Fun With Faey tech

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Fiferguy wrote:Well, I know that everything has a frequency at which it will break, but I think that the dampeners that the Faey use for their space vehicles would negate that. Besides, sound can't travel in a vacuum, like in space, so it wouldn't work in orbit. But that brings the question, how shut down are the Sticks when they're being loaded/unloaded? Do they just pull up, strap on, and take off or is there a longer turn around time?
Are we sure that Jason's devices work on a sound frequency? I just know that it uses a wavelength frequency. Light is a wavelength based frequency of energy, and it travels in space... I believe sound works in a compression fashion causing vibrations in an atmosphere, but there are other wave based energy frequencies that could work, couldn't there be? Again, need more info I think... :?:
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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

Well, in chapter 2, Fel writes
She held out his two little sub-sonic induction devices, which had used extreme high-frequency sound to irritate the skin of the two Faey from yesterday. Their armor conducted the subsonic waves, acting like amplifiers, and they were set to get stronger and stronger the closer they came to his remote.
So at least those are sound devices. And I believe that the Plascrete (?) molders also use an adaptation of this tech. But yes, there are other forms of wavelength weaponry, but I think the current discussion was on sound waves. I could be wrong though, it's happened before. :twisted:
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Sbudda »

Phantom wrote:Adapt Jason's Existing Weapons Railgun and sensor tech to allow building a Fixed installation Weapon Capable of firing large size projectiles at great speed.
This would be a good way for Jason to launch cloaked items without exposing the craft to gravitational detection. I'm not 100%, but it seems that the gravitational detectors operate by detecting the gravaton drives that the ships use, not neccessarily by detecting the minute curvature modifications that the mass of the ship itself would exert on space.

It would be an interesting way to sling his ship (or kinetic weapons) through the Gate. Not to mention a terribly effective probe launching system...

An interesting idea (that may have already been mentioned, I don't know) would be a wide area annealer. Being able to anneal troops to the seat of their landing ships, or unannealing ships in general, could be effective.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by SYED »

he could use his techno to create sound weapons to destroy only organic or non-organic material, he could destroy whole buildings with it, he could ambush soldiers destroying all their gears, while it can only be used in the atmosphere he could do a lot of damage. he could flood the airwaves with audio that affects people but not on a level which they could hear.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by codewarrior »

Well if now days we can create something like this sonic grenade for messing with people in offices, I am sure Jason can rig something with sub sonic speakers and create the all powerfully "Brown Note", the only problem is he has to some how shield himself and his crew from the attack but even if that is not really possible, it could be used as a long range attack. I know the military has been looking into directional sound and using it to try and stop riots/uprising.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

codewarrior wrote:Well if now days we can create something like this sonic grenade for messing with people in offices, I am sure Jason can rig something with sub sonic speakers and create the all powerfully "Brown Note", the only problem is he has to some how shield himself and his crew from the attack but even if that is not really possible, it could be used as a long range attack. I know the military has been looking into directional sound and using it to try and stop riots/uprising.
Who knows, the faey have a slightly different physiology then we humans, and they are subject to eating different chemicals/elements/minerals. (example, the fish protein in faey hair) Perhaps the brown note would work on faey, or something similar to the brown note to stimulate a different part of the faey anatomy. If they could locate the brain that does telepathy, perhaps they could figure the frequency to vibrate that areay or membrane or whatever.

~Michael 8)
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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Spec8472 »

codewarrior wrote:Well if now days we can create something like this sonic grenade for messing with people in offices
See, I prefer the more... subtle approach :)
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Wingsolution »

I saw the 'mind molester' in a magazene AGES ago...

and I wanted one...
now I could build one, but I'm too lazy...
I think that the molester beats out the grenade any day...

but we're all getting off topic...

