem realistic... oo-kay.
OK, so I'm insane for saying that.  I still enjoy the stories though. LOL

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:11 pm
by straechav
lochar wrote: OK, so I'm insane for saying that.  I still enjoy the stories though. LOL
I am ashamed to admit. I've read all fantasy books that David Eddings has written. I've actually read some of them multiple times.... shudder... and... I think I enjoyed them. Only sometimes! Really! Just some small parts!

It's my deepest and darkest secret. Such shame and pain I feel carrying this blasphemy against my vast intellect and education, for all that is holy, I should be castra- ... wait... uh, maybe I should ruminate upon this exceedingly long sentence for a moment...

I think I'll just find a noose and hang around for a while now.

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:15 pm
by Neysan
I've Started reading R.A Salvatore's Forgotten Realms books and just finished with The Dark Elf Trilogy

Finally a series that has a male lead WITH A BRAIN

Although he has that annoying "Principles" (*puke*)  Problem, with frequent cliche moral dillemmas ( boooring )
Here's Hoping he gets over that   :)

Still, he's pretty smart,  and no pushover. Far from the usual dumb/ignorant/naive/unsophisticated etc. male leads
which more than makes up for his "problem"  ;)
so give it a read

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:12 am
by Finn
straechav wrote:My (highly qualified and of utmost interest to all parties involved, I am sure) opinion in this matter is that Jordan and Modesitt have same problem. They want to avoid coming across as chauvinists (which these days seems to be very easy to be labeled as) so they make strong female characters. Sometimes (always in case of Jordan) they go a bit too far with it.

My issue isn't with a strong female character in the part of Jordan, it's that he only has one strong female character in his books. They just wear different dresses. No, really. Any scene with more than one woman, it's actually the same woman moving really really fast with the wig changes and dress shifting. You could arbitarily switch the names of all the female characters in his books, pass the book on to someone else, and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:36 am
by DaBear
You could arbitarily switch the names of all the female characters in his books, pass the book on to someone else, and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
I think that Garion would notice if he woke up next to Polgara rather then Ce'Nedra eh?  

How many generations away do you have to be before it's not considared incest?

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:31 am
by Shadowhawk
dabear wrote:I think that Garion would notice if he woke up next to Polgara rather then Ce'Nedra eh?  

How many generations away do you have to be before it's not considared incest?
Erm, DaBear, pay attention, please... Finn was talking about Jordan and Modesitt books, not Eddings ones.

BTW. it is not incest (one of definitions) if there are more than two "generations" apart, three if in straight line (so second cousins are not incest... BTW if I remeber correctly it is the range of kinship which is best wrt. genes, specifically immune system - not to similar (two copies of dormant lethal genes), not too far apart (err... I forgot why it is bad)).
riduan wrote:err...I know I saw a few links before this. But none really as good as Fel's Pyrosian and Firestaff series...anyone can suggest similar fantasy novel online which is as good as Fel's...I am a male chauvinist (I think so) - as I only will read if the main character is Male..:) so if you come across one, let me know...
Riduan, what do you think we have "Links to good reading..." sticky thread for? I'd rather you asked your question there... if you found nothing interesting to read in all links presented there.

As to female/male mindset in stories... I recommend reading Connie Willis for female and late Ursula Le Guin (like "Four Ways to Forgiveness") for feminist... I think that they are good example of good "female" writing (as opposed to male or gender neutral one); is there any female who have read them and can post her opinion about those authors?

Re: Anymore?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:40 am
by riduan
shadowhawk wrote:
Riduan, what do you think we have "Links to good reading..." sticky thread for? I'd rather you asked your question there... if you found nothing interesting to read in all links presented there.
Thats link too general. I am not really a fan of Sci Fi. Only fantasy. And specifically male main character