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Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:25 am
by Hearly
I can see Jyslin's Aunt joining the house too..

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:06 am
by Mizriath
Well he has other Generations to call on. Then there are other lost Karinne on other planets. To fill up the house nobles and occupants.

But the people he can trusts will still be Jyslin's mate, Myleena, the Legion, and the old warhorse (the one whose feet he would kiss).

But Karis, I feel he will still call on the Kimdori to take care of it and keep it a secret.

Faey being Faey would be inquisitive and will start to investiate Karis and the Kimdori will be important.

I guess fighting with the Skaa will not be in this book. Book2!!. Yeah


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:35 am
by Phantom
Mizriath wrote:Well he has other Generations to call on. Then there are other lost Karinne on other planets. To fill up the house nobles and occupants.

But the people he can trusts will still be Jyslin's mate, Myleena, the Legion, and the old warhorse (the one whose feet he would kiss).

But Karis, I feel he will still call on the Kimdori to take care of it and keep it a secret.

Faey being Faey would be inquisitive and will start to investiate Karis and the Kimdori will be important.

I guess fighting with the Skaa will not be in this book. Book2!!. Yeah


I agree with a lot of what you say ...Not so sure Jason was ever realy going to help the Faey against the Skaa. and form what Fel stated in this chapter i still don't ever see it happeing.
remember Jason saying in chapter 4
No, he sent back, his emotions creeping into his telepathic voice. I will not provide the Imperium with tools to fight wars or subjugate other races. Ever.
If you end up in research, you will, she warned.
and in chapter 7
There was that familiar BEE-yah! sound followed up by the sharp crack like a whip, and the instant corkscrew smoketrail that linked the muzzle of the weapon to the sudden explosion of mud, dirt, and buried root on the steep hill of the opposite bank, as the slug impacted the embankment and was stopped, which caused the backblow effect that made the weapon’s round blow huge holes in things it couldn’t go through. Bits of dirt and wood arced high into the air, dropping into the lake like rain, and one particularly large piece of root landed not five feet from Myra’s foot.
“Trelle’s garland!” the bodyguard gasped.
“Demir’s sword!” the other bodyguard exclaimed.
“Holy shit!” Kumi said, somewhat less diplomatically, but just as emotionally, as her bodyguards.
“And that is why I’m here,” Jason snapped angrily, ripping the weapon out of Myra’s hands. Now it was time to talk fast, and he clamped down tightly on his own thoughts, projecting only the thoughts that would back up what he was saying, so it would seem to them that his thoughts reinforced his words. They would see his thoughts suddenly become audible to them for a moment, as if he’d lost his control of his mind in a moment of anger, and what they saw there would back up his statements. “I will not give this to the Faey. I will not give them weapons to use to oppress my people, or any other people.”
“What is this thing?” Myra asked, pointing at it. “Some kind of mass driver? It fired a solid mass, didn’t it? How did you propel it? Is it explosive? Have you tried it against armor?”
In chapter 18 we still see the same only now Jason is also wanting to continue Koiri Karinne's legacy as well
. Koiri Karinne had demanded that the advances of the house of Karinne be denied to the Imperium, and to be honest, he still felt honor bound to deny the Imperium any kind of technology or help that would let them do to some other species what was done to his. He would not give them tools to use to conquer other planets. He would not allow it to happen to someone else. He had fled from the Imperium so he would not be a cog in their machine. Now he found himself inexorably linked to that which he despised, a part of their system, but he still could not see it within himself to sell out his morals, even if it meant getting what he wanted, even if it meant beating Trillane. There was such a thing in his mind as too high a price to pay for victory. If he sold out and gave the Imperium Karinne technology, then the blood of anyone killed by it or subjugated under the Imperial flag using it would be on his hands and staining the flag of Karinne. Under no circumstances, in no manner or fashion of any kind, would the Imperium get one dirty finger on anything on Karis. Not even a metal screw. Not even a fucking grain of sand. Nothing.
Fury and outrage fueled Koiri Karinne’s dying declaration to deny the Imperium everything the Karinnes had had to offer. Cold anger and unwavering resolve caused Jason to take the same position. Karis and her secrets were for the Karinnes and the Kimdori, and only for the Karinnes and the Kimdori.
So even as much as i would love to see a book 2 ...if it happens i don't see it being about the war or the Skaa. well at least not Jason helping the Faey with it anyways.

