Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

FEL mention about the marriage. What big significance does it have besides procreation.

In Faey society, does marriage create something?

Does the guy marry into the family... Jason Fox Shaddale. That was mention. But is there more significance to it. The house Shaddale is a commoner but a house who has an Admiral. One of the stronger common houses.

Now, as it was known the Noble who landed on earth thousand years ago was a Kharinne and Jason is the descendant. The others are not Kharinnes but workers like commoners to which Tim and Temika is the descendant.

The 'telepathic guy' in Dumfries was not found. Is there a significance there? Does he has a fount of knowledge about the faeries. Like a Guardian to the ancient books... ie the library that was hidden in the mountain. I would guess he should be another descendent to the Kharinne cause he still stay in Dumfries. (Probably cause he can still eat the dumb fries .. I thought fries is american)

Trillane does not know he is Kharrine. Neither does Myleena but Myleena does know something cause she knew about her gift of knowing Kimdori. That will be revealed in the next chapter. Jason will be freed but how is the question and for how long.

Jyslin has proven that Jason can be telepathically attacked by a mind striker. Jyslin is one. But she has taught Jason to defend against it. Jason will comes out tops in the fight again.

Jason can be doing a "McGuyver" style escape too....
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Damilin »

Interesting side comments on Sub 16

Jason opened a Diamond Prime Account with the bank of Moridon. To do so he has to go there due to their banking requirements for some very specific bio-meteric reading to validate the account. Later on we learn that Jason becomes infested with the same virus that Maeda Karinne was killed by, a bio-engineered virus. The question now is why was she there. Possibly to open a Diamond Prime Account also but banks and the banking industry also have another use. Secure document storage in safe deposit boxes. I suspect it was for both reasons. Now here is an interesting point. With all the bio-meteric reading they do the second that Jason DNA was analyzed it probably set off about 40 different alarms and notifications that a peron who was the LEGAL heir to the account / claim was alive. Why did the Moridon’s not inform him of this. It may be due to their own banking regulation and these accounts are PRIVATE. He will have to push on the matter to get access to this / these accounts if I am correct. Another little interesting side point is the rings that the Templar used. Jysln’s fit her finger perfectly, Jason’s was “It was just a tad large”. Why? With all that the Moridon’s have done so far sizing a ring properly would be a very minor child’s play and they HAVE HIS BIO_METRIC READING ON FILE. Could it be that this ring has some other significant part such as be 1 part a multikey access to the accounts and/or safety boxes conjectured about above? Just my thoughts on that part of this.

This is a quote from the chapter that started me thinking more about the Kimdori. “I am Kereth, Elder of the clan, and keeper of the knowledge of welfare and medicine to serve the clan’s needs. Miaari sent me to bring to you the cure to your disease.” Now further in we find out that Kiaari is only 52 but Kereth is 1500+. Earlier is the book we learn that age give a Kimdori rank among them and the younger ones are expected to honor any and all tasks given them by their elders. We also learn earlier and form other sources that Jason has no Kimdori DNA and the Kimdori has none of Jason’s DNA, yet they can readily sense each other. The Kimdori also freely state that they owe the House Karinne a major debit. Also earlier on in the book we learn that Jason’s DNA is different from Tim’s and the others, by a small but significant factor. Could it be in the past that House Karinne, which was a scientific oriented house, was doing some research on improving the telepathic ability of the race by gene modification found out a way for the Kimdori activate their ability to “share” thus making them into the major power influence that they are in the empire(s) they are today. A point to remember here is that Kimdori are NOT a part of the Faey empire.

As for Miaari. I find that the use of the word sent may be very significant and purposely used here. She did not request, demand, urge, or ask Kereth. She sent him. To me this means that they are at a minimum equal and she is probably senior to him. I also feel that she has a major mission in Faey space on behalf of the Kimdori in that they are actively looking for the descendants of House Karinne and have been for quite a while. Looking for the one that they could “share” with to pay off their “debt”. It would be interesting to know Miaari official title among the Kimdori.

