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Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:56 am
by samuelmichaels
Wolfee wrote:Well its now been over 1 year since Rapina posted the last chapter. Seriously its getting old that the writer won't even respond to requests for updates or give proof of life. I know I'm a bit testy over it. But I just really want the story to be completed.
Well, actually it's been less than a year for Rapina -- the last one was posted on December 25, 2010. She is working on the next chapter for this Christmas. :-)

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:22 am
by deane
good to know :-) hoping she'd actually respond same as the other SOL author which I mailed (vfloquet and lazlo zelazac)

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:57 pm
by samuelmichaels
Rapina has posted chapter 72 "Rath Road" of The Chronicles of Rapina,
at her page on Asstr.

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:06 pm
by expedient
Great chapter. I hope it's not another year before an update 'cause it does kinda end on a cliffhanger...

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:18 pm
by samuelmichaels
expedient wrote:Great chapter. I hope it's not another year before an update 'cause it does kinda end on a cliffhanger...
Not exactly a cliffhanger, although clearly opens up many different possibilities.
I too hope for a quicker follow-up.

Daelrath sounds like a pretty marginal domain. Without the help from Bristol (or earlier, Avengene),
I wonder if it was ever viable.

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:14 pm
by expedient
samuelmichaels wrote:Daelrath sounds like a pretty marginal domain. Without the help from Bristol (or earlier, Avengene),
I wonder if it was ever viable.
Yeah. I guess before Avengene the Barony of Daelrath was the extreme outer frontier of [a Dutchy in] the Kingdom of Clairmont. Daelrath has been left behind as Avengene has been growing rich and powerful. There isn't all that much written about the economy in Rapina but I suppose the biggest advantage that Avengene has are the river trade routes whilst Daelrath only seems to have one badly maintained road to its seat of power. Its only reason to exist is to protect the other parts of the Duchy from being overrun by the mountain clans of trolls, orcs and giants. Maybe before Avengene turned up the other barons were throwing money at Daelrath to keep them safe. I'd guess also that the elves in the east helped to control the orcs before losing land to Avengene.
samuelmichaels wrote:Not exactly a cliffhanger
Enough of one that I really want to know what happens in the next few days (storytime). :(

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:54 pm
by samuelmichaels
expedient wrote:There isn't all that much written about the economy in Rapina but I suppose the biggest advantage that Avengene has are the river trade routes whilst Daelrath only seems to have one badly maintained road to its seat of power.
That's my guess as well. Avengene is on River Augustana and has convenient communication to much of Clairmont.
Although Red Jack is making this more difficult lately.
Its only reason to exist is to protect the other parts of the Duchy from being overrun by the mountain clans of trolls, orcs and giants. Maybe before Avengene turned up the other barons were throwing money at Daelrath to keep them safe.
Daelrath was no more than a skilled or lucky adventurer until a couple of decades ago. The fact that the King made him a baron,
and raised Byron Avengene from a baron to a marquis implies that the king is very eager to increase his
territory, even if he isn't able to, or not interested, in policing his kingdom.

Could be a deliberate policy for a weak monarch -- reward success of private armies with titles,
so at least there is a nominal chain of allegiance to him. And in the mean time, encourage, or at least
don't try to suppress, enmity between lords, because otherwise they might turn on the king.
I'd guess also that the elves in the east helped to control the orcs before losing land to Avengene.
I haven't seen any evidence of Avengene taking over Elfin land -- at least so far.
samuelmichaels wrote:Not exactly a cliffhanger
Enough of one that I really want to know what happens in the next few days (storytime). :([/quote]

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:19 am
by expedient
samuelmichaels wrote:I haven't seen any evidence of Avengene taking over Elfin land -- at least so far.
On the map page 1a reads:
1a. This is Avengene territory conquered from the orcs or shaved from the elves

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:29 pm
by samuelmichaels
expedient wrote: On the map page 1a reads:
1a. This is Avengene territory conquered from the orcs or shaved from the elves
You are correct! I will have to update the wiki.

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:50 am
by Wolfee
A new chapter in the Rapina story has been posted. :!:

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:30 pm
by samuelmichaels
expedient wrote: On the map page 1a reads:
1a. This is Avengene territory conquered from the orcs or shaved from the elves
I wonder based on that map if Norwit is actually the old Avengene, aka Barony of Avengene.

