Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

How many people visit historical sites each year? Now imagine one not getting visited, even though it's quite famous, for a thousand years. Imagine treasure hunters and archaeologists never trying to visit. No trophy hunters try and take one of those satellites? At the height of the Faey food shortage, noone even tries to check to see if this world can be recovered. Not just look, CHECK physically. Or a deserted abandoned star system which is not used by every band of cut throat smugglers in the Imperium.

Or Fel forget to insert the bit where the satellites recognise Jason and turn off the effect. ;)
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Finn »

Er, but the point is, that the system has been 'radiating' deadly levels of radiation consistantly. Noone had used those weapons before, so they didn't know about how long the radiation would last. Sure, they could check it out every now and again, but they'd just get close enough to detect the levels were still deadly and bugger off.

Why would they go further in just to see if "Oh hey, maybe the radiation closer to the source is safer than further out?"

Would you have gone into Chernobyl if you didn't have any protective gear, and your geiger counter is going through the roof?

No worries. It'll be less radiated at the center =P
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

Noone had used those weapons before, so they didn't know about how long the radiation would last.
If they understood how such weapons worked enough to be able to build them, there's a good chance they know a lot about how they work in use. If nothing else they've probably been tested elsewhere.
Would you have gone into Chernobyl if you didn't have any protective gear
Many people did and survived. And even if not, that's what robots are for. Extreme environments are also a draw for thrill seekers and advertisers. Pushing the 'safe' boundary closer and closer to the planet would be a sport in some circles.

I assume there is something about this situation we don't yet know.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Danl »

Maybe I missed it in some other post. But did anyone else catch that the biochip from Moridon was in Jason's right thumb? The one he had blown off? When will he get it replaced? Could he get some Family banking done at that time? And is there any info on the Karinne house accounts on Karis?
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Weresmilodon »

Nope, not missed it, it's just not been mentioned.

And regarding the radiation, it was stated that it got to deadly levels even with the shields before they even came within range for that telescope camera. Why in the world bother checking something like that more up close? It'd be a waste of resources.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Fel »

ANTIcarrot wrote:How many people visit historical sites each year? Now imagine one not getting visited, even though it's quite famous, for a thousand years. Imagine treasure hunters and archaeologists never trying to visit. No trophy hunters try and take one of those satellites? At the height of the Faey food shortage, noone even tries to check to see if this world can be recovered. Not just look, CHECK physically. Or a deserted abandoned star system which is not used by every band of cut throat smugglers in the Imperium.

Or Fel forget to insert the bit where the satellites recognise Jason and turn off the effect. ;)
People who went to Karis never returned.

I figured that wreckage they passed might have hinted that strongly enough. ;)
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Fel wrote:
ANTIcarrot wrote:How many people visit historical sites each year? Now imagine one not getting visited, even though it's quite famous, for a thousand years. Imagine treasure hunters and archaeologists never trying to visit. No trophy hunters try and take one of those satellites? At the height of the Faey food shortage, noone even tries to check to see if this world can be recovered. Not just look, CHECK physically. Or a deserted abandoned star system which is not used by every band of cut throat smugglers in the Imperium.

Or Fel forget to insert the bit where the satellites recognise Jason and turn off the effect. ;)
People who went to Karis never returned.

I figured that wreckage they passed might have hinted that strongly enough. ;)
I wouldn't be suprised if Karis hasn't gotten a Reputation over the years as a Ghost planet that no one returns from ...

Could be seen kinda like the Outer Space Bermuda triangle now

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Quindo Ma »

Phantom wrote:I wouldn't be suprised if Karis hasn't gotten a Reputation over the years as a Ghost planet that no one returns from ...

Could be seen kinda like the Outer Space Bermuda triangle now

Actually, I think there were quite a few ships that actually entered the Karis system, but none of those that reached and got past the sensor jammers ever returned.
Thus, scouts still can claim that the radiation is burning hot, and those that have gotten close enough to verify otherwise were destroyed by the Kimdori.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Quindo Ma wrote:
Phantom wrote:I wouldn't be suprised if Karis hasn't gotten a Reputation over the years as a Ghost planet that no one returns from ...

Could be seen kinda like the Outer Space Bermuda triangle now

Actually, I think there were quite a few ships that actually entered the Karis system, but none of those that reached and got past the sensor jammers ever returned.
Thus, scouts still can claim that the radiation is burning hot, and those that have gotten close enough to verify otherwise were destroyed by the Kimdori.
Being the Kimdori are the ones that have been Keeping this secret ....and we all know about Kimdori and Secrets.

Remember what Miaari told Jason in chapter 17.
“You will understand when the time comes,” she told him. “Listen to me very carefully, both of you. As you can see, there is only one, but there are two of you. Jason, this one belongs to you. Myleena will have to wait to receive hers. Now, it is very important that you understand this, Jason. Do not put this on until after you have reached your destination. But when you do arrive, as soon as you drop out of hyperspace, you must put it on. Do you understand?”
“Why?” Myleena demanded.
“I cannot tell you why. I can only tell you that you must listen to me.”
“That’s not much of a reason,” she flared.
I got the Feeling that if he didn't do as she told him Very bad things might happen.