As for the Kimdori protecting the planet well we know they have been I can't see that changing much Jason did ask for Help!
“Long ago, at the end, Koiri Karinne forbade us from revealing our knowledge of the Karinnes,” she explained. “We were bound by that declaration, even to the point of not allowing us to tell you. She did not want the Imperium coming here and salvaging anything. She wanted the loss of the Karinnes to be absolute, to her own people. She wanted their betrayal to give them nothing in return. We even have orders to attack and destroy any who violate this place, except for those who have the right to be here,” she told him intensely.

Now the Big question we know Jason is desended from Karinne who Landed on earth and sent their scout ship into the sun.

We also know now that their was another Scout ship that droped off some Karinne on another planet. Thats only 2 scout ships. from my reading and Fels posts I kinda got the feeling the Karinne built a lot more then just 2 scout ships.....So is it possiable they Like the others were sent off or canabilized and their crews setteled on other worlds ?

Just how big could the Karinne empire be after all these years and no one knew or even supected <Grin>

Maybe book 2 could be about the Search for the lost Tribes of the Karinne.


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:13 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Hearly wrote:I can see Jyslin's Aunt joining the house too..
Eventually. Until then I can also see her running the Imperial forces on Earth. Maybe after Earth is up on it's feet Jason can 'reward' her. Though she might still has the whole 'let the slave ship escape' thing hanging over her from Jason's point of view.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:33 pm
by Fiferguy
I don't think that Lorna will leave the Marines to join Jason's house. She's worked her whole life in the Imperial military to reach her high level of rank, so I believe that she'll keep her career. Now when she retires, she might very well join up, but I don't see that happening till then.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:44 pm
by Sangoma
How do you think Jason will go around making a house army, will he equip them with any advanced armour and guns that Karis has?

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:52 pm
by Fiferguy
For the time being, I don't believe that Jason will have a house army. He simply doesn't have enough members of his house. I think the Legion and the Marines he has with him will be his army until his house achieves the numbers necessary for having a house army.

Sure, he could use human soldiers, but he has only a few telepaths, and that's the great equalizer of the Faey.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:46 am
by Astardis
I can't see him with a house military equiped with Karinne weapons for quite a while.

Most of the advanced technology is only available in the CBIM as data. Let's take for example the compressed neutronium armor Fel explained to us.
Karis has been destroyed and with it, nearly every production plant for Karinne technology. (there might be some in the moon base)

So, just to be able to make compressed armor, he has to build the singularity press which I am sure needs several other advanced Karinne tools to construct. So basically he first needs tools to build the tools to build the acutal endproduct.

Furthermore, I see several problems with equipping all his troops with Karinne technology. I am sure all houses have to send troops to the war. I guess it would be hard to explain, why Karinne is so much more successful, has less casulties during a campain due to much better equipment and that doesn't take into account what the other houses might see of Karinne equipment.

If Jason builds himself house fleet, he will need regular troops who are mostly equiped like other house fleets and maybe a secret elite corps with better equipment.
But as I see Jason, that will be very hard on his conscience since he is sending troops to war with sub-standart equipment.

So basically he is in a big dilemma. He needs a standing fleet to defend his house unlike his ancestors. That probably will get him drafted into wars of the empire even subjugation wars, where he can't let his troops be optimal equipped.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:26 am
by Phantom
Astardis wrote:I can't see him with a house military equiped with Karinne weapons for quite a while.

Most of the advanced technology is only available in the CBIM as data. Let's take for example the compressed neutronium armor Fel explained to us.
Karis has been destroyed and with it, nearly every production plant for Karinne technology. (there might be some in the moon base)

So, just to be able to make compressed armor, he has to build the singularity press which I am sure needs several other advanced Karinne tools to construct. So basically he first needs tools to build the tools to build the acutal endproduct.

Furthermore, I see several problems with equipping all his troops with Karinne technology. I am sure all houses have to send troops to the war. I guess it would be hard to explain, why Karinne is so much more successful, has less casulties during a campain due to much better equipment and that doesn't take into account what the other houses might see of Karinne equipment.

If Jason builds himself house fleet, he will need regular troops who are mostly equiped like other house fleets and maybe a secret elite corps with better equipment.
But as I see Jason, that will be very hard on his conscience since he is sending troops to war with sub-standart equipment.

