Fun With Faey tech

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

I was thinking of combining some of Jason's technologies to make a weapon. The Faey seem to have the ability to make shields/fields/rays that have a physical effect. I was watching the second movie in the pitch black series, chronicals of riddick, and saw the weapon that the necromongers used as kind of a suicide weapon. Its a ball of energy that floats up into the air and kills all of the enemies around it. So I was thinking of using Jason's magnetic lift system, the one that he hooked to the hovercar and had it float at 50 feet above the ground, along with some sort of cutter technology to make a sort of high tech bouncing betty/mine/rear-guard device. They could drop it and when an enemy came near it would float up to the desired height and launch a circular molecularwidth blade/cutter/field around it for a set radius, cutting everything around it in half. Either that or some sort of weapon that floated in the air similar to the pigeon, but was passively floating there until the faey took off. You could seed them over faey bases and basically cut them off, or you could drop them behind you as you fled so that the enemy couldn't follow you. After a while, they would be too afraid to give chase... Anyway, its an idea.
~Michael 8)
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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

I also had an idea from a movie...this one from the Matrix...

Have the Faey or anyone else developed AI? If so, maybe Jason could put a similar AI into a cloaked mine and set it to only attack certain ships. The idea of a "dumb" mine is good, but I think it would limit Jason and his mobility. If he had "smart" ones, he could fly through the field without any problems, and the Faey pursuing him if there were any, would get attacked from the mine field.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Quindo Ma »

Fiferguy wrote:The idea of a "dumb" mine is good, but I think it would limit Jason and his mobility. If he had "smart" ones, he could fly through the field without any problems, and the Faey pursuing him if there were any, would get attacked from the mine field.
Such things don't even need much in the form of AI. A simple IFF signal would suffice :)
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

True, but those are duplicable. And, particularly if he's trying to avoid detection, anything that gives off a signal would alert the Faey to exactly where he is. The smart thing to do is to disable all outgoing signals, and have "someone" there that would know the plan, and know that it was Jason coming.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Spec8472 »

Fiferguy wrote:True, but those are duplicable. And, particularly if he's trying to avoid detection, anything that gives off a signal would alert the Faey to exactly where he is.
With all the additional computing power available in those panels... you could have non-duplicatable IFF signals.
We've already got a similar system set up for HTTPS (though, the communication/challenge etc is over the internet). The same set of technologies - coupled with that short-range threaded communication (I forget the name for it) and you've got yourself smart non-crackable IFF.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Wingsolution »

if you're useing short range, and you keep the enemies out of range of the signal, you don't even have to have that complicated a signal, all he really needs to do is have the mines home in on ANY IFF signal, because he's unlikely to be using one, and if he is, THEN you place an overide signal on another frequency, to clear the IFF you are using from the mines. or you could make them target only military(nobile) IFF signals...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

I thought up something that Jason could sell through Vultech. He already sold a unit that liquifies the faey plasticrete, so why not a device that is equivelent to a plasticrete cement truck? You load in chuncks of broken down plasticrete and it liquifies in the holding bay. Then you use some sort of nozzel to spray/pour the plasticrete into any shape you want, and it instantly forms hard as soon as it reaches the range of the field. Could be used for construction, military units could use it for building defenses quickly, and artists could use it to make incredibly intricate and wild sculptures. Just a thought.
~Michael 8)
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Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Ok, another construction device/breaking and entering tool. Like items seem to be made from like materials. The faey lack a certain sense of imagination, in that once they find something that works, they keep with it at the expense of innovation and improvement. Therefore if Jason was to modify his wave device with either settings that had settings for different materials, or for a device that varies its frequency to melt through all obstacles, then he would be able to work-on/break-into any faey vehicle or facility merely by turning on his device and pushing through its wall/floor/ceiling. If you don't want to have to go through security, go around it... :)
~Michael 8)
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by J-Man5 »

Why not use Faey Tech to look and act like Faey or other races like the Ska. If Jason makes it look like another house is attacking Trilliane then the misdirection could allow him to access other areas. Especially if he attacks Trilliane outside of the area of the Earth.

