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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:19 am
by shades98
Spec8472 wrote: <a href=" ... >AUD$50</a> , if it matters. Anyone else willing to bet against me? :) (Except for Fel... 'cause, thats cheating :P)
I'll take that bet Spec...and since I live in Maitland I'll take it in AUD since I can alway use it for 1/4 tank of petrol.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:35 pm
by Spec8472
shades98 wrote:I'll take that bet Spec...and since I live in Maitland I'll take it in AUD since I can alway use it for 1/4 tank of petrol.
Cool, you can drive over and grab it then :) (Assuming you win...)

So.... Fel... Mate... Buddy... :) *wink wink*

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:38 pm
by Fiferguy
Ah, ah.. no cooking the books...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:34 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Hearly wrote:I also think that Trilliane overplayed there hand in Chapter 16, Now I think Aunt Lorna, The Black Ops, and maybe even the Emperess will want to know why House Troops were waved off by Imperial Soldiers and they opened fire on them instead to kill Jason, This to me will Confirm everything he stated when he let the Universe know about Legions existance.
I'm not so sure. The Black Ops were sent there solely and specifically to help Trillane find Jason, and to counter his toys in the meantime. They have no specific authority beyond that, and Trillane would be perfectly in their rights to disregard any requests the Black Ops commander makes once the job is finished.

And if they are *stupid* enough to put themselves in the line of fire, neither the local house nor its soldiers can really be blamed for any subsequent 'blue on blue'* incidents. If you are in the army and someone shoots at you, and your orders are legal, you shoot back no matter who they claim to be.

*I can't believe I'm the first person to use that pun.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:49 pm
by Metatrone
ANTIcarrot wrote: I'm not so sure. The Black Ops were sent there solely and specifically to help Trillane find Jason, and to counter his toys in the meantime. They have no specific authority beyond that, and Trillane would be perfectly in their rights to disregard any requests the Black Ops commander makes once the job is finished.
Actually we don't know that. That the Black Ops team is sent to neutralize his toys and help Trillane is just what Jason thought. We don't have any info as to their level of authority in the matter. Besides Trillane can't disregard completely the official representatives of the Empress because it would automatically mean disregarding the Empress herself.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:29 pm
it is claimed that the black ops were sent to deal with jason, but usually black opps deal with big threats, at the time he was nosy annoyance with mines, only till the station got taken out was he big news. so what if there to deal with trillane and check them out for imperial crimes. what if orders are to support jason if need be

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:09 pm
by Fiferguy
Except for this particular unit that Myleena is responsible for. Her unit is specifically trained as an anti-Guerrilla warfare unit.
In chapter 15 of Subjugation, Fel Wrote wrote: Jason picked up the panel holding the picture. It showed a young Faey woman wearing a Class A uniform, a Lieutenant Commander by her rank. She was actually a pretty young lady, with blond hair, dark blue skin that showed she spent a good deal of time outside, and pattern Faey features. She had large, expressive eyes with rose-colored irises, a dark pink that bordered on red, which was a bit unusual, and she had faint freckles under her eyes, high on her cheeks. Kiaari and Tim had clearly done their homework, for the handpanel Tim handed to him was a full biographical history of this woman. She was a minor noble within House Merrane, the lowest rung of the hierarchy, not even a Zarina. She was a morana, a noble-born in no official position within the house, basicly a noble in name only. She had given up her Zarina title when she entered into the Imperial service. She worked in Black Ops, and was the head of a unit within Black Ops called the Skulkers. They specialized in unconventional warfare.

“A Merrane?”

“Yeah, but she gave up her house duties to go into the Imperial goverment,” Tim told him. “Kiaari dug up all the dirt on her. She’s a Black Ops engineer, active duty Navy, that’s required for Black Ops positions, but she specializes in unconventional technological warfare. The mines and shit we’re using is right up her alley. She even commands a unit within Black Ops that handles making it and countering it. They sent her unit to figure out how we’re doing it, and stop us. From what Kiaari dug up, she’s good. She’s real good."
So I think Black Ops is a lot like the Special Forces in the US's military. And, according to Fel earlier in the book, Black Ops also designs and builds military weapons.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:45 am
by Mizriath
Uhuh. Black Ops is kinda like special forces.

But if the army (supposedly on the same side) starts shooting the special forces. There will be lots of inquiry on whatta happen etc.

In this case, Trillane can just blast the special ops out of existence to silence Jason. The demise of black ops can be blamed on Jason.

But as FEL said, Black Ops will bring Jason back to Draconis.

I bet my 2 brain cells that Trillane will get crippled with trying to find excuses for disobeying direct orders etc.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:22 am
by ANTIcarrot
People might wish to remember the concept Fog Of War. It is not always obvious what is happening OR what should be happening to individual soldiers on the ground. Trillane can hide behind that and claim it was a simple misunderstanding.

