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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:04 am
by Shadowhawk
graewolfe wrote:i have more but bah i cant seem to find my bkmarks whered they all go 0_o!?
edit: id post more links but i recently looked at my author alert list and found that i already had 230 authors on it and as thats WAY to many to post here *shrugs
Well, another place to post links could be: account, if you have one (and give us a link to it here), or your user's page at Sennadar Wiki.
graewolfe wrote:added several links back in page 7 to my orig post take a look  :P
Thanks for all the links to stories.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 3:31 pm
by Graewolfe
Well, another place to post links could be: account, if you have one (and give us a link to it here), or your user's page at Sennadar Wiki.
i would however does not currently allow batch adding from author alerts to the fav authors section, only from the fav to author alert, so it would take FOREVER with 230+.
Talk to me in irc about where you want it stuck in wiki and i will.???

Edit: Well now they are all up on my new wiki page ... :Graewolfe so if anyone has any interest in any number of the uthoers listed there feel free to take a look

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:39 pm
by Shadowhawk
graewolfe wrote:Talk to me in IRC about where you want it stuck in wiki and i will.???
I think the best way to put links to good reading on Sennadar Wiki (if you think that Sennadar Forum is not up to par) would be to create your own users page <tt>[[User:Graewolfe]]</tt> (click on your name at the top of the page after you are logged in, then on edit), then putting <tt>[[/links]]</tt> or <tt>[[/links|links]]</tt> somewhere in it (se e.g. my page), and then putting the links themselves in the <tt>[[user:graewolfe/links]]</tt> page (e.g. by following this link).

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:15 am
by borsic
I think nobody has posted "Someone comes to town, someone leaves town" by Cory Doctorow yet [sf].
I love Creative Commons.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:04 pm
by Shadowhawk
I have put some of my links, most of them are here, at my User's page at Sennadar Wiki.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:02 pm
by Blu
if looking for a good story while waiting for Fel to post more try this at SOL  The Solitary Arrow by Mack the Knife
"A tale of Harlen, a huntsman of Morrovale, and his chance encounter with Hyandai, an elven maiden who is upon a quest that is failing."

i have stated reading this and have not been able to stop reading. go for a look and see if you like what you read

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:03 pm
by Hearly
If you like Sub, Check out this story by Flint..

The Course of Empire ... 471547.htm

Very nice story.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:25 am
by loscar
has anyone read "The Keepers of Forever" its a  online science fiction novel. i realy like it alot

heres the link

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:49 am
by yammo
The Fovean Chronicles is a good read.

The author just rewrote the end of the first book, and started on the second.

And thumbs up to the The Keepers of Forever.   ;D

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:22 pm
by Lochar
For all of us waiting, I guess I'll plug my own Harry Potter story.


Clay Pinions, a Harry Potter/Xenogears crossover.

Reviews are welcome, as the story is on-going.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:22 am
by Ryuu_Kaze
That's yours?  Jeez, I just read and put that on my favorites list a few days ago.  Heh.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:28 am
by Siren
Reading is an essential pastime . Another book site :D :D to see is Mod Says: Possibly NSFW

sexy books to educational where can you go wrong. - Wulf archives is The first Wulf story (Heart of the Lion) was posted to the then-small newsgroup using my crude shell account. Since then Wulf has been with me all the time, following me from isp to isp, and from archive to archive. At last, I'm happy to report that Wulf and his friends now have a permanent home, independent of the vagaries and weirdnesses of my own service providers.

I hesitate to count the number of words I've written about Wulf, or the amount of mail that he has generated. Suffice to say, he's certainly become a true epic fantasy character, and even today he continues to struggle (albeit reluctantly) against the forces of evil, repression, sorcery and chaos. We have made many good friends through Wulf's good offices, and the experience in creating and chronicling his adventures has been one of the most rewarding I've ever had. These pages, the most definitive collection and resource on Wulf available, are dedicated to those loyal readers who have followed us all these years and made us a part of their lives.

These pages change constantly, so be sure and check the News link below for updates. And now, without further delay, I present the Links, which will give you full access to the world of Wulf the Freelance. Click on the title graphic to access the appropriate page. Courtesy of the Wulf Archive
Website :o :o 8) 8) 8) 8)

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:45 am
by Shadowhawk
siren wrote:These pages change constantly, so be sure and check the News link below for updates. And now, without further delay, I present the Links, which will give you full access to the world of Wulf the Freelance. Click on the title graphic to access the appropriate page. Courtesy of the Wulf Archive
Website :o :o 8) 8) 8) 8)
And where are those links? I can't see them...

BTW. Wulf Archives were prevously mentioned here by Griever. Thanks very much anyway.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:16 pm
by Lochar
It's a flash animation, but I don't see it either.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:08 pm
by J-Man5
Maybe it's like the Weave.  You have to be born with the ability to see it.   ;)