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Wingsolution »

but he can't look like another house or race, otherwise trillane would go to the emperess and it would just look like that house is trying to discredit trillane...
but he could look like a trillane and attack other houses... hmm...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

I'm hoping that Jason has some more kimdori characteristics other than being able to just sense when a kimdori is around or feel the joining of the minds... And Jason doesn't want to look like another house, but it could be good for sneaking into places if he could at least look like a faey. I'm sure the doctor's with Jason would have the ability to modify his skin tone and he already has the telepathic ability, the biggest tell-tale of being a faey around... after all, everybody knows humans don't have talent. :twisted: Then again, I'm hoping that jason's anomoulous dna allows for some new/unknown powers. In Fel's other books, tarrin keeps surprising us by getting more and more powerful. I'm hoping the same happens to Jason. :twisted:

Fel, does Jason have a biology background of any kind, or are his scientific skills strictly mechanicial electrical invention related? I mean, I know he has a great mind for science, but does he have/gain a background in medical sciences such that he could learn how to do genetic/biological/medical inventing? Might be important if Jason is going to invent any sort of telepathic machine interphase or anti telepathy machine. What are your thoughts Fel?
~Michael 8)
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Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Javna »

The faey suck at upgarding there inventions. Insted of trying to make it simpler for the user they add more buttons insted for less, making it more complex then it nead to be.
For an exampel with the attack-crafts were they used an older model of a cockpitt and just added more swiches and stuff to make it work. Where you should use less. A idee for J is to buy a old (but up to date) craft redesign the craft and sell the idee to the company. It don't have to be attack ship just something that the faey would like to buy. Lika a "Pimp my starship" :lol: if you look at the layout of the ships they often look like a military design, military of for civilians, cold with no color or form. And he only nead to surf the civnet to get Ides on other stuff that could be upgraded to v2.0.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Javna wrote:The faey suck at upgarding there inventions. Insted of trying to make it simpler for the user they add more buttons insted for less, making it more complex then it nead to be.
For an exampel with the attack-crafts were they used an older model of a cockpitt and just added more swiches and stuff to make it work. Where you should use less. A idee for J is to buy a old (but up to date) craft redesign the craft and sell the idee to the company. It don't have to be attack ship just something that the faey would like to buy. Lika a "Pimp my starship" :lol: if you look at the layout of the ships they often look like a military design, military of for civilians, cold with no color or form. And he only nead to surf the civnet to get Ides on other stuff that could be upgraded to v2.0.
I like your idea. Jason could make some big money by upgrading the ergonomics and effectiveness of the faey craft. Upgrading the efficiency would probably be a necessary step in ultimately building a telepathy guided craft. I mean, if Jason builds a telepathy to machine interphase, ultimately one use is going to be faster reaction time with vehicles (such as found in Fel's "dragon star" world). In order to speed up reaction time, he is going to have to upgrade the funcitonality of the switches and buttons and decrease the amount of actions needed to be done at once. He needs to be able to have a craft function more as an extention of the pilot rather than as a machine that the pilot struggles to intigrate with. So it makes sense for him to at least profit off of the middle development stages on his quest for dominance over the faey on earth.
~Michael 8)
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

So Jason can create a frequency that can liquify rock, can he design a frequency that causes molecular instability to the point of explosive effects? Kind of like of like a disintigration ray? I really don't know how this would work, but I think if he could figure out what wave frequency disrumpted a basic chemical molecule, then he could possibly tighten the frequency to disrupt on an atomic level as well. What do you people think? My science isn't very good in this area so I need some help on this one... don't even know if this is theoretically possible. :?:
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

Well, I know that everything has a frequency at which it will break, but I think that the dampeners that the Faey use for their space vehicles would negate that. Besides, sound can't travel in a vacuum, like in space, so it wouldn't work in orbit. But that brings the question, how shut down are the Sticks when they're being loaded/unloaded? Do they just pull up, strap on, and take off or is there a longer turn around time?