The part I find most interesting is the end of this chapter. First House Trillane used a corvette, a military ship, to fire on the car from orbit. House Trillane knew that Jason had Faey support, Kumi’s disappearance, Jyslyn’s defection, and other indicators, and they also suspected that he had Faey doctors with his group. Trillane’s miltary action directly attacked Faey doctors, a separate branch of all Faey military. What kind of fallout is that going to cause? Secondly, Trillane military froces directly and KNOWLY attacked Imperial Troops. THIS IS A DIRECT ATTACK ON THE EMPRESS HERSELF. Could House Trillane now have bitten off more that they chew? One other thing to point out is that Myleena’s Black Ops team and Myleena herself have come to have a lot of respect for Jason. I think Jason is in for an interesting time in the future but I don’t think Myleena will hand him over. As for Jyslyn, Trillane has no idea of what they have unleashed here. If I was a Trillane Noble about now I would be looking at the fastest way out and the further the better.

Okay enough rambling on my thought on this excellent chapter. Fel get the lead out or your fingers and put on a couple of 24 cup coffee makers and start the next chapter.
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

Actually, we never learned that the kimdori don't have any of Jason's DNA, we just know that Jason does not have any Kimdori DNA, the two are not exclusive. Further, now that we know that Jason's sister can sense him, I believe we just found out that that power originates with Jason's house, and not the kimdori. Maybe that is the big thing that Jason's house did for the kimdori, gave them the ability to sence each other. If you were a species that could look like anything else, the only way to survive and continue propogating would be to combine dna with another of your species, otherwise they would all be clones. To do this, you have to be able to tell your species apart from other species, and this sencing ability would be the only way that one kimdori would know another kimdori.

Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by zedd »

�Nothing, nothing,� she said lightly. She came back into his view, sliding her hand along his neck, which caused his skin to tingle. She then circled away, trailing her hand against his neck and her luxuriously thick-furred tail against his legs. �I see what they see in you. All the traits that a Faey woman admires, even those they don�t admit to admiring, they lurk within you. But they lack your spirit. Faey have no faith, Jason Fox, and it is their weakness. Your faith is strong, and it gives your spirit strength. They chose well.�
�Chose? What do you mean?� he asked as she came back into view, looking into his eyes, and he found her stare slightly disconcerting. Her yellow eyes were penetrating, and he felt as if they were looking into his soul.
�Those who made the choice,� she said cryptically, trailing out of view again. �Events whirl and revolve as plans upset plans, Jason Fox, and you stand in the middle of it. If you walk the path you have set for yourself, you must be strong of spirit. Faith is a weapon, human, one of the most powerful there is. It is not something you can measure, it is not something you can capture, but it is something that you can give.�
I have been intrigued by this one for a while now. WHO chose? and what did they chose? Was it in recent times or was it when the Faey came to earth?

P.S. To those who want to know this is from chapter 11.
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by SYED »

if kimdori share by telepathy, could jason share with another who senses kimdori, be easy way to prsent his evidence. Also kimdori want humans to get freedom so to change the faey, give faith, so become more kimdori
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

zedd wrote: I have been intrigued by this one for a while now. WHO chose? and what did they chose? Was it in recent times or was it when the Faey came to earth?

P.S. To those who want to know this is from chapter 11.
I'd assume the choice was made by the Elders, they knew about his sister, but did not feel she was the one to repay there debt to the House too.. But Jason they felt was worthy..
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

Hmm, with Songa and Rann captured. I am sure Trillane will find out about Vultech. I ponder what this will impact on the Legion.

This will mean that financial resource for the Legion will be crippled.

The Legion without Jason and Vultech will be close to panic.

Jyslin, without doubt will be out for vengeance. The renegade Trillane will be all out to create another financial monster to bring down Trillane.

The plot unravel further. The 4 other telepathic humans have not been found.

Trillane has found a way to find/scan for telepathic human by the number they have found. And they knew Jason is one of them. They will definitely investigate this lead.

Just pondering.
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

Mizriath wrote:Hmm, with Songa and Rann captured. I am sure Trillane will find out about Vultech. I ponder what this will impact on the Legion.

