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Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:54 am
by Lochar
fel wrote: My subscription for this month ends August 13.  I'm considering cancelling.  It's just not much fun anymore.  The only reason I even log on anymore is because of my friends there.
Everquest.  The 15 dollar a month graphical chat room.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:54 am
OK SHOTGUN reply here

I understand the real world issues Fel Just returned from Montana where I was helping my MOM post surgery while in hospital after breaking her hip. Take yer time pard.......

HP6 yeay yahoo yippee great book its only problem is its 300 pages too short. I revel in Ginny and Harry being together and its ever so much better than HP5 which PO'd me to the extreme!

Looking fwd to chap 2 whenever sooner is always better but not always plausible. As I may be going to the Mid East soon I will truly look forward to postings with limited resources there.


Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:49 am
by dadrago
take ur time fel. i've read most of ur work i'd hate to see ur
work lessened just for more reading

j :)

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:12 am
by aberia

i am new here and have just finished reading all the books/chapters that has been posted to the KAEL CHRONICLES. I'd like to know if FEL uses a posting schedule or posts as the latest masterpiece is complete......Sorry but i am not trying to be pushy.


Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:13 pm
by Wildcat
Fel posts whenever he gets done. Sometimes that's as soon as every two or three weeks, and sometimes it takes longer than that because (as this thread has mentioned) Fel has a life outside of writing.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:11 pm
by Journeywoman
Welcome aboard Aberia :D. You came just in time to join the waiting game for the next chapter ;).
That reminds me, Bored Admins, don't you think it' time to update the "Pumped on Chapter 18" and "Overdosed on Chapter 18" to something a little more current since the tale is once again continuing.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:49 am
by Fawks
I too finished HP6 in early August and was VERY surprised at the ending, but not surprised of the turncoat.  I finished mine so late because I ordered mine from back in March, then I started a sixteen day vacation in Alaska three days before HP6 arrived in the mail. :(  Alaska is Beautiful though.  I would be very tempted to move the 4500 miles, if offerd a good job.  


Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:49 am
by Thermopyle
fawks wrote:I too finished HP6 in early August and was VERY surprised at the ending, but not surprised of the turncoat.
...I hope you DO realize that the thing with Snape was a massively overdone misdirection on Rowling's part.  It was hard to miss.  o_O

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:29 am
by mbeau
thermopyle wrote:
...I hope you DO realize that the thing with Snape was a massively overdone misdirection on Rowling's part.  It was hard to miss.  o_O
Spoilers ahead (ROT13'd)

Lhc, zl thrff vf gung Fancr xvyyrq Qhzoyrqber fb gung ur jbhyq or thnenagrrq na va jvgu Ybeq Ibyqrzbeg. Nabgure, yrff yvxryl cbffvovyvgl, vf gung gur qrngu bs Qhzoyrqber (naq gur shareny nf jryy) ner nyy n ovt zvfqverpgvba gb pbaivapr rirelbar bs Qhzoyrqber'f qrngu. Nsgre nyy, gur phefr gung Fancr hfrq (Nin Xnqnien??) abeznyyl whfg qebcf crbcyr gb gur tebhaq, vg qbrfa'g oybj gurz bhg n jvaqbj...

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:58 pm
by Wildcat
True, but it's going to be hard to tell if that was just a cheap theatrical effect until book 7.  The spell could have gotten caught on some sort of defenses.