Is there a God?

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Re: Is there a God?

Post by MISER »

I know who wins in the end!

GOD does.

So to weigh in here my answer to the basic thread question is.


I dont understand God's logic, but I trust it!

And I believe God is Masculine! For the record.

Have a good day or night or something.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Spec8472 »

Uhh... can anyone say the word "Troll"?

god=love=blind=ray charles...  Classic.
Greymist=female... even funnier...

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Re: Is there a God?

Post by AdamX »

Here's a strange thought I just had, since we're on the subject of gods. If we are in the same multiverse as Sennadar and Pyrosia, then(I only know Christianity to much extent), then there is a god before our god, the One God. Don't know why I had to put that there, but I did. My thought was, which gods of this universe are our Elder Gods? Only ones I can think of that have gods below them are Amon-Re and Odin, but I don't know a lot about theology, so...

Oh, well, bed now, sleeepy, hey a quarter on the floor, (insert loud thud sfx and that stupid wah-wah-wah-wah here)
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by TFF »

stealth_dragon wrote:1. God would be sentient.
2. God would understand that any written rule system would be interpreted.
... snipped ...
Imagine a painting a million miles wide, and a million miles tall. And you, standing 10 feet from it.

Now, being able to see only a tiny fraction of the painting, imagine trying to tell me what the image on the painting is.

This is what people try to do when they try to comprehend God. And religion is always a source of amusement for me. People trying to cram infinity in to a thimble. It stops being amusing though when they try to pass laws and regulations to control my behavior, based upon their assumptions.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Lochar »

adamx wrote:Here's a strange thought I just had, since we're on the subject of gods. If we are in the same multiverse as Sennadar and Pyrosia, then(I only know Christianity to much extent), then there is a god before our god, the One God. Don't know why I had to put that there, but I did. My thought was, which gods of this universe are our Elder Gods? Only ones I can think of that have gods below them are Amon-Re and Odin, but I don't know a lot about theology, so...

Oh, well, bed now, sleeepy, hey a quarter on the floor, (insert loud thud sfx and that stupid wah-wah-wah-wah here)
Zeus was the leader of the Greece gods, but if you want to consider the Greek panthenon, you have to remember that Zeus overthrew his father, screw his sister, had kids with her, etc.  Is it a wonder all of the in-fighting that stories talk about there?
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