Fun With Faey tech

Quindo Ma
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Quindo Ma »

Alright I yield :P

I'll go reread. This happens if you try to follow 10 different stories at the same time :oops:
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

So I wanted to get a base number of the ideas that have been presented here on the thread and post as many as I could find. So that people don't complain, there were some variations on a theme that were just too similar, so if your individual slight tweak doesn't show up, its because somebody else said something that I read to be the same thing, just communicated differently. I haven't spell checked it either (I'm following in fel's footsteps :wink: ). Anyway, hope this helps as so far I have about 58 different ideas of using Jason's tech. I've seperated them out into war or civilian usage, and for sale, or for war or both. Enjoy.
~Michael 8)
Subjugation tech.xls
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

So I was re-reading subjugation getting ready for fel to put out another chapter, and Jason's quote that he needed to:
"pull out the really weird shit and hit them with things they’d never seen before, keep them constantly off guard"
He can't just hit them when they are out in the open, he needs to drive them to build up in their bases for security. I think of the book "dune" where muadib (the young duke) talks about the tactics of a guerrilla war and gets the enemy to bunch up for safety, allowing him to move about more freely.

So I was thinking, what wierd shit could jason build?

1. How about little hovering robots that could infiltrate bases and sow confusion? Spider robots/hover robots that climb ceilings and air ducts to infiltrate Faey armories and spray armor disintigrating spray or plant hijackers in hovercars dropships or exomechs or plant explossives or set off ppg safety devices. Or, to make things funny. They could attach those magnetic devices like the ones that jason used to launch the hovercar 50 feet up in to the air, but without the field that stops them from exiting the autmosphere. We know that jason could sneak through ducts at the school to escape the faey, and "kate" could definitely explain to jason the faey's security defense works so that he could build around it.

2. Booby trap patrol lanes. The fay march along the boarders patrolling in hovercars and on foot. Make the patrol's hazardous would keep them off track. Automatic sprinkler systems that melt armor. Or take cutting tourches rigged to shoot larger cutter streams, say 5-10 feet long, alongside roads that simply cut off the legs/wheels/fusilage of vehicles traveling by.

3. Cloaked space mines. Hide them in the shadow of the moon so as it goes near the space gate it interrupts cargo traffic lanes.

4. Giant annealing beams, diffused annealing torches that would fuse material together or to the ground from distances away. Hit a field of containers with it, and they are all melted to each other and to the ground. Better yet, hit a bunch of faey fighters sitting on a tarmac with it, and they can't scramble after you when you steal a dropship.

5. create two robots:
one "a box of jokes" which just goes into faey towns and terrorizes the population by playing pranks. Melt hair, melt clothes. liquify the plasticrete of doors of the opera house and seal it shut with an audiance stuck inside. climb through the sewers under the city and sporadically launch a signal that causes the buildings to be magnifiers for the "itching" wave length. That type of thing. Pretty harmless but frustrating none the less, and could be used to cause a distraction so Jason can attack somewhere else.
Two "a jack in the box" which goes around with a supply of supper strong gravimetric magnets launching military hardware and non-spacial engine vehicles and containers into space. If its large and valuable to the faey, launch it into space and out of the atmosphere, just like the hovercar that went up 50 feet. Clutter up orbit with missilanious crap. All the better to hide space mines in with crap that should be anchored to the earth with gravity, choking the space lanes.

