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Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:54 pm
by Phantom
ampws wrote:I think everybody is concentrating too much on what happens after he is recognised as house head.

He still has to get to see the empress the technical head of house merraine yet. Admittedley there are several avenues he could use i.e. the public support method.

And don't forget their is still that mysterious Imperial organisation that has been monitoring him and gave him the universal code key.

Fel has been very quiet about that :D

<grin> hey give us some time we usualy get around to hitting on everything sooner or Later. We're just having a ball because we've gotten so many chapters in so little time.

We were used to only seeing a new chapter of Sub every few months.
and to get the much Info on things we've dreamed and SWAGed about for the last 2 + years ......We're kids in a candy store right now.

Just look at the amount of messages Sub has generated in the past 2 months ....and the amount of intrest it's kept for the 2 years before that too.

We're finaly no longer wondering about Kimdori this or Railgun that or Kumi paying Jason back ( how ever it seems Jasons Dance card is filling fast )

Oh well Back to the SWAGing

Wonder if Jyslin is prego yet ;)


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:33 am
by Fiferguy
Phantom wrote:Oh well Back to the SWAGing

Wonder if Jyslin is prego yet ;)

Only you would go there...
And don't forget their is still that mysterious Imperial organisation that has been monitoring him and gave him the universal code key.
We also know that it was Imperial Research and Development that gave Jason the key. Per Kumi a chapter or two after he got it.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:53 am
by Quindo Ma
Astardis wrote:It will be a hard battle for Jason to gain the acceptance of the Siann and the Empress.

First of all, he has to go against House Trillane. Trillane is a highborn house with tight connections to Merrane. I guess that even with the Faey, blood is still thicker than water.
Trillane has connections, favors and influence inside the empire, gained over thousends of years of time.

But on the other hand, Jason has several wild cards. First of all, there is Myreena. She is a Merrane, so the new House of Karinne might be recognized as a highborn one, too.
The Siann charter / imperial law is on his side about the possession of earth.
It's hard to believe, that Trillane is fullfilling the food quota at the moment, since they are abandoning north america and preparing to destroy it. So the empress might not be too pleased with them.
And at last, there is the replicator technology. The ability to produce food and other complex molecules will do much more than just solving the food shortage.
If you can produce the food on board of warships you reduce the amount of logistic significally. Less logistic means more personal for other operations, less danger for supply routes and longer operational time for fleets. If you can produce food, you are able to produce medicine and other organic substances, too. Maybe even small mechanical or technological parts, which will decrease logistics further and allows faster onboard repairs. The possibilities for those replicators are probably endless and will do ALOT for the Faey's military power.
So I can wholeheartedly agree with Jason, that those replicators will be his biggest chance to get a Siann charter for his house but the effect might be much differend than he is believing.

Actually, first will not be kicking Trillane off Earth. His first goal is to evacuate The Legion off Earth, then get an audience with the Siann, and especially the Empress, but both are required.
Jason will pop into earth orbit, drop down over north america, most likely completely jam all sensors and communication in the area, possibly even with his enhanced tools for such, and recall everyone out of Cheyenne Mt. And Fel has already said that the Scimitars armor will be what drives Trillane silly, they'll probably shoot at it like mad, and not do so much as a dent, but that's guesswork. Once he's done, he's gonna head for Draconis.
His second step is to actually convince them that he is who he claims to be. The buildup of his public face by the Kimdori was the first part herefor, he's now recognized by the Imperium as someone. Someone who's crafty, seemingly invisible (until he was captured), very well versed in keeping Trillane at bay, and especially as the Rogue Defender of Earth.
The second part of that will be his showing up in Draconian space with the Scimitar, a Karrine Scout Ship. Add in his gestalt the ownership of the Karrine Ring, his DNA, and how he will be approaching the Siann and you have, if not solid, at the very least enough circumstantial evidence to get them thinking.

And when he's finally convinced them of his status, then Jason will start to bargain with Merrane for Earth. Only once he's recognized as noble, he will throw the Siann Charter into their faces, and demand that he be given his homeworld, but not as Human, but as Grand Duke of House Karrine, and as rightful owner because he has the longer standing rights.

