Theory on the God of Gods

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Theory on the God of Gods

Post by Lochar »

Yes, I'm bored.

In the beginning there was Entropy. There was no form, no figure, no sense.

After a time, Balance grew. A figure of stability grew out of the Entropy. But Entropy did not want a Balance. It wished to return to it’s original state.

The figure of stability was neutral to all, but provided the other side of the Balance between reality and oblivion. In order to preserve itself and the Balance it had with Entropy it created realms. But these realms required Balance as well.

It cast out it’s power, forming good and evil, law and chaos. These powers would strive against each other, creating their own balance inside the stability that the figure provided, allowing it to keep it’s own balance against Entropy.

Evil, the demons, devils, and other creatures, was a powerful group. More powerful than any particular good but it would not, could not join together to overcome good.

Good, while not having as much power in a singular point, was able to band together to ward off Evil. But Good required a leader, a figure to which all good would come from. Thus, they invoked upon their creator the title God of Gods and gave to him the attributes of goodness.

The figure of stability, now the God of Gods is not an overdeity of good though. The Deva that do his bidding are lawful good in alignment, only because they were created to lend strength to the side of Good against evil.

But the maintenance of the Balance between Good and Evil only strengthens the stability of the true Balance between oblivion and reality. That is why, when Entropy appears the secondary Balance between law and chaos, good and evil aligns and works together for the sake of all and the true Balance that is maintained.
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by afrigeek »

Being that the ultimate aim of the demons is to overthrow the GoG and take over the multiverse, this would put a hole in your theory of the GoG being non aligned to either good or evil.
Also the fact that reaching into the core where the GoG resides caused Tarrin's arm to attain the power to hurt demons, would imply that the very nature of the GoG is against demonkind.

I would put it this way:

the forces fundamentally opposed to each other are entrop and the GoG. That demons, though unaware of it, were actually formed out of entropy to oppose the GoG.
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by michaelsuave »

afrigeek wrote:Being that the ultimate aim of the demons is to overthrow the GoG and take over the multiverse, this would put a hole in your theory of the GoG being non aligned to either good or evil.
Also the fact that reaching into the core where the GoG resides caused Tarrin's arm to attain the power to hurt demons, would imply that the very nature of the GoG is against demonkind.

I would put it this way:

the forces fundamentally opposed to each other are entrop and the GoG. That demons, though unaware of it, were actually formed out of entropy to oppose the GoG.
I don't know if the fact that tarrin's arm hurts demons is a strong enough argument to prove that the GoG is fundamentally good or against demons. I think the GoG is power, and that power scarred into and held in tarrin's arm is enough to hurt the demons. Thats it.
Though at the same time the GoG knows that tarrin has the arrows of the solar and we have hints that he/it isn't against tarrin using them to destroy the demon lord. So it can at least be said that the GoG is in favor of tarrin's errand. The enemy of my enemy is my friend...
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by khyranleander »

Never understood why Balance required both Good & Evil. Since Imbalance leads to destruction (of the world, universe, or multiverse), that to me is the epitome of Evil; keeping Balance, however, fosters growth and all sorts of things I would define as Good. Law & Chaos, I can see, but not the other pair.

Now, do have to balance altruism and greed, aspects also associated with so-called Good and Evil (respectively). I mean, if the hero dies to save others, then it's a happy ending, right? But when someone dies, they aren't around to save any more people or do any other helpful deeds. So a "selfish" concern for one's own well-being might actually be more Good in the long run than immediate "altruistic" sacrifice.

So it seems to me.
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by Mizriath »

hmmmm.... I am still wondering whose interests Mother Wynn represents. I did consider GoG. But then the way the assistance is being rendered is sneaky as in .. not wanting it to be known. Or tip the scale of balance.. or is it a new interest group like say the Kimdori.... the Society of Entropy ... unknown to all except the the exceptional few. hmmmm ... in ponderment
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by Quindo Ma »

Mizriath wrote:hmmmm.... I am still wondering whose interests Mother Wynn represents. I did consider GoG. But then the way the assistance is being rendered is sneaky as in .. not wanting it to be known.
This is a bit spoilerish....

But you have to realize for one, how the GoG operates. No one knows his reasonings, and no one we know so far has seen any direct intervention of the GoG (or knows it was any such, even if witnessed). Another is the location in which the confrontation between Tarrin and the Solar happened, and how Mother Wynn actually "interfered". As close to the core as they were no magic, not mortal, demonic, nor divine, nothing except for Deva magic works. Or that of the GoG :)
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by dadrago »

but think about it, with Tarrin now a 'mortal', better put - Non-God, he has his full Mi-Shiara abilities that he couldn't have access to before since he was a mortal with a God's soul. now he has a fully mortal soul. and going back to the idea that Mother Wynn was from Sennadar like Tarrin is, could she have been recruited upon her death by the GoG, or doubtful that she was an avatar of the GoG. she has so far used abilities, not necessarily magic, that is beyond that of many, if not most, mortals and gods.
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by Fiferguy »

Actually, Mother Wynn showed powers WELL beyond that of any mortal or God. The ability to erase the memory of every entity, God, Deva, Demon, Mortal, etc. that they were ever there is an INCREDIBLE power. The ability to hold the Solar with a mere gesture, when even Tarrin didn't want to fight one. That reeks of a power well beyond anything we've ever seen from any character before or since. Not even someone like Sapphire, Triana, or even Spyder would even think about doing something like that. So this is a power beyond any Godly, Druidic, Sorcery, Elemental, etc. The only thing that it could be is 1) A direct agent of the GoG, or 2) Some sort of Druid of the Crossroads. As we already know, Druidic magic is limitless. If Mother Wynn and the girl could channel the All of Crossroads, it would make them some of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. Course, they would probably have to have been tampered with to be able to channel that much power. :wink:
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by Mizriath »

Like I mentioned previously, I considered Mother Wynn an agent of GoG. However, why does she want to do it secretively or secretly. Other Gods has to follow rules but the GoG, I believe do not have to follow rules. His word is the rule.

If GoG decide to use Mother Wynn as a secret agent with an agenda to keep the Diva on a course of causing discord, why don't GoG just do it.. I cannot surmise the reason for being secretive or the political agenda currently.

Like Fel said, the end game for Pyrosia is ending but the bigger picture out there has still to unravel itself.

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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by Fiferguy »

I still think that rather than an agent of the GoG, Mother Wynn either is an avatar of the GoG, or the GoG himself.
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Re: Theory on the God of Gods

Post by michaelsuave »

Fiferguy wrote:I still think that rather than an agent of the GoG, Mother Wynn either is an avatar of the GoG, or the GoG himself.
I second that*

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