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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:58 am
by borsic
Following up Berkinkers post here are the links to the stories he posted:
both are erotica btw, and I haven't read them, so this is no endorsement :)

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:06 pm
by Shadowhawk
borsic wrote:Following up Berkinkers post here are the links to the authors he posted:
both are erotica btw, and I haven't read them, so this is no endorsement  :)
You have to be Registered (registration is free) on SOL and Logged In to be able to access those pages.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:56 am
by zedd
2 stories In Progress at storiesonline that i think are worth reading:
  Thunder and Lightening by Lazlo Zalezac, and
   A Perfect World by Al Steiner.

T&L has 18 chapters posted (496 KB) and is about a man rebuilding is life after being betrayed by is wife. I have some dificulties classifying this story, so maybe someone can help me with this one.

PW is on chapter 5 (377KB) and is a sci fic story about a man put in cryo in the 90 to be reawakened 188 years later in Mars (the planet). Adult content since this marcian society is VERY open and casual about sex. But sex is by no means the focus of the story.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:23 pm
by Shadowhawk
Here are erotic stories on SOL I'm reading, and I have seen them being updated since November 2004. Most of them in progress:
  • "Charlotte's Movie" by Pleasure Boy 1
  • "The Cherry Orphan" by Garrelhaz (finished)
  • "A Rose By Any Other Name" by Jeremy Spencer (finished)
  • "Jacob and Tiffany NIS II" by Prof Jack (part two of series)
  • "The Ugly One" by be287m
  • "Robin" by John Smith
  • "Lucky Stiff" by JiMC (part two of series)
  • "Spitfire and Messerschmitt" by Gina Marie Wylie (also on EWP)
  • "The Favor" by MWTB (codes includes: BDSM humil) (finished)
  • "Choices" by Tajod (codes includes: lolita)
  • "A Perfect World" by Al Steiner
  • "Ashes to Ashes" by The Scot
  • "Far Future Fembot" by DB_Story
  • "Reality?" by God's Acolyte
  • "Summer Camp Book 3: Kendall" by Nick Scipio (part three in series)
  • "Thunder and Lightening" by Lazlo Zalezac
Some of the stories are available also on other sites, like EWP or ASSTR.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:27 pm
by Shadowhawk
Some few new links to good free reading, for all those who can't wait for nxt chapter... That's all for now. These are the stories I have at least started reading and found at least good.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:16 pm
by Hearly
The Arywan Series: The Children of Naaram

This was a good story, but  it doesn't seem finished...

Is that the only location for the story?

Found the 2 chapters for book 2..

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:29 am
by Lashire
shadowhawk wrote: [*]The Arywan Series: The Children of Naaram - fantasy. Quite nice. First book of series (second book is non-free I think). Geocities.
Second book is free, but it just hasn't been written yet. You can read it at the writer RKP Hunt's website at or as she writes it.

She also has a vampire work in progress called Lies in the Blood: Deception which is probably the best vamp novel I have read in a long time.

Edit: Moved to

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:03 am
by dstar
graewolfe wrote:wow i remember reading prudence a long time ago, i thought it/you had stoped writing it from nonupdates.. *shrugs* more to read *drools*
FYI, Vel's updated the site again. Hopefully her new meds will let her be mor productive (we've written over a million words in the last year, but it all needs much editing before it's ready, and _that_ she hasn't had time to do).

Shalon Wood

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:33 pm
by Shadowhawk
Finally found the link to mentioned before Highlander/ForeverKnight crossover (LaCroix/Antonia series): it is DCE's Creative Corner (found at Shack's FanFic Clearinghouse).

I've modified the post itself...

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:41 pm
by Shadowhawk
First, link to some fanfic
  • I'd like to recommend very good (found at KatSpace Best Netfic page, by Kathryn Andersen) Harry Potter fanfic "Darkness and Light" by R.J. Anderson. Original link at KatSpace to blog is outdated, but you can find R.J.Anderson stories either at Schnoogle (only Harry Potter ones, and only "D&L"), or at FanFiction.Net (where you can find also Alias, Doctor Who, X-Files and Star Trek stories, besides more Harry Potter fanfic)
Then some transformation/furry (mostly werewolf) stories I hope that would help to last till Fel feels like posting some new chapter to some story

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:07 pm
by Shadowhawk
I'd like to post some of the books I have read at Baen Free Ebook Library (at Webscription; may require free registering. You can find the books also at Baen Free Library at Baen.Com). SF means Science-Fiction, fantasy means... well, the obvious. Urban fantasy means the story set in current world with some magic or mythical beings (like vampires or werewolves) thrown in. No descriptions for now...
  • "Mother of Demons" by Eric Flint, SF
  • "The Apocalypse Troll" by Dawid Weber, SF
  • Bahzell series by David Weber: "Oath of Swords", "The War God's Own", fantasy. No full version of "Wind Rider's Oath" in library.
  • Honor Harrington series: "On Basilisk Station" and "Honor of the Queen" plus set of short stories "Changer of Worlds", SF. Full series is 10 books I think.
  • Hrrin series by Kathy D. Wentworth: "Black on Black" and "Stars on Stars", SF
  • Frost series by Mark A. Garland & Charles G. McGraw: "Demons Blade", fantasy (only first one in library in full)
  • "Digital Knight" by Ryk Spoor, urban fantasy, set of connected short stories
  • Doc Sidhe series by Aaron Allston: "Doc Sidhe", urban fantasy (only first one in library in full)
  • Bardic Voices series by Mercedes Lackey: "The Lark and the Wren", fantasy (only first one in library in full)
  • "Werehunter" by Mercedes Lackey. Set of short stories, fantasy, urban fantasy, and SF.
  • "The Forlorn" by Dave Freer, fantasy, then science-fiction
These are 15 out of about 60 books available at Free Webscription site I have read in full. Others I either started to read and not finished (like Andre Norton "Star Soldiers"), or haven't read at all. It doesn't mean that all other books are not interesting...

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:07 pm
by borsic
For all that enjoy the work of Tenhawk (i.e. Journeyverse) he is in the process of posting an original sf novel right now at baens bar (reg. required)
called Odyssey One - it is nearly finished and boy! is it good! Just register, log in and go to the slush-pile. Enjoy!

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:53 pm
by Shadowhawk
I'd like to rrecommend Yvonne S. McCool Flashpoint Fiction, which includes among others original Sentinel AU (alternate universe) fanfic "Upgrade", in futuristic S-F settings, where future police officers have neural chips to replicate Sentinel senses (in General section) and "Mage Stories" tech-magic stories (in Original Adult Fiction section). Some fanfic are continued in Original section. There is also link to Robert L. McCool "Sense of danger" Detective Ellison Series (gen. Sentinel fanfic).

Warning: while "Upgrade" series is gen fanfic, "Mage Stories" include some M/M slash (gay male) content, and there are pure slash stories... so watch the section you are in, and the stories descriptions (and codes).

Edit: I have just realized that this link has appeared at the top of page 2 in this thread. I got this link from Cascade Library Recommendations Page: Alternate Universes.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:22 pm
by Fiferguy
Even though it's been mentioned a couple times already, I would have to recommend  It's a great site, and though there are quite a few stories that have a lot of sex in them, there are many that have none, or only a little.  It's by far one of the best sites that I've found that host more than one author.


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:37 am
by zedd
Lazlo Zalezac published another very good story at Portal doorway to adventure.

This one should appeal to both lovers of sci-fi and fantasy. Very good story.

Warning: explicit scenes, adult only. but it's not the focus of the story.