So basically he is in a big dilemma. He needs a standing fleet to defend his house unlike his ancestors. That probably will get him drafted into wars of the empire even subjugation wars, where he can't let his troops be optimal equipped.
You bring up some interesting points

First Jason has His Weapons why use Karinne weapons yet anyways?

Second. yes all production plants seem to have been destroyed but Jason has asked for Help and there is an Army of Kimdori Pouring over Karis right now replacing and repairing everything.

Third.... ( compressed armor ) there may have been some in storage in the complex already no need to make any yet

Forth.... As for sending troops I don't see Jason having a problem with humans going to fight if they wish. Hell there have always been Humans who love to fight....Jason just Won't be using his Tech to equip them.

and last the House Fleet and Troops Well he does have some time to work these out. and he's not exactly defenseless remember all those toys he's been building ......who to say the Next generation of them don't have Lethal quality's built in. the whole point up to now was to keep the Empress out of the fight by Embarrassing Trillane and costing them Tons of money in the process.

Jyslin has already proven just how Effective Jason's Idea's, Little Tech-Toys, and band of merry men can Truly be. think about that for a sec ....a Rag tag Handful are Bringing House Trillane to it's knees Have Brought them to their knees to the point all they can do is attempt a Scorched Earth type solution to try and remove them.

Plus Remember AS Grand Duke, Jason can Request Much more help from the Kimdori and will most likely receive it too. Jason is a Karinne and therefore Family!


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:26 am
by michaelsuave
Astardis wrote:I can't see him with a house military equiped with Karinne weapons for quite a while.

Most of the advanced technology is only available in the CBIM as data. Let's take for example the compressed neutronium armor Fel explained to us.
Karis has been destroyed and with it, nearly every production plant for Karinne technology. (there might be some in the moon base)

So, just to be able to make compressed armor, he has to build the singularity press which I am sure needs several other advanced Karinne tools to construct. So basically he first needs tools to build the tools to build the acutal endproduct.

Furthermore, I see several problems with equipping all his troops with Karinne technology. I am sure all houses have to send troops to the war. I guess it would be hard to explain, why Karinne is so much more successful, has less casulties during a campain due to much better equipment and that doesn't take into account what the other houses might see of Karinne equipment.

If Jason builds himself house fleet, he will need regular troops who are mostly equiped like other house fleets and maybe a secret elite corps with better equipment.
But as I see Jason, that will be very hard on his conscience since he is sending troops to war with sub-standart equipment.

So basically he is in a big dilemma. He needs a standing fleet to defend his house unlike his ancestors. That probably will get him drafted into wars of the empire even subjugation wars, where he can't let his troops be optimal equipped.
Well a couple of problems with this. First of all, in chapter 18 we learned that Jason is going to get the imperial marrines to protect earth, and earth will be a karinne planet. Karis is still going to be protected, and I don't think Jason is going to make the same mistake he did in the past by leaving his places undefended... but at the same time he is probably going to stay neutral. Just as the Karinnes did, I doubt he would have to field an army for the imperium, furthermore it is against jason's morals to supply weapons or troops to subjugate planets or species outside the imperium, he just wont do it. I expect to see robotic guardians coupled with hired kimdori help as Jason's primary ground forces, added to the marines who he added to his house and the soldiers from legion. Other than that it will be the 230 something karinne and possibly the ones who settled on outside planets after fleeing the demise of karis. These are all the things fel has hinted at so far, where his evil twisted mind will lead us though... only fel knows...

~Michael 8)

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:34 am
by Hearly
michaelsuave wrote: Well a couple of problems with this. First of all, in chapter 18 we learned that Jason is going to get the imperial marrines to protect earth, and earth will be a karinne planet. Karis is still going to be protected, and I don't think Jason is going to make the same mistake he did in the past by leaving his places undefended... but at the same time he is probably going to stay neutral. Just as the Karinnes did, I doubt he would have to field an army for the imperium, furthermore it is against jason's morals to supply weapons or troops to subjugate planets or species outside the imperium, he just wont do it. I expect to see robotic guardians coupled with hired kimdori help as Jason's primary ground forces, added to the marines who he added to his house and the soldiers from legion. Other than that it will be the 230 something karinne and possibly the ones who settled on outside planets after fleeing the demise of karis. These are all the things fel has hinted at so far, where his evil twisted mind will lead us though... only fel knows...