Such as Maybe their Ship being Blown old of space by a cloaked Kimdori Battlecruiser or something such as that .

I don't think the Kimdori would even Let a ship near enough to see the satellites were Jammers before dispatching them. If fact I think any ship entering the system at all is shadowed. unless it emits a special type of signal.....One reconized by the Kimdori

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Texfire »

pssst. Read Chapter 18 and all your questions will be answered...

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Texfire wrote:pssst. Read Chapter 18 and all your questions will be answered...

LOL text we allready knew that ...were just arguing the symantics of where and when do they die...

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Texfire »

Phantom wrote:
Texfire wrote:pssst. Read Chapter 18 and all your questions will be answered...

LOL text we allready knew that ...were just arguing the symantics of where and when do they die...

Ah, well in that case I think they were tracked all the way in but tracked after they broke the jamming screen and disposed of if they failed the challenge. Otherwise the debris would be beyond the jamming screen and detectable by interlopers. :)

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Texfire wrote:
Phantom wrote:
Texfire wrote:pssst. Read Chapter 18 and all your questions will be answered...

LOL text we allready knew that ...were just arguing the symantics of where and when do they die...

Ah, well in that case I think they were tracked all the way in but tracked after they broke the jamming screen and disposed of if they failed the challenge. Otherwise the debris would be beyond the jamming screen and detectable by interlopers. :)

Well thats what we were discussing or not they would let them get that far ...or just kill them and drag all the debris into the area behind the Feild.

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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Quindo Ma »

Phantom wrote:Well thats what we were discussing or not they would let them get that far ...or just kill them and drag all the debris into the area behind the Feild.

It probably depends largely on how it was destroyed. Was it nuked down with radiation to kill all living organisms on board and then pulled past the screen, or was it done with more conventional weaponry?
If it was the latter, it's much more likely that they were let past the screen, and any damage done by shot down jammers were repaired or replaced once the offending ship was taken care of. Otherwise it could be difficult to explain hull fragments and some such in the areas outside of the "danger zone". Plus, the wreck that Jason and co. passed by was right behind the jammer screen, that alone is a quite good clue to what Fel has decided has happened.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Quindo Ma wrote:
Phantom wrote:Well thats what we were discussing or not they would let them get that far ...or just kill them and drag all the debris into the area behind the Feild.

It probably depends largely on how it was destroyed. Was it nuked down with radiation to kill all living organisms on board and then pulled past the screen, or was it done with more conventional weaponry?
If it was the latter, it's much more likely that they were let past the screen, and any damage done by shot down jammers were repaired or replaced once the offending ship was taken care of. Otherwise it could be difficult to explain hull fragments and some such in the areas outside of the "danger zone". Plus, the wreck that Jason and co. passed by was right behind the jammer screen, that alone is a quite good clue to what Fel has decided has happened.
Remeber this from chapter 17
Jason, Sarge, come up here, Zora sent from the cockpit.

They floated up, Myri pushing him from behind has he handwalked his way through the hatch, and they both looked at an image she had projecting between the two pilot chairs. It was an ovoid mechanical device. There’s a string of these about fifteen minutes ahead of us. None of them are giving off any energy signatures. I think they’re relics from Karinne, old early warning satellites, maybe.

How many are there?

Not so many that we have to worry about getting past them. Maybe one every thousand kathra or so. I just didn’t think we should go by them without letting you know.

You sure they’re dead?

No energy signatures at all, at least I can see, she answered. The radiation from the interior of the system is making it hard to get accurate sensor readings. They’re covering all the channels with radiation snow. That’s only gonna get worse as we get closer to Karis.
How far are we from that line of safety you were talking about? Myri asked.

About an hour, she answered.

Alright, let’s go ahead and go on, then. But keep an eye on them.

Will do, boss. Jason, up here with me. I want another seat to keep an eye on those things as we get close.
Well you see I was thinking you might not want them to even see that there were still operational satellites circling the planet as someone might just start to wonder and be able to break off and escape before breaching the barrier completely.

Now being they have Antigravity units we can assume that Functional Tractor or at the least Repulsor beam technology exists

This could allow a Destroyed ship (and most of the parts) to be either towed of pushed inside of the satellites to effectively hide the evidence of what happened.

This would allow a greater margin of error and Help to keep anyone from pulling away at the last second and escaping with Knowledge that something wasn't right about the planet and Karis system.

Like I said before Rumors and legends would spring up about it being a ghost system and almost a Outer Space Bermuda triangle type tale to grow. one where everyone would say that anyone Visiting the System Never returns! there by causing 99% to avoid it like the plague there by making it easier to remove that remaining 1%

There is a Method to my madness.

<smiles i just noticed this blooper too>
They’re covering all the channels with radiation snow.
shouldn't it be.. ( it's covering all.....)

They don't as yet know that the device's are causeing it

just something to edit later. 8)

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