And this is where things will get tricky. And Myleena having been Merrane is actually pretty much irrelevant too, as she no longer is.
Fel explained that Jason will get another house to do the actual farming, with nothing but Imperial Troops doing the overseeing of everything, no House Forces. At. All. This is supposed to be the beginning, and to entice the Empress in agreeing, Jason will dangle the advanced replicator technology in front of her. But don't mistake this tech with anything from Star Trek. They are better than those the Faye currently have, but they're not that good. Yet, at least.
They have two major advantages over the currently in use technology. First, they can go higher up in the periodic table. This is one extremely huge advantage. Fel said that previously, replicators only went up to Palladium, that's #46 on the periodic table. The Karrine version went up to Iridium, that's #77. Edit: I've been corrected on the numbers, and double checked it with what Fel wrote in the story, 46 and 77 are correct. I think Fel might have either mixed up some older notes, or I completely misunderstood what he said in the ch18 spoiler thread, where he talked about the details a bit more. Since my reply was based on what he said there, not in the story, I got it wrong. /edit
The second major advantage of the Karrine replicators is that they can do more than push out single base atoms; they can create small molecular structures. As it just so happens, sugar is something even the old replicators could have made, had they been able to combine to molecules. The improved version can do that.

So when Jason drops the bombshell of the new replicators, and as Fel said, offers the patent rights to Merrane, the Empress will have an absolutely incredible hard time not accepting the deal.
In the end, Jason will have a transit period where someone not Trillane gets Earth for food production, the Faey get higher Replicator Technology that can make food that's edible and nourishing, the Empress will get truly silly amounts of money from the patents, and Earth will be protected, especially once the transit is made. As Fel said, everyone wins; except Trillane ;)
There most likely will still be farms, but the greatest danger of starvation, or dependancy on food imports, will be banished.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:19 am
by Mizriath
Phantom wrote: Maybe book 2 could be about the Search for the lost Tribes of the Karinne.
The search for the LOST KARINNES in Book 2. That will be interesting. But humans pride will also means THE INCREASE OF TERRAN STATURE. The setting up of a technological research centre on Earth. (Introductionof Karinne TEchnology).

After recognition by the Empress, Fight against SKAA, deal with Kimdori to meet the other races outside the imperium, new enemies, old Trillane enemies, the unveiling of the figure behind the grand duchess of trillane (a totally shadowy alien, turns out to be an outcast Kimdori.....


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:09 pm
by Astardis
Quindo Ma wrote:And this is where things will get tricky. And Myleena having been Merrane is actually pretty much irrelevant too, as she no longer is.
I can't agree with you there. The definition of a highborn house is, that they have mixed blood with the ruling house. So for example, a Merrane male noble marries a Trillane noble female. The male will be integrated into house Trillane but the Merrane blood will give House Trillane status as a highborn.

Myleena has Merrane blood and she was a noble (albeit a minor one who gave up her title for an imperial commission). She is even keeping her Merrane name.
In chapter 18 Fel wrote:“Deal!” she said immediately. “Duchess Myleena Merrane Karinne. I like the sound of it.”
Furthermore, the replicator is certainly a big bargaining chip but what I spoke about is, that all the noble houses are a very old tight group with faey who were on top of their species for thousands of years. It will be VERY hard to get them accept Jason as one of their own.

Just think about it. 19th century earth. The son of an african farmer finds out that one of his ancestors was actually a british aristocrat whose house was destroyed. He wages civil war against the imperialistic british troops, then travels to england to claim his birth rights before the king/queen and the house of lords.
Even if you leave out all racistic prejudice against him being black, I can see him having alot of problems gaining his title.


P.S.: For the additional kick, imagine the farmers son was actually a farmers daughter. 8)

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:42 pm
by Mizriath
Astardis wrote:
Quindo Ma wrote:And this is where things will get tricky. And Myleena having been Merrane is actually pretty much irrelevant too, as she no longer is.
I can't agree with you there. The definition of a highborn house is, that they have mixed blood with the ruling house. So for example, a Merrane male noble marries a Trillane noble female. The male will be integrated into house Trillane but the Merrane blood will give House Trillane status as a highborn.

Myleena has Merrane blood and she was a noble (albeit a minor one who gave up her title for an imperial commission). She is even keeping her Merrane name.
In chapter 18 Fel wrote:“Deal!” she said immediately. “Duchess Myleena Merrane Karinne. I like the sound of it.”
Furthermore, the replicator is certainly a big bargaining chip but what I spoke about is, that all the noble houses are a very old tight group with faey who were on top of their species for thousands of years. It will be VERY hard to get them accept Jason as one of their own.

