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Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:48 pm

Would very much like to be a world traveling Male Werecat.

With at least the druidic ability Tarrin displayed in crossing the Desert and hopefully a little more power.

And a touch of sourcerous ability as well, perhaps inclined towards earthly instincts. and healing. Enough power and ability to be a full sorceror but not alot more unless of course Mother wanted another kitten to play with. Purrrrrrrr


On a side note, for those wondering I have come through my surgery pretty well. I lucked out and all aspects of the surgical proceedures were able to be done at one time, so I don't have to have the series of surgies every 3 months or so. However as all 3 major operations were done at once my recovery is much longer and of course exponetially painful etc.....

Again thanks to those who expressed concern and well wishes.


Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:55 pm
by Fawks
This was mine and Shade's conversation in EWP irc forum:

[2004:11:05:16:37:07] <ShadeHawk|Away> 'If you could play any race and order from Sennadar or Pyrosia, what would it be and why?'
[2004:11:05:16:37:24] <ShadeHawk|Away> On Sennadar Forum,
[2004:11:05:16:37:29] <ShadeHawk|Away> JR|away:
[2004:11:05:16:39:02] <JR|away> eh?
[2004:11:05:16:39:50] <JR|away> Selani Sui'Kun
[2004:11:05:16:42:10] <JR|away> Sence of honor, power and close to connection to the goddesses.
[2004:11:05:16:42:51] <ShadeHawk|Away> Hmmm... good choice I think.
[2004:11:05:16:42:56] <JR|away> Shade,  How often does Fel post new chapters?
[2004:11:05:16:43:03] <ShadeHawk|Away> Most prefer being Werecat or dragon.
[2004:11:05:16:43:30] <ShadeHawk|Away> JR|away: I don't know. The frequency of posting new chapter varies.
[2004:11:05:16:43:46] <ShadeHawk|Away> JR|away: I don't remember if Fel have posted an ETA for next chapter.
[2004:11:05:16:43:54] <JR|away> Werecat is tempting.  It was actually my first though.
[2004:11:05:16:44:00] <JR|away> ooops thought.
[2004:11:05:16:45:48] <JR|away> but,  I would not like having that kind of temper.
[2004:11:05:16:47:43] <JR|away> Having the mate 'harem' might be nice though.  ;)
[2004:11:05:16:53:06] <ShadeHawk|Away> And all the problems with being unable to have only one mate and so on... ;),,
[2004:11:05:16:53:34] <JR|away> true

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:04 am
by Spec8472
lochar wrote:Problem with your Selani idea Spec.  Only a certain few Selani are actually quicker than a Werecat.  Or at least Tarrin.
I thought it was because Var was being cocky, and he wasn't particularly matured?

I seem to remember Tarrin saying to Var (after handing Var his ass) to "never underestimate your enemy", and Var's friend laughing.

I too forgot about Dragons being druidic too - nice pickup.

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:39 am
by avitchel
Toe jam!

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:03 am
by hatten_jc
miser wrote:I

Would very much like to be a world traveling Male Werecat.

With at least the druidic ability Tarrin displayed in crossing the Desert and hopefully a little more power.

And a touch of sourcerous ability as well, perhaps inclined towards earthly instincts. and healing. Enough power and ability to be a full sorceror but not alot more unless of course Mother wanted another kitten to play with. Purrrrrrrr


On a side note, for those wondering I have come through my surgery pretty well. I lucked out and all aspects of the surgical proceedures were able to be done at one time, so I don't have to have the series of surgies every 3 months or so. However as all 3 major operations were done at once my recovery is much longer and of course exponetially painful etc.....

Again thanks to those who expressed concern and well wishes.

Glad to hear you got bether.

Secondly to chose what to be from that list of things from Senare is difficult.
I am human so what ever i choce must be part human or ME would not be ME...

So that forces me to choce between the humanoide things.

I like to fly so a ardellan would be cool..
But i Love cats...

A Ardellan Were-cat would be perfect EXEPT.
The were-cat is a bit to aggresive.
maby a Were-Tiger :D
Grrr. William Blake said it so Tiger tiger i will have to be..

By William Blake..
Tyger tyger ! Burning bright in the forest of the night what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearfull symmetry !
In what distand deeps or skies burnt the fire of your eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art could twist the sinews of your heart, and when thy heart began to beat what dread hand?
And what dread feet?
what the hammer what the chain in what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil what dread grasp dare its deadly terrors clasp when the starts threw down their spears and waterd heaven with their tears did he smile his work to see did he who made the lambs make thee
Tyger tyger burning bright in the forest of the night what immortal hand or eye dare frame thy fearfull symmetry

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:34 am
by Journeywoman
Hmmm, this is a hard one...
I would probably be an Amazon turned werecat. Be a sorcerer, have access to some other magic types and be able to pack a mean punch would be so cool! ;) ;D :P
But I admit the Selani definately have appeal. The whole 'can't touch this', would be fun.

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:57 am
by Blyker
Gnome sorcerer

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:57 am
by Greymist
Blyker has been playing too much D&D? Gnome Sorcerers are great ;D

Re: If You Could Be...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:35 am
by Forbidder
The best thing about dragons is that they seem to be the only creatures which have lived through it all and forgotten more things than most beings learned in a life.  It seems that they are wise beyond comprehension, and very patient and lasting.  Though I wonder how old those young dragons that Sapphire had to discipline were, it seemed like they were children, but I get the sense that they still have lived over hundreds of years.

So dragon maturation cycle must last centuries huh?