Anyway, just wierd funny shit that will make the faey say,"What the...!!!??"
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

I think though, that if he started doing that, it would show that he was still alive. He's known for pranks like that, and if stuff started happening like that again, someone would realize that he's still alive. And being dead is VERY useful to him right now. Eventually, they'll learn anyway, but keeping it secret is essential right now... at least I think so. :wink:
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Fiferguy wrote:I think though, that if he started doing that, it would show that he was still alive. He's known for pranks like that, and if stuff started happening like that again, someone would realize that he's still alive. And being dead is VERY useful to him right now. Eventually, they'll learn anyway, but keeping it secret is essential right now... at least I think so. :wink:
Chapter 14:
Jason Fox was dead. He would remain dead until the resistance struck its first blow and announced itself to the Imperium. But until that day, there would be Max Sterling.
So once the rebellion is on, then they have to know that its being controlled by a human, and not a rival faey house. He doesn't want another house or the same house to be given back earth after he kicks them off; and that is what will happen if they think the resistance is from some other source than just humans. He has to show himself, the resistance needs a figure head. Just look at any current terrorist group, or past guerrilla force, they all have their central figures that they use as a figure head. Jason is that figure head.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

I think though, it will take time for the Faey to realize that it's him doing it. Even with terrorism, for instance the suicide bombers that we see in Israel and other places, there's usually a message or letter or something that claims responsibility. At first, unless it's very very obvious, the Faey might even write off the losses as mechanical or pilot error, not an attack, but I doubt that.

Actually, now that I think about it, I think the most like scenario for the first few attacks is that Trillane will think that another Noble House is causing the problems. It's already been mentioned that they do that from time to time. Then, as time goes on, they may realize that it's human's doing the raiding, but assume that there has to be Faey mixed in with them, to protect them against their telepathy. I think they won't realize what exactly is going on until it's much too late.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Fiferguy wrote: I think they won't realize what exactly is going on until it's much too late.
We can only hope...

Anyway, I don't think Jason should worry about not usuing any wierd weapon against the faey, just because they could recognize his style. The first or second time something shows up using technology ideas that they never thought of, they are going to remember Jason. His only advantage on the faey is his zanny-tech, and I doubt he is going to give up that advantage just to keep the faey from knowing that he is really alive. Anyway, we will just have to see what Fel writes. ON WITH THE IDEAS!!! :D
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Phantom »

michaelsuave wrote:
Fiferguy wrote: I think they won't realize what exactly is going on until it's much too late.
We can only hope...

Anyway, I don't think Jason should worry about not usuing any wierd weapon against the faey, just because they could recognize his style. The first or second time something shows up using technology ideas that they never thought of, they are going to remember Jason. His only advantage on the faey is his zanny-tech, and I doubt he is going to give up that advantage just to keep the faey from knowing that he is really alive. Anyway, we will just have to see what Fel writes. ON WITH THE IDEAS!!! :D
~Michael 8)

Actualy when you think about it .....Jasons Zany tech hasn't done a lot for him against the Faey .....I mean it's helped him hide things and live a lot better being able to use modern everyday items electric power, running water and Transportation Ect...

but he could have rufted it too living off the land ....maybe in a tent, leanto or cave.

The bigest thing to offer jason protection from the Faey ....has been other people. there are several groups and indivuals that have actively helped hide him.

Another thought that came to me the other day ....we know Faey DNA in Jason gave him his telepathic abilitys ......What abilitys does the Human DNA Side add to him ?

Is there something that having both Faey and human Genes combined alows him to do that No Normal human ....or Faey can or could do ?

Also Exectly what did Jason Faey house do for the Kimdori in the past that they (All) seem to feel so obligated to repay the debt ...?

Last edited by Phantom on Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Is there something that having both Faey and human Genes combined alows him to do that No Normal human ....or Faey can or could do ?

Also Exectly what did Jason Faey house do for the Kimdori in the past that they (All) seem to feel so obligated to repay the debt ...?
I'm wondering about Jason's anomilous DNA, he is different from tim and tameka in that he is only an 82% match. And in your link to the Fel's spoiler (the one you put in the jason's new house thread) we learned about kimdori involvment. Fel already said that Jason doesn't have a kimdori in his ancestry, but we do know that the kimdori can change absolutely everything about their bodies. I wouldn't be surprised if kimdori science didn't let them change their own dna... and that their bonding can't cause a change in other creature's DNA. Maybe Jason can do some of the things that kimdori can do... such as memory grab...? Only Fel knows.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

