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Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:49 am
by Mizriath
Kyven is the only recognised human shaman and the only shadow fox arcan.. and also a shaman.

Kyven is not likely to stay single and have no "progenitors".. or children. I am not sure what will comes out if he breed a gray for and shadow fox... a mutated fox without the powers of the shadow, since the powers of the shadow relates to furs.. and cross breeding is not ideal in the one sense. That is where I believe Dana will be another converts... but the person must gives himself freely .. like Kyven, which is not likely. So something must happen here.

The other kid that will belong to Kyven, when he gets the shock of his life will be from the girl from the whorehouse, another with a shamnic powers whose kid will then be turned to full powers but albeit a human. i was wondering whether the boy/girl will be against Kyven, bitter for leaving hi fatherless or will be reunited with Kyven as a long lost...

Just waiting for the full developments. :)

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:52 am
by dellstart
boballab wrote:That quote applied to Clover teaching him Shaman spells. Only the Shadowfox is allowed to teach him spells, but if he figures out how one is done by observing how Clover does it the Shadowfox is happy about that.
“You won’t teach me?”
No. The power of shadow is my gift to you. I will not teach you, you must learn on your own, as any shadow fox kit must learn without any help from its mother. You will find, in time, that the gift I have given you can rival your Shaman magic in some ways.
“He would change his words now if he could see you,” she said, looking him up and down appraisingly. “What species are you?”
“Shadow fox,” he answered. “She made me like her.”
“Ah. Practical, I suppose. Can you do what the foxes do?”
“I was told that I can. The only trick I’ve learned so far is the blending trick.”
Well, we’ll have to see what else you can do,” she said with a gentle smile, releasing his hands.
As the above quotes show the Shadowfox will not teach him about the Shadowfox powers he must find his own way. The Second Quote implies that Clover knows something about those powers and she will be willing to help Kyven explore those powers.
True.Then again, now hes wintering in haven , maybe she will have some time.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:25 pm
by boballab
I think Kyven, either conciously or sub-conciously, has not wanted to explore the Shadowfox powers. Kind of how like Tarrin didn't explore his divine powers, only used the wings, because that was something he didn't want. To me this is the same situation, some part of Kyven is going with the "if I don't fully acknowelage it then it didn't happen" mentality. He has just been trying to skate along and get his humanity back. He had a chance to try learning while waiting for Clover at Stripes and Cleps cave. Now after that last talk with the Shadowfox and realizes there is no way she will change him back before this is all over hopefully he will get off his ass and learn.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:02 pm
by Elsh
That's a very plausible explanation. Also, he might be unwilling to become more like that which he hates 'the shadow fox'.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:24 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Speaking of Shadowfox, and possibly some of the other spirits, I'm reminded of a line from the TV series Angel. When introducing someone to one of the Wolfram and Hart senior partners...

"Remember, it is not a little girl. It is something very old and very powerful that likes to pretend it is a little girl."

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:09 am
by dellstart
ANTIcarrot wrote:Speaking of Shadowfox, and possibly some of the other spirits, I'm reminded of a line from the TV series Angel. When introducing someone to one of the Wolfram and Hart senior partners...

"Remember, it is not a little girl. It is something very old and very powerful that likes to pretend it is a little girl."
Awesome quote!

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:16 am
by furry_wolf2001b
Awesome quote Anticarrot, i have not seen that one, but i think it fits in many more places.

Mizriath wrote:Kyven is the only recognised human shaman and the only shadow fox arcan.. and also a shaman.

Kyven is not likely to stay single and have no "progenitors".. or children. I am not sure what will comes out if he breed a gray for and shadow fox... a mutated fox without the powers of the shadow, since the powers of the shadow relates to furs.. and cross breeding is not ideal in the one sense. That is where I believe Dana will be another converts... but the person must gives himself freely .. like Kyven, which is not likely. So something must happen here.

The other kid that will belong to Kyven, when he gets the shock of his life will be from the girl from the whorehouse, another with a shamnic powers whose kid will then be turned to full powers but albeit a human. i was wondering whether the boy/girl will be against Kyven, bitter for leaving hi fatherless or will be reunited with Kyven as a long lost...

Just waiting for the full developments. :)
Well, we wont know if he/she will be a shaman, but i think the probability is high.
We don't know if they will ewer meet each other.
And if they meet, or if the offspring meets some one who knows kyven if they will look enuf alike to be recognized as such.

We wont even know if kyven will still be around, and if so in what form..