~Michael 8)
I honestly do not see those 230 other Genreations being Trusted by Jason at all, At least right away, If they rejoin the house, I can see them never finding out about Karis.

Also his RailGun right now is tearing stuff up on Earth, He doesn't really Need Karinne Tech.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:34 pm
by Phantom
Hearly wrote:
michaelsuave wrote: Well a couple of problems with this. First of all, in chapter 18 we learned that Jason is going to get the imperial marrines to protect earth, and earth will be a karinne planet. Karis is still going to be protected, and I don't think Jason is going to make the same mistake he did in the past by leaving his places undefended... but at the same time he is probably going to stay neutral. Just as the Karinnes did, I doubt he would have to field an army for the imperium, furthermore it is against jason's morals to supply weapons or troops to subjugate planets or species outside the imperium, he just wont do it. I expect to see robotic guardians coupled with hired kimdori help as Jason's primary ground forces, added to the marines who he added to his house and the soldiers from legion. Other than that it will be the 230 something karinne and possibly the ones who settled on outside planets after fleeing the demise of karis. These are all the things fel has hinted at so far, where his evil twisted mind will lead us though... only fel knows...

~Michael 8)
I honestly do not see those 230 other Genreations being Trusted by Jason at all, At least right away, If they rejoin the house, I can see them never finding out about Karis.

Also his RailGun right now is tearing stuff up on Earth, He doesn't really Need Karinne Tech.
My point exactly.....Jyslin is driving them mad using a weapon that they haven't seen before and have little or no defense against.

As for Trust ....well Jason has the Best of both worlds A Few EXTREMLY strong telepaths to scan for loyality .....and The Kimdori as backups. :shock:

Some how I don't see any who join Jason as being untrust worthy....once they make it through the interview process of course. :shock: :lol: :roll:


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:42 pm
by ampws
I think everybody is concentrating too much on what happens after he is recognised as house head.

He still has to get to see the empress the technical head of house merraine yet. Admittedley there are several avenues he could use i.e. the public support method.

And don't forget their is still that mysterious Imperial organisation that has been monitoring him and gave him the universal code key.

Fel has been very quiet about that :D


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:11 pm
by Hearly
ampws wrote:I think everybody is concentrating too much on what happens after he is recognised as house head.

He still has to get to see the empress the technical head of house merraine yet. Admittedley there are several avenues he could use i.e. the public support method.

And don't forget their is still that mysterious Imperial organisation that has been monitoring him and gave him the universal code key.

Fel has been very quiet about that :D

The Key came from R&D, I think Showing up in Draconis "air" space, in an Old Karinne Scoutship, will perk enough interest, that he'd be able to show up easily at the palace and see the Emperess, Remeber she's a Faey Female, and they Love Mysteries....

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:23 pm
by Astardis
It will be a hard battle for Jason to gain the acceptance of the Siann and the Empress.

First of all, he has to go against House Trillane. Trillane is a highborn house with tight connections to Merrane. I guess that even with the Faey, blood is still thicker than water.
Trillane has connections, favors and influence inside the empire, gained over thousends of years of time.

But on the other hand, Jason has several wild cards. First of all, there is Myreena. She is a Merrane, so the new House of Karinne might be recognized as a highborn one, too.
The Siann charter / imperial law is on his side about the possession of earth.
It's hard to believe, that Trillane is fullfilling the food quota at the moment, since they are abandoning north america and preparing to destroy it. So the empress might not be too pleased with them.
And at last, there is the replicator technology. The ability to produce food and other complex molecules will do much more than just solving the food shortage.
If you can produce the food on board of warships you reduce the amount of logistic significally. Less logistic means more personal for other operations, less danger for supply routes and longer operational time for fleets. If you can produce food, you are able to produce medicine and other organic substances, too. Maybe even small mechanical or technological parts, which will decrease logistics further and allows faster onboard repairs. The possibilities for those replicators are probably endless and will do ALOT for the Faey's military power.
So I can wholeheartedly agree with Jason, that those replicators will be his biggest chance to get a Siann charter for his house but the effect might be much differend than he is believing.