I figured I'd point out that Jason DOES have a well known ability that is very rare...he can detect Kimdori, and can feel them when they do their little trick. I wonder if this is a small sample of some ability that he hasn't truly expressed yet?
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Phantom »

Fiferguy wrote:I figured I'd point out that Jason DOES have a well known ability that is very rare...he can detect Kimdori, and can feel them when they do their little trick. I wonder if this is a small sample of some ability that he hasn't truly expressed yet?
True ...but if i remember right he can detect them even if they don't do it ...

I wonder if that means Jason is a Stronger Telepath then Most Faey or just His Telephathy is of a Diffrent Type then most Faey ?

Could his Human Side have something to do with it ?


I wonder if Tin Foil......naw
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

I was re-reading Sub, and I had another idea.
All this plasma was generated by the PPG, the Plasma Power Generator, and it itself was an amazing creation of ingenuity. He’d read the history of the device, and it showed the boundary from where the Faey were limited to their own star system, the Draconis system on earth charts, and when they were released to conquer and rule other planets. The PPG was, literally, a miniature sun. That’s exactly what it was. The Faey had technology that affected space itself, allowing them to stretch it, pull it, even tear holes in it, and that was the technology that allowed them to build the PPG. Inside the device was a “bubble” of stretched space, and inside that bubble of stretched space, isolated from the rest of space by the boundaries of its bubble, was a hot nuclear fusion reaction.
Has this tech been used to create a weapon of any kind? I know the Faey's primary weaponry is plasma based, but with the technology to "fold space," as it were, have they developed any kind of gravity weapons or singularity generators? Is there any way for Jason to use it to his advantage?
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Has this tech been used to create a weapon of any kind? I know the Faey's primary weaponry is plasma based, but with the technology to "fold space," as it were, have they developed any kind of gravity weapons or singularity generators? Is there any way for Jason to use it to his advantage?
Well we know they can reverse gravity. I wonder if Jason could create some ultimate dooms day weapons. A bomb the would reverse the gravometric field of a planet, thus creating a sharpnal bomb the size of a planet and destroying all life on that planet as well. Or a weapon that launched singularities? Kind of like in final fantasy games, where you had the spell x-zone (I think it was called). It wouldn't matter what type of armor something was wearing or arms it was surrounded by. Hit it with a singularity and its just compacted and ripped from our reality; unable to effect anything around it. And since you can take things and compress them, you could have it so it crushed anything inside of it, or you could use it as a caputure tool, if you could keep the person from dying from the vacume. I know its crazy, but I see a huge singularity weapon that would take battle ships and squeeze them into the size of a dust of sand... the quote from aladdin(disney movie) comes to me "COSMIC PHENOMINAL POWER!... in an itty bitty living space." :twisted:
~Michael 8) [/quote]
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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

Or a way to use a dimensional fold to transport the ships he's going to be stealing...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Fiferguy wrote:Or a way to use a dimensional fold to transport the ships he's going to be stealing...
Has Fel described how the dimensional fold or phase shifting works or is created? I was thinking about the story "Tandra" that I read on In that universe they have dimensional or phase shifting technology, and they use it to hide their defenses. They have mines and defensive gun/missle platforms that are shifted out of sink with this dimension, but when they sense an enemy ship, they phase back into this dimension and unleash hell. Might be a system that Jason could eventual use to defend earth, even if its just to defend earth from rival houses that might want to take it over after the empress gives it to him. OR he could use it to blockade the trillian home planet. Fly in in a transport (since he is flying from a trillian controlled planet to a trillani (however you say it) planet) and go stealth around the planet and drop these installations or space mines. OR if he gets it so he can turn them off and on randomly, he could mine some space for a period of time, but when the enemy comes to look for them, they don't show up and attack them somewhere else. Anyway, its an idea.
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New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!