I believe it's very unlikely Trillane would get punished over it. Even if the Empress or some kind of legal agency was suspicious enough to mind probe the upper members of the House, they might not be able to for political reasons - or they might not want to as it would obstruct a larger investigation.[/url]

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:12 am
by Hearly
ANTIcarrot wrote:People might wish to remember the concept Fog Of War. It is not always obvious what is happening OR what should be happening to individual soldiers on the ground. Trillane can hide behind that and claim it was a simple misunderstanding.

I believe it's very unlikely Trillane would get punished over it. Even if the Empress or some kind of legal agency was suspicious enough to mind probe the upper members of the House, they might not be able to for political reasons - or they might not want to as it would obstruct a larger investigation.[/url]
Did not Kate mention that they were arguing over Unsecured Radio Broadcast (Trilliane and his Sister) about who would capture him? to me that doesn't fall into the Fog of War, that falls into a Noble House going against Orders given by Imperial Forces...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:25 pm
by Phantom
Hearly wrote:
ANTIcarrot wrote:People might wish to remember the concept Fog Of War. It is not always obvious what is happening OR what should be happening to individual soldiers on the ground. Trillane can hide behind that and claim it was a simple misunderstanding.

I believe it's very unlikely Trillane would get punished over it. Even if the Empress or some kind of legal agency was suspicious enough to mind probe the upper members of the House, they might not be able to for political reasons - or they might not want to as it would obstruct a larger investigation.[/url]
Did not Kate mention that they were arguing over Unsecured Radio Broadcast (Trilliane and his Sister) about who would capture him? to me that doesn't fall into the Fog of War, that falls into a Noble House going against Orders given by Imperial Forces...
HeHehe ...yup she sure did
Jason!” Kiaari’s voice called from the phone in his other hand, thin and reedy. He put the phone to his ear and answered her. “Listen carefully!” she called. “There’s two units en route to you now, but from
what I’m hearing, they are not cooperating.
Trillane is sending a unit to kill you, but there’s an Imperial dropship coming down too.
The Duchess and that Merrane woman are fighting over an open radio frequency over what’s going to happen.
Listen carefully,” she said with intensity. “They will come straight to where that panel is, and that’ll buy you time, but you cannot stay in that town.
They’ll tear it apart looking for you when they find your panel! The closest dropship is the Trillane dropship, and it’s about seven minutes away. You have seven minutes to get out of there before the Trillane dropship reaches the town.
Seven minutes. Now hang up this phone and run!”
We have to get out of here in seven minutes! Jason sent frantically. Meya!
.....and Boy is Myleena Merrane Pissed
Get that dropship down here! she ordered, looking away from him. And for Trelle’s sake, return fire!

I warned them! If they killed him with that stunt, I’m gonna have the Duchess’ head stuffed and mounted on my wall!
She looked back down at him, putting a bare hand on his head. No defense at all? You must be stunned.
Well, babes, Trillane fired on your getaway car from a corvette in low geosynchronous orbit.

It’s a miracle you’re not all dead, they missed the car, but your car got caught up in the shockwave, and we gave the corvette something else to think about before it had a chance to hit you again.
Doesn't sound like someone with No authority to me.
and there isn't any Fog of War here ...she knows what she's doing ....and Why.

And if they are keeping that corvette busy ...You can BET Lorna Shaddale knows about it by now Too.


Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:51 pm
by Fiferguy
My question is, what did they do to keep the corvette busy? One of Jason's little toys perhaps? Or maybe they openned a can of Marbles. :twisted:

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:17 pm
by Hearly
Fiferguy wrote:My question is, what did they do to keep the corvette busy? One of Jason's little toys perhaps? Or maybe they openned a can of Marbles. :twisted:
Probably along the lines of an Imperial destroyer opening fire on it...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:36 pm
by Fiferguy
I think that's too simple. Fel probably had Myleena use something funnier than that... like the itchers that are already copyrighted in the Imperial's database. I think if a cruiser or something like that opened fire on the corvette, it would raise a lot of questions. It could, ultimately, lead to a civil war between the Empress and Trillane. So I think it was something completely within the Black Ops. It provides plausible deniability, and all that...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:40 pm
by Hearly
Fiferguy wrote:I think that's too simple. Fel probably had Myleena use something funnier than that... like the itchers that are already copyrighted in the Imperial's database. I think if a cruiser or something like that opened fire on the corvette, it would raise a lot of questions. It could, ultimately, lead to a civil war between the Empress and Trillane. So I think it was something completely within the Black Ops. It provides plausible deniability, and all that...
Maybe, Fel wanna let us know? :P