Just think about it. 19th century earth. The son of an african farmer finds out that one of his ancestors was actually a british aristocrat whose house was destroyed. He wages civil war against the imperialistic british troops, then travels to england to claim his birth rights before the king/queen and the house of lords.
Even if you leave out all racistic prejudice against him being black, I can see him having alot of problems gaining his title.


P.S.: For the additional kick, imagine the farmers son was actually a farmers daughter. 8)
Have to agree withyou there that it will be difficult. But that is the story. The struggle of Jason against the Faey noble house. That is what the whole story is all about and his triumph by saving Earth. The plot is how he is going to do it. Fel has mentioned certain obvious but no certainty. Jason plans but plans always change.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:48 pm
by ANTIcarrot
The Empress is going to be a wild card. She's probably the Faey who has the most complete picture of what has happened to Jason over the past two years - and to know a lot of other secrets besides.

The Siann will likely be one also. As much as they might oppose Jason joining, I suspect they might enjoy kicking Trillane in the nuts even more. Such organisations rarely center around mutual love.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:38 am
by Mizriath
ANTIcarrot wrote:The Empress is going to be a wild card. She's probably the Faey who has the most complete picture of what has happened to Jason over the past two years - and to know a lot of other secrets besides.

The Siann will likely be one also. As much as they might oppose Jason joining, I suspect they might enjoy kicking Trillane in the nuts even more. Such organisations rarely center around mutual love.
Thats a good choice of word. The empress is a wild card. Could be a drak horse that is unknown.

Besides, what is the average age of the Faye considering theire med tech.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:01 am
by ampws
I see the siann as more like 15th century Italy lots of competing city states with both covert & overt war. Where for city states substitute Houses in the first few chapters Fel mentioned that 'raids' between competing Houses were not uncommon.

Into this volatile field we suddenly have a new player stepping, Jason. And suddenly alliances change as different houses compete to get what advantage they can. Machiavelli would have felt right at home. I suggest Jason start reading 'the prince'. :wink:

A previous poster pointed out that the Empress Merainne would have to be daft not to take Jasons offer. Maybe so, I have my doubts about the Empress she was too interested in Jason before he became important.

Also we have that 'possible' exiled kimdori to think about.

I think that the empress could very well take jasons offer and aknowledge his rights to a place in the Siann and then leave him cold. There is quite a difference between having a legal right and an accepted right.

Just ask the suffragetes after they got emancipation how easy it was to vote.

What was that about a black man trying to claim a place in the house of lords?

The Trellaines are the current bad boys that Jason has to defeat.

Jason will have to do a lot of sudden real-world politicking and quickly.

I can see a rapid alliance of minor (and possibly major) houses gathering round him. Possibly not because of his status but rather because of his lack of real-world power in the Imperium. He would be the one person that minor houses could trust because even the least would hold more real-world power in the Imperium i.e. the perfect compromise candidate.

I suspect that there are a lot of minor houses with complaints against the trellaines. They would have been kept quiet before due to the power of house trellaine but with Jasons appearance it will be blood in the water.

An individual pirana may not be much to worry about but a school is a different matter.

...the trellaines have been more evil than you know

Yes, I can think of several possibilities that are serious enough to risk their house charter. (By the way wasn't it nice of Fel to describe how a House could lose it's charter).

1) Consorting with the enemy
2) Illegal bio-genetic research using the human slaves as test subjects
3) [s]The trellaines wanted them for slaves or to just kill them. [/s]
Forget about 3)

4) The slaves were all latent telepaths which is why he picked them up so easily from orbit. The Skaa do not have telepaths maybe house trellaine was selling them human telepaths.

Lots of ideas, only Fel knows the answers. :)

I am sorry to a previous post but I do not see the earth becoming a cultural centre of Karrine technology Jason will want to keep a firm hold on that. His idea was to keep it on Karris.


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:01 am
by arargh
ampws wrote:I see the siann as more like 15th century Italy lots of competing city states with both covert & overt war.


Chap 19 was posted about an hour before you posted this. :)

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:40 am
by ampws
Damn I know I just read it.


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:53 pm
by arargh
ampws wrote:Damn I know I just read it.

So did I. Twice. :) Before and after my previous post.