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Re: The kind of update I don't like to give.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:50 pm
by ralbloke
Mac The Knife wrote:Do they even make a version of autocad for apple?
Hi Guys
Just in case anyone is interested, we use Vectorworks which is just as good, and cross compatable by import

Re: The kind of update I don't like to give.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:14 am
by Mizriath
I have not been able to use my computer for almost 2 months. My notebook crashed and died. Not even a speck of power available. It went kaput.

Then i went to order a Dell notebook and waited 5 weeks. They finally told me they cannot deliver my notebook as the whole series failed their QC check. They are trying to resolve the problem between the motherboard manufaturer and intel. So they offered alternative laptop models and on top of that I have to pay again. they will refund me the previous purchase only at the end of the month!!!! Which finally I receive at end of Feb after being on tenterhooks in case i must pay the credit card bill twice.... for a notebook!. It was a harrowing time.

And I finally got my computer 2 days ago... a gem of a notebook, at a bargain cause Dell decide to absorb the difference in price and charge me the same price as the other notebook as compensation. I manage to transfer all the old data... and finally now I am really back on line. I did had a hard time to log in here as I did not know the passsword and I got jammed out. I finally decide to trace all the mails on my 3 mail system... office, social, business... found it on my business mail when I was hunting up and down on my social mail. And the password was some gibberish of alphabet - system generated. Hah... and i did not change it, no wonder I could log in using the 5 password models that I have used routinely.

So I understand if Fel is not able to use computers.... ;p.

Life could be a joke at times... but there must be a reason... May the water taste sweet always.

Re: The kind of update I don't like to give.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:32 am
by Cougar2k2
I've had my differences with a few computer companies none of which were all that nice about what happened. As a result I will never own another Dell or Gateway product EVER again. It's good to hear they actually acted responsible and did something like they did. You got extremely lucky, probably because the economy is in the crapper. If it wasn't I doubt they would have done that. They didn't for me back in '03, so I just went to a different company. Glad your back online by the way.

Re: The kind of update I don't like to give.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:48 am
by Spec8472
Cougar2k2 wrote:You got extremely lucky, probably because the economy is in the crapper. If it wasn't I doubt they would have done that. They didn't for me back in '03, so I just went to a different company.
Most companies (Dell included) have QC and various monitoring processes in place - yes, they're not perfect. That's because it's run by humans in the real world. People make mistakes, materials fail randomly, and no QC process will ever entirely prevent it.

Their customer service folks, for the most part, do the best they can within the rules. As someone who's done a fair share of designing processes for customer facing staff, it's extremely difficult to get right.

One of the realities of customer support, is that people with the best customer service skills generally want to move on and do something else - no matter how well you pay them. Designing processes to capture all the possible nuances of what can go wrong, and make it understandable and usable for staff of all skill levels takes so long, that you can never entirely capture all possibilities.

Dell, and others, have been looking at ways to step outside the standard customer support processes if things go really wrong. Comcast and Dell both monitor social networks, and will try to contact you and try to resolve the issue through alternative channels.

As an example of just how difficult it can be to capture all possibilities, we had to modify existing, fairly basic, processes so that customers would get asked one additional question, and if the customer gave a certain answer- push the customer up to a higher support level. The number of branches in the process this created was absolutely astounding when you factor in the several thousand different products and customer situations.

Re: The kind of update I don't like to give.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:43 pm
by aberia
the boards been quite for the past few days . Any news from Fel . anything new guys


Re: The kind of update I don't like to give.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:54 pm
by MommyDoom
Spec8472 wrote:
Fel wrote:I have no idea where to even begin trying to repair it, and since I have too much on my hard drive to back up to risk a reinstall, I'm going to take it to the shop.
HP MediaSmart w/ 500GB HDD -- add a second 500GB hdd for redundancy for a little extra. USD$518 w/ free shipping, etc. ... 66508.html

C'mon folks - we can do this :D
I'll donate. Just lemme know how.
*living in the house of pestilence and using the Spoon of Doom to scrape vomit off the walls*