This will mean that financial resource for the Legion will be crippled.

The Legion without Jason and Vultech will be close to panic.

Jyslin, without doubt will be out for vengeance. The renegade Trillane will be all out to create another financial monster to bring down Trillane.

The plot unravel further. The 4 other telepathic humans have not been found.

Trillane has found a way to find/scan for telepathic human by the number they have found. And they knew Jason is one of them. They will definitely investigate this lead.

Just pondering.
I don't know about that, the medical branch is sacrosanct and is outside of the branches of the military. They were not part of the rebellion and are seen as being protected by their status as doctors. Besides, if you piss off the medical corp, then there is a good chance that you would loose all of your medical assistance. I think Rann and Songa are safe. The Faey are more likely to find out about Voltech by what they pry out of Jason rather than Rann and Songa. Besides, it isn't Trillane that has Jason, Rann, and Songa, its Jason's sister. Fel hasn't given us any spoilers to see if she is going to crack open Jason's brain before she realizes that they are related and that Jason is in the right. Remember, the sister with the sword will be of help to him.

Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

zedd wrote:
�Nothing, nothing,� she said lightly. She came back into his view, sliding her hand along his neck, which caused his skin to tingle. She then circled away, trailing her hand against his neck and her luxuriously thick-furred tail against his legs. �I see what they see in you. All the traits that a Faey woman admires, even those they don�t admit to admiring, they lurk within you. But they lack your spirit. Faey have no faith, Jason Fox, and it is their weakness. Your faith is strong, and it gives your spirit strength. They chose well.�
�Chose? What do you mean?� he asked as she came back into view, looking into his eyes, and he found her stare slightly disconcerting. Her yellow eyes were penetrating, and he felt as if they were looking into his soul.
�Those who made the choice,� she said cryptically, trailing out of view again. �Events whirl and revolve as plans upset plans, Jason Fox, and you stand in the middle of it. If you walk the path you have set for yourself, you must be strong of spirit. Faith is a weapon, human, one of the most powerful there is. It is not something you can measure, it is not something you can capture, but it is something that you can give.�
I have been intrigued by this one for a while now. WHO chose? and what did they chose? Was it in recent times or was it when the Faey came to earth?

P.S. To those who want to know this is from chapter 11.
<Smacks head> DUH ......
They chose well
What do you mean? he asked as she came back into view, looking into his eyes, and he found her stare slightly disconcerting. Her yellow eyes were penetrating, and he felt as if they were looking into his soul.
Those who made the choice, she said cryptically,

Jasons Faey ancessors Chose well when they took the Human Mates they did even after all these generations Faey genes still tell.

Well doesn't it fit ?

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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Sangoma »

Well, on a different thread we actually talked about the members of the
imperium, the way i see it, Jason has to find some sort of support some

In a regular rebellion or revolt, you can't really rely on having training
camps or support structures where you live. Look what just happened,
he pissed trillane off and they brought thier A game, filled space with
flotillas, burned the preserves looking for them and inundated Vultech
with Auditors. He needs a steady supply which he can only find if he
for instance, establishes a base in foreign space so that they can hide
and the empirium can't _REALLY_ invade foreign space, even if he goes
there without the permission of the rulers.
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

Hmm... I have been waiting patiently for the next chapter spoilers from FEL. It is the kind of trailers to juice up the excitement for the next chapter.

AND once FEL has released the trailer spoiler, the chapter tends to come out between 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

Kind of a teaser. Kind of a countdown. Kind of a frustrating time.
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Fel »

lol, well, I've not done much writing, because I've had to do a heck of a lot of backstory work. I'm about ready to progress though.

I've done some research material on the Karinnes and their history (which appears in this chapter), and worked some on what Jason's going to discover when he starts trying to find the truth.

Teasers...hmm. Well, I've kinda got a lot of them in my notebook, but unfortunately I can't really show that around here.

Let's see...what I can give away without ruining things. Hmm.

