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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:51 am
by Phantom
Hearly wrote:
Phantom wrote:
Want me to confuse you some more .....

Jason Brought a gestalt with him when he left on his way to Karis.

Miaari gave it too him

No actually the one he is wearing currently he got from the storeroom...
But the First one came from Off world (chapter 17) .......he just upgraded (chapter 18 )

I just remember this quote from Chapter 18 too
[After the institution of the Generations program, other breakthroughs were made. They developed a new type of biogenic crystal that could receive Faey sending, but not respond. But, instead of abandoning the Generations program, they decided to continue on, for the Generations were still far superior to the new technology. They did refine this new system, however. Gestalts were made for the unaltered members of the house made of these new crystals. They didn’t give them the same functions as true gestalts, but they did allow for some moderate usefulness. These interfaces allowed unaltered Karinnes to issue telepathic commands to machines, but only on a one way basis. They also lacked the amplifying abilities of the gestalt. They were built to resemble a gestalt, however, and it became a tradition for all members of the house to wear what you now wear, Jason. The gestalt and the interface became the singular identifying mark of the Karinnes.]

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:13 am
by Belgarion213
Actually the gestalt, to the Empress, probably wont mean anything other than a statement. Remember to the rest of the Empire, the Gestalts were just a decorative mark of which house the wearers came from. They probably think that He just got a replicator to get the materials and shaped it himself or something. Unless Jason is going to announce that he does have the technolagy to detect and send/receive telepathic thoughts, I doubt it would really matter if he showed up with some people wearing the gestalts, unless the Faey can detect that it is a computer chip or something.

Also remember the intimidation factor the gestalt will give Jason. Without the gestalt He is probably stronger than say 90%+ of the Faey. Depending on how much the Gestalt enhances, He could be considered one of the most powerful telepaths on record (at least to their viewpoint), with his sister even more powerful.

If Jason turned up as a telepath more powerful than say 97% of all Faey, it could lead to the conclusion that the other Terran Telepaths are of similar streangh, or at least comparable.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:48 am
by Fel
geez, didn't think this would be such an issue. ;)

Jason's not stupid. He won't walk into the Siann without wearing the gestalt, if only for the tactical advantage it provides. A power boost and uninterceptible communications with the Scimitar are two advantages he'd be a fool to ignore. That rule he was talking about will be a general rule for everyone else, because right at first, anyone wearing a gestalt would basicly have a big bull's eye painted on them.

And yes, he'd wear it for the significance it represents. If anyone in that room remembers their history (some will, some won't), they will understand that Jason's wearing it to "display" his Karinne heritage.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:08 am
by Astardis
As we heard before, for alot of commoners Jason is some kind of hero or robin hood. I can see him making a fashion statement with his gestalt. :twisted:

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:41 pm
by Mizriath
Fel wrote:geez, didn't think this would be such an issue. ;)
Hey unless proven as a fact by Fel, everything is going to be an issue. Even Jason wearing an armored underwear with the latest Faey design.

But even if Fel say Jason has no Kimdori DNA it ends up as less than 0.1% is equivalent as none. Hey Fel will somehow throw things off to keep the mind wandering.

But wearing the Gestalt is a given to prove Jason's heritage, with the ring. But the secret of Kimdori DNA will always and always remain a secret until the end. A secret will remain a secret until revealed or exposed.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:59 pm
by Fiferguy
Mizriath wrote:Hey unless proven as a fact by Fel, everything is going to be an issue. Even Jason wearing an armored underwear with the latest Faey design.
Hey, he already has those... they were in a shipment of armor cloth that Kumi delivered back when he was more worried about squatters and old powder guns than Faey with MPACs.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:23 pm
by Phantom
Fel wrote:geez, didn't think this would be such an issue. ;)

Jason's not stupid. He won't walk into the Siann without wearing the gestalt, if only for the tactical advantage it provides. A power boost and uninterceptible communications with the Scimitar are two advantages he'd be a fool to ignore. That rule he was talking about will be a general rule for everyone else, because right at first, anyone wearing a gestalt would basicly have a big bull's eye painted on them.

And yes, he'd wear it for the significance it represents. If anyone in that room remembers their history (some will, some won't), they will understand that Jason's wearing it to "display" his Karinne heritage.
He He He Just keepin you honest boss

Actually we decided at our last meeting that we needed to make sure everything was perfect and it all fit .....that way when you start writing all those dead tree novels in the future you'll send us all copys frist and we get to be your reality team :lol: :lol: :roll:


Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:11 am
by Mizriath
Fiferguy wrote:
Mizriath wrote:Hey unless proven as a fact by Fel, everything is going to be an issue. Even Jason wearing an armored underwear with the latest Faey design.
Hey, he already has those... they were in a shipment of armor cloth that Kumi delivered back when he was more worried about squatters and old powder guns than Faey with MPACs.
Yeah but the issue was whether the armored underwear HAS THE LATEST FAEY DESIGN or just plain black armor. Funny and silly issues may cloud that the undewear is armored. So Jason's "B---S" will always be safe.


Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:06 am
by Metatrone
Mizriath wrote:Yeah but the issue was whether the armored underwear HAS THE LATEST FAEY DESIGN...
Well I don't know about the design, but I think it's pink and lacy. :lol:

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:22 pm
by Mizriath
Metatrone wrote:
Mizriath wrote:Yeah but the issue was whether the armored underwear HAS THE LATEST FAEY DESIGN...
Well I don't know about the design, but I think it's pink and lacy. :lol:
:lol: I don't even care but just that we can raise the funniest issues in giving an example.

Like an issue I would like to raise is that I prefer Jason to use his Feenix design for his new house and combined with the Karis logo of the waves. It could be the rise of the New Karinnes. The Generations.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:24 pm
by Mizriath
Hey Fifer.

Nice Pics. A coelanth? or is it one of those fishes that lights up in the deep, a ferocious fish.


Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:53 pm
by Fiferguy
Nope, it's not a coelacanth, it's a Ceratias holboelli, more commonly called Kroyer's deep sea angler fish. I used to want to be a marine biologist...silly me... :twisted:

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:38 am
by Fel
Mizriath wrote:
Metatrone wrote:
Mizriath wrote:Yeah but the issue was whether the armored underwear HAS THE LATEST FAEY DESIGN...
Well I don't know about the design, but I think it's pink and lacy. :lol:
:lol: I don't even care but just that we can raise the funniest issues in giving an example.

Like an issue I would like to raise is that I prefer Jason to use his Feenix design for his new house and combined with the Karis logo of the waves. It could be the rise of the New Karinnes. The Generations.
hahaha, you damn mindreader. That very thing was in the works. So you get a cookie.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:27 am
by Fiferguy
Yes, the Council has already met on Mizriath's blunder... the Grand Master was not pleased...

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:55 am
by Mizriath
Fel said I got a cookie. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

I must have read the story 19 times to get a cookie ... :lol: But whatever gives me joy, I will do.

Darn, will Songa gets pregnant and the baby be the other 97th generation. Jyslin is now too busy fighting to get preggo first. Yana will comes to mind next.... 3 is enough... ala Tarrin.