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:21 am
by boballab
We have to remember what the Shadowfox said, the prositiute was just below the ability to be a shaman herself. So between her DNA and Kyven's DNA any offspring should surpass the level needed to be a Shaman. Remember Kyven's parents at this time are not known to have been Shaman themselves just had the right genes to produce one, However some of us have a radical theory about at least one of his parents (probably his mother) being a transformed Arcan Shaman. Besides it will be a minimum of about 16 to 17 years before any offspring reach a point to go on their walk. So if anything is going to be written about that child it would probably need to be a second story.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:17 am
by Eliar
I have been following this story and I must say I am very impressed by the setup and general way it shapes up.I do have a comment for this chapter tho, we have seen the Arcans and Kiven discuss what can be done about the crystals drying up but noone have said anything about the Shamans ability to create crystals. Depending on how many Shamans there are and how much power it needs they could put a massive effort in making crystals for a while and then scatter them all over the place as a way to foul Humans in to believing that new deposits are being discovered and thus if not stop at least slow down the big Showdown or the Arcan slaughter

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:28 am
by hoppy
Eliar wrote:I have been following this story and I must say I am very impressed by the setup and general way it shapes up.I do have a comment for this chapter tho, we have seen the Arcans and Kiven discuss what can be done about the crystals drying up but noone have said anything about the Shamans ability to create crystals. Depending on how many Shamans there are and how much power it needs they could put a massive effort in making crystals for a while and then scatter them all over the place as a way to foul Humans in to believing that new deposits are being discovered and thus if not stop at least slow down the big Showdown or the Arcan slaughter
I don't think this would slow the slaughter in fact it would probably increase crystal use, and provoke a larger massacre when it is realized that they don't have as many crystals as they thought they where going to get.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:57 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
Eliar wrote:I have been following this story and I must say I am very impressed by the setup and general way it shapes up.I do have a comment for this chapter tho, we have seen the Arcans and Kiven discuss what can be done about the crystals drying up but noone have said anything about the Shamans ability to create crystals. Depending on how many Shamans there are and how much power it needs they could put a massive effort in making crystals for a while and then scatter them all over the place as a way to foul Humans in to believing that new deposits are being discovered and thus if not stop at least slow down the big Showdown or the Arcan slaughter
I already suggested that scenario, just as a way to gain some time tho.
But i cant see why it would "provoke a larger massacre" then the results of the actions that they are going to have to be taken anyway.
Err real bad sentence from me but you get the drift, i hope.

Combine these two.
The lores, and regular slaver people and the humans that fear non collard Arcans when the crystals start to run out.
The fear as a result of whatever the shaman and kyven are going to do.
I cant see why adding that diversion would get a larger Arcan death figure. :-/

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:44 pm
by boballab
Here's some problems I see with the Shaman trying to replace crystals.

1. Some Shaman are restricted into making only 1 color crystal ie: Coldfoot can only make Red Crystals, some Shaman can't make crystals. So with only around a thousand Shaman they would be very hard pressed making enough crystals to slow down what is happening.

2. The power to make the crystals come from the spirits. As a whole the spirits want to get the humans to stop using crystals. The spirits can block the Shaman from making replacement crystals.

3. Then there is the fact the Shaman would have to try and sneak around and place crystals in the right spots. If even one Shaman got seen messing with crystals by a human not part of the masked it will cause problems. Remember the people as a whole are Christian in their beliefs and Shaman are suppose to work for an evil force. Anything evil means its of the Devil and your average uneducated citizen isn't going to go down that road. This may even cause them to shun all crystals thinking the evil force tainted them. Remember how bad a reaction Kyven had about Shaman back in Ch 1and he already had doubts about Shaman being evil.

4. There is only a few Shaman that interact with the Human world. Most Shaman stay in Arcan territory and have duties there. So if you take those Shaman away Arcan towns and society would suffer.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:09 pm
by expedient
boballab wrote:Here's some problems I see with the Shaman trying to replace crystals.

2. The power to make the crystals come from the spirits. As a whole the spirits want to get the humans to stop using crystals. The spirits can block the Shaman from making replacement crystals.
Not sure this is the case. The spirits don't seem to favor slavery and they do want to stop the Loremasters using the device that caused the Breach but stop using crystals? They are a finite resource so they would still control the mana in time by being able to block their creation, as you say. They also seem to be encouraging the use of spirit energy. If they are benevolent then this may be just to improve human and arcan society. Maybe they feel responsible in some way? If they want to control everyone they may get some other advantage from the [direct] use of the spirit energy.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:11 am
by furry_wolf2001b
boballab wrote:Here's some problems I see with the Shaman trying to replace crystals.
well for my idea... (deceive the humans on the amount of crystals, or whatyamightcallit)
I was more thinking of making a bunch of em, seed a spot, send in a masked "prospector" to "find" some, let the word on the find do its own work in spreading, meanwhile spread more crystals so they wont run out too fast.
Best place may be a river system or something, some where crystals could have washed down to, or something like it, like dried up lake/s.
Hard pat is finding a place witch seem probable but have been largely over looked in previous prospecting.
Having them widely scattered in a changing environment will help to confuse and hide their non natural origin, with a little work.

Re: Spirit Walker Spoilers - Chapter 14

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:49 am
by dellstart
I could see, how this would be a stop gap measure,to ensure a bit more time. Nevertheless, the main issues still remain.War is coming and the slaves haveta be led to the promised land.