I came up with a really weird weapon today, and I'd like to make that with faey tech, because I couldn't make it as specified with today's tech...

it's a bladed weapon, similar to a kunai, but has a gently cruved blade closer to a samurai sword, not at a 90 degree it's connected to a shield by a woven thread of carbon nanotube. The shield is strapped on to one arm, and has a handle for that hand, the handle has controls for the length of the nanotube 'rope' which is spooled up inside the shield. the spool is motorized, of course...

some minor details of this weapon:
1. I have not decided on a final shape for the blade.
2. a glove for the hand wealding the sword would be nessisary, as the rope would have considerable friction when being cast, or reeled in.
3. guiding sections would be designed into clothing so the rope wouldn't burn and cause damage to the wielder...

yes I am crazy, but I prefer the term psycho...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Been a while since anybody posted in this thread, and I'm bored studying tax law. So anyway, do we know if the "gate" technology is available on the civnet or if it is classified under military protection? IF Jason could get his hands on some of the gate tech then he could have a lot of fun with the faey. Warping space over a large area could have some very nasty/devistating side effects. I mean think about it, the gate is huge and is built to control the warp effect and to aim it, but Jason wouldn't need all of the tools to control it, just to create it. Kind of like the magnets that launched the hovercar in to the air, jason could snatch sticks out of the air with some sort of a rayed frequency and send it tumbling through "space" in some random direction. Even if the faey sent fighters after it, all it would have to do is send the "beam" right back at the fighter and send it off somewhere also. It also seems that the space warping technology is relatively cheap, as the faey use it for all of their plasma conduits and about every other piece of faey tech relies on it some how. There has to be some way that Jason can use that tech and find a use that the faey never thought of. Anyway, food for thought. How many other uses for gate tech can you people think of? Skipper missles? phased weapons that come back into realspace right before impact? Would be hard to target/track the something when you can launch it from anywhere.

~Michael 8)
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New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Ok, keeping the thread alive.

Today I was thinking about AI, artificial intelegence, and I was thinking about battlestar gallatica. If jason is worried about his human soldiers being attacked by Telepathy, why doesn't he just create robotic commandos? Let me set up the technology.

1. Jason used the AI for a flight simulator game to build a gun pod to dodge faey fighters, and he can build it to dodge the cruiser fire also.
2. Jason has already stated that the faey have good computer technology, but that the AI is not to the standard of real thought, but it is pretty damn good.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: So, If he can use the AI from a flight simulator and twirk it so that it is good against real faey pilots, then why can't he use the AI from a first person shooter? I mean heck, we humans have been able to create some pretty frightening bot's for our first person shooters.
:twisted: Imagine a bot with infrared, full night vision, radar and super parabolic sonar type hearing... all possible with faey technology.
:twisted: Now, add in the crystalized armor that Jason loves to mess with (hell marbles), duel mounted railguns, and the magnetic shield he is going to produce to stop plasma rounds (starting to look like a droiddicar from starwars), and add on hands (ie read as claws) for holding items or for digging into walls or climbing along ceilings, ripping through faey...
:twisted: Add in the military cloaker that the hoverbikes use.
:twisted: Then add in the most bad ass AI bot program from quake, doom 3, unreal tornament, etc, and what do you have? Basically something that the faey just can't stop... the only problem is getting it so that Jason could control it or recognize friendlies... Jason could send these into the most heavily guarded faey facilities, and there would be nothing the faey could do about it except to vaporize the entire area, talk about collateral damage. :twisted:
Heck, he could even add his stealth system, and if somebody touched it, well, they aren't going to be a problem any more... the discharge would kill them.

Just a very twisted thought. :twisted:
~Michael 8)
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Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Spec8472 »

michaelsuave wrote:Heck, he could even add his stealth system, and if somebody touched it, well, they aren't going to be a problem any more... the discharge would kill them
Waterbombs would kill the cloak/shield (short to earth), and follow it up with a plasma blast very quickly . :P

But Jason could easily make "havoc causing" devices, either on their own, or as a prelude to an attack (to harass the guards)

My idea:
- box of marbles, which have a limited life span (say, 5 minutes) before they self-destruct. Place them around a grenade or similar to boost initial speed. They'd be "smart" shrapnel, basicly.