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:41 pm
by expedient
It's possible that was the seat of a barony before Avengene expanded, Norwit seems well established. These are the best bits of source material I could find to give us clues to how the Marquis grew:
Chapter 9, Rapina wrote:"That be th' case always," The captain chuckled. I sold the symbol an' the signet off, but I foun' out the name o' th' family yer reverend Evangeline belonged to. His father warr th' Marquis of Avengene. Th' way I understand it, th' marquis was the son o' a Northern baron, who was killed by orcs or some such. His dad gettin' killed must a made 'im madder'n hell 'cause 'e made 'imself into a war lord, an' expanded 'is holdin's considerably. He grabbed a lot o' land, an' 'is barony gave th' crown some fine military service in the border wars 'bout twenty-five years back. 'Cause a those things th' crown granted 'im a bigger title. Now 'es got ta be seventy ta eighty w' one foot in the grave. Chances are good 'is first born is already filin' half 'is shoes. I'll say one thing for ye, when ya go about getting yerself in trouble, ye get in trouble w' the best."
Chapter 61, Rapina wrote:Bellany nodded. "I had promised to tell you something about what was going on in the outside world. I might as well do that now. Avengene, the relatively new territory to the northeast has developed a religion based on a god of justice called the vindicator. I realize that there probably was no barony of Avengene when you were alive. Avengene did not stop at being a baron, however. He has expanded his holdings and was also indispensable in helping the King during a war that I am too young to remember. The King was so impressed that he made Avengene a Marquis.

"Lord Avengene has been steadily expanding his territory and at some point his son Evangeline developed the faith of the vindicator...
Chapter 67, Rapina wrote:"One should never discount any reasonable theory. Avengene is a Marquis. He did not gain that title through lack of ambition. He wishes to push the northern and eastern border outwards and to do that he needs rich lands that are far enough away from the battlefront that they can produce significant wealth to fund and supply his expansion. It is also important to remember that people do not have to act for one reason alone. Often there are a number of motivators. It is just that some are more politically palatable than others. Thus ulterior motives may be hidden while certain more acceptable ones are often touted before the public eye. Sometimes the more acceptable motives are real, but just as often they are nothing more than fabrications," Jamie explained.
In short: Avengene was the son of a northern baron. Avengene expanded that established territory into a powerful Barony. The King made him a Marquis for services in the border wars. Marquis Avengene has been expanding ever further since.

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:02 pm
by samuelmichaels
expedient wrote:
Chapter 9, Rapina wrote:"That be th' case always," The captain chuckled. I sold the symbol an' the signet off, but I foun' out the name o' th' family yer reverend Evangeline belonged to. His father warr th' Marquis of Avengene. Th' way I understand it, th' marquis was the son o' a Northern baron, who was killed by orcs or some such. His dad gettin' killed must a made 'im madder'n hell 'cause 'e made 'imself into a war lord, an' expanded 'is holdin's considerably. He grabbed a lot o' land, an' 'is barony gave th' crown some fine military service in the border wars 'bout twenty-five years back. 'Cause a those things th' crown granted 'im a bigger title. Now 'es got ta be seventy ta eighty w' one foot in the grave. Chances are good 'is first born is already filin' half 'is shoes. I'll say one thing for ye, when ya go about getting yerself in trouble, ye get in trouble w' the best."
One thing I found strange about this bit is Brianna's ignorance of these facts -- she was born and lived in Evandell,
in Avengene (Norwit). Wouldn't she know about her lord and his family?

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:03 pm
by expedient
It is very odd.
Chapter 1, Rapina wrote:The reverend smiled with mock piety. "Birth is not important Rapina, it is the calling that matters. True, I was of gentle birth, the third son of a worthy lord, but for several years before I found my true calling, I served as an officer in the Marquis' army. Praise the vindicator I was called away from that thankless vocation to become one of his chosen."
This reads as if Evangeline was trying to hide his exact lineage.

Re: Other Authors (RAPINA)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:30 pm
by samuelmichaels
expedient wrote:It is very odd.
Chapter 1, Rapina wrote:The reverend smiled with mock piety. "Birth is not important Rapina, it is the calling that matters. True, I was of gentle birth, the third son of a worthy lord, but for several years before I found my true calling, I served as an officer in the Marquis' army. Praise the vindicator I was called away from that thankless vocation to become one of his chosen."
This reads as if Evangeline was trying to hide his exact lineage.
It certainly appears that way. But if he was hiding it from Brianna or other villagers, it was not a secret for the nobles:
In Chapter 57, 'Snubbery' Rapina wrote:Charles grimaced. "Blood is thicker than water. Dad never said it in so many words, but being baronet of Western Avengene gave him power over just about everyone in the baronety [sic] except Evangeline. Sometimes I think Evangeline looked on dad as nothing more than a steward who ran the baronety for him while he attended to spiritual matters that he considered more important."
It's hard to imagine that the older villagers would not have known about their lord's third son,
the one who became religious and founded or at least spread the new church.

Still, even if Brianna didn't know Evangeline's family, she should have recognized Avengene's name as soon as Red Jack mentioned it.
It was probably a convenient way for the author to do a short infodump.