Too bad I can't show you guys the sketch I did of a Karinne noble. It's not very good, but it's important to the story. ;)

Ah, here we go. The Known History of House Karinne (what you'd find in any history book).

*warms up his fingers and opens the Notebook to transcribe*

The House Karinne was created in the years 1282 PE (Prior Era, counted backwards from 0) after Noya Karinne saved the life of the Empress in the First Civil War, awarded the planet Karis and other territories from the holdings of the destroyed House Zudunne. They were a minor house, without real power or prestige, but they prospered, acting like any other noble house. After the Second Civil War and the ascension of Caenry Karinne, however, the house changed, for she was a scientist, not a warrior. Caenry sold off a large part of Karinne holdings and used the money to fund an intensive research effort.

***it should be noted that Caenry Karinne is the origin of the Caenry Theorum of Plasma, the fundamental theorum of phased plasma physics.

The house became more and more focused on scientific research over generations, until Moili Karinne sells off the last of the house territory except for their home planet of Karis and consolidates all Karinne research by opening the Karis Academy, a centralized storehouse of information and interconnected labs and research facilities that centralizes all research efforts and makes Karinne research more efficient. The Academy began to take on students for a fee, and became self-sustaining. It also became known through many empires as one of the best institutes of higher learning in the known galaxy.

But the Karinnes also became very different from the rest of the Faey. They became withdrawn, indifferent, and distant from the rest of the Imperium, and they became feared for their awesome telepathic prowess, a telepathic power that was carefully fostered in the house by generations of selective breeding. By 2550, the Karinnes were known as the strongest of the houses in telepathic ability, but they were also known as a house that never, ever took sides. They declared eternal neutrality and withdrew to Karis, and became completely obsessed with their research and their science, shunning the politics of the Imperium and focusing on their own mysterious goals. Seeing a Karinne off of Karis became a rare sight, and was always noted, for all Karinnes wore a decorative metal device that rested on their left ear, reaching under their left eye, nearly to the nose, and down to the base of their jaw both in front of and behind the ear with delicate protrusions.

The Karinnes were destroyed at the start of the Third Civil War, in 2887, when they refused to ally themselves to either side. Both sides, fearing the telepathic superiority of the Karinnes and fearing that they would side with the enemy, declared war on House Karinne. Karis was destroyed by a Merrane battle fleet in 2887, who used Omega weaponry that irradiated the planet, killed every living thing, and made it permanently uninhabitable. Fearing reprisal from those Karinnes not on Karis, the remnants of the house were systematically hunted down and killed.

The destruction of Karis brought heated protests by other civilizations in the galaxy, for it brought about the destruction of the famous Karis Academy and almost irreplaceable loss of thousands of years of advanced scientific discoveries. The incident caused the Urumi to enter the Third Civil War as an ally to the Loyalists. When the Loyalists were defeated and the House of Merrane took control of the Imperium, the Urumi declared war on the Imperium, but were defeated three years later and surrendered three star systems to the Imperium, Arctus, Proximus Megara, and Taragi.


There. Enjoy. ;)
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

Thank you FEL for the lesson on history of the Karinnes. It will take me a while to digest the linkage and cross-lines and the future developments that will lead to further presumptions and theories.

I didnt know you released a prior history books. hehe.

Happy hunting ... here.
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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Fel wrote:lol, well, I've not done much writing, because I've had to do a heck of a lot of backstory work. I'm about ready to progress though.

***it should be noted that Caenry Karinne is the origin of the Caenry Theorum of Plasma, the fundamental theorum of phased plasma physics.

There. Enjoy. ;)
Holy Sh**Ps*it batman......That means ....Oh you are so very EVIL....... EVIL I Tell you .....

Oh this is going to hurt....

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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Post by Quindo Ma »

Ya know, I'm actually now believing that Fel didn't have the Karinne set up a Moridon DP account for money, I think it might actually be tech that has been stored there, a backup of the research labs if you will.

After that intro, what else would they have that is valuable enough for such? Money wouldn't make much of an issue for a single planet economy, they could just do everything locally.

*shrug* And if not, we can always have more Jason Patents ;)