- Strap box of marbles to the back of a "hover toy" (Faey child's equvilent of an RC Car)

- Embed smarter AI to target the largest group of Faey Soldiers within 50 meters.

- Add inverse phase emitter / sensor package (for navigation and stealth)

Build a whole bunch of 'em (work required: churning out the marbles, and then some basic assembly + software work - so, pretty simple) - and then plant them near bases.

Use them to distract any support that a base might call in from the real target.

eg: Set off a bunch of these devices, they call for support, you attack a different target. Some times you don't attack at all, but still set off the devices (so, they're never sure if it's leading to a prelude).

The faey could deploy defences (magnetic field generators - or just keeping indoors) - but then you just adapt to something else (like, remote deployed itchers) :)

And, Jason could quite easily deploy anti-itcher devices too - same procedure as the inverse phase emitter, strap it to their own armor, and then deploy a large number of itchers over random bases you may or may not attack :)
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Ayu-ro »

I reckon a cool weapon that could be used against a multitude of faey soldiers in armour would be an extension of Jason’s plasma magnet in stead of having just one magnet how about a plasma magnet grenade or bomb were the user tosses the grenade and magnets will attack to any close by metal surface fuse to it then send them flying but they may still have use of their arm so how about a central point were all the magnets will go to thus incapacitating them or perhaps a machine that has magnets all over its exterior shell that will fly over the enemy and pick them up and fly them several miles away deposit them and return and continue that operation.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Wingsolution »

If it covered a faey's face on earth it would likely kill her, as they're using second rate armor, with no real internals...
it's like comparing a tank to a mideval suit of armor, even if made of the same stuff, a tank has the systems to keep it's crew alive far longer... but it's more expensive...
jason wouldn't use the droids, for several reasons:
1. he doesn't want anyone to be able to build railguns
2. too much work, he'd have to do most of it himself
3. too much resorcess, he can make many more mines which are more cost effective
4. because I said so( just to temp fate/fel)
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Ayu-ro »

Yes that may be so but it would be a good item to creat and place at the entries of their home base for it would make sure that nobody could get in that wasnt authorised and also i is a non lethal means of taking care of unwanted nuisances. but it could be well worth the time in creating because they would help even out a battle with hundreds of feay in armour and cold also be a useful tool to use on raids he just has to fix the magnets so they just attach to feay armour of the enemy or just go back to the magnet grenade. they would be well worth the time in creating them and it would be a non lethel weapon.

Another thing that jason could do, when he finds a stash of hard currency that trillane may for some reason be using wopuld be to create one of his subsonic inducers that has been calibrated and fixed to 'melt' the currency. this would only cause slight damage to trillane but they would need to hire assassins and what-not and some of them would only take hard currency for pay so jason and the rbels would just have to create hundreds or thousands of these things and spread them through out the capitols on earth and so it could interfere to a certain extent with trillanes hiring of merceneries.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by ANTIcarrot »

A much simpler and (grass roots) tactic might be to design some high tech bullets for humanity's low tech guns, and dump the plans on CivNet where all the gun nuts can find them. A discarding sabot neutronium needle might be able to punch through Faey armor if propelled by a powerful enough rifle or shotgun.

Even if the Humans never get an opportunity to use them, the prospect of everyone having 'cop killer' bullets would be another turn to the thumb-screw on Trellane's finances. Especially if their soldiers start clamoring for more effective armor.


Take a regular human claymore mine, carefully remove the front cover, and the 'marbles' inside, and fill with very small PPGs. Then replace cover and send it to where it can find a lot of faey soldiers. SATNUC I believe is the term. "Pink mist would not even begin to describe the effect."

Remember people *Jason* played for laughs. After he got his arm blown off in Scotland, his wife is playing hard ball.