Terry Goodkind book

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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by Feanuonn »

Just weighing in with my own opinion here.... I have to say that I read "Wizards First Rule" when it first came out and I don't honestly remember enough about it to say the bad guy was too dark.....but I do remember loving it and the following stories up to the last I read before I forgot to keep up. Some parts are a bit extreme (pain wands... nuff said), but I wouldn't call it dark.
On the subject of different writers with different styles, Thomas Covnant wasn't exactly a lovable cuddly type either, but many have enjoyed reading about him as the "hero". As for the "Harry Potter for those who can hack adult stuff" from what I have been told by others who have read them, those books do tend to get darker as you get further into them (think it was something to do with teen angst or something combinded with black magic). Guess what I am saying is every writer has certain lengths they are willing to go to to give the readers a sense of where the characters are coming from. I think I would say, if the evil guy seems too creepy for your taste....guess you must really feel just how evil he really is (as opposed to quasi-evil or evil lite.....just one calorie). I personally like it when the author creeps me out a bit with the bad guy...makes me feel much better when the good guy gives him what he deserves.
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by rick »

While I don`t agree with everything different writers put into the books I do agree it`s there for a reason.As For Terry`s Book "Wizard`s First Rule " yes the abuse of the child and his betrail was terriable it pointed out totaly indefferent the Bad guy was to anybody or thing other than his self. And it show the dark side of humanity,The Demons that live in all of .I have read Worse and better in different books both Fantasy and historical Record. Also you cannot judge a whole book or series on one sceen ,to do so is both unfair and short changes both the author and the reader. As I look Back as this note I feel I`m coming across as preachy which I`m not trying to do. I respect evryone right to their own view. I personialy feel the villian in Wizard`s Firse Rule was patterned after Hiltler, or some of our more rabid fundalmentalist leaders.so in order to show his true evil,Hidden behind a facarde of good and noble ideals ,we have to see him working true and terriable evil .otherwise ( in my humble view) we wouldn`t realy see him as the evil he is .Just as a misguided person.
Last edited by rick on Thu Jan 29, 2004 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by becca »

             Interesting. I have just finished reading all the replies to this topic (there was what 15/16 of them?) and I have to agree that Terry Goodkind does seem to have a 'darker' (your words, not mine) writing style than some. I myself have read all of his books that have come out. Yes, he defines things sometimes in 'black and white' but to me that just makes the story more clear cut, at first.
         Fel's writing style is different than Goodkind's, so I can see how MD doesn't like him. (Yes I have read all, and I do mean ALL of Fel's works so far, and like them! ;)  What I also found interesting was that I have read all of the works told about in the topic (Donaldson, Le Guin, Brooks) and found them equally fascinating. Now MD, what would that say about MY personality?  :)
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by MommyDoom »

becca wrote:What I also found interesting was that I have read all of the works told about in the topic (Donaldson, Le Guin, Brooks) and found them equally fascinating. Now MD, what would that say about MY personality? :)
OH nonononono. I'm not getting into that.  Though I would say that it says a LOT for your taste in literature.  :)  I happen to be a big Brooks fan, myself.  And Ursula rules.

And, to let you all know, I now only have about 100 pages of Wizard's First Rule to read.  I've gotten beyond the ugliness (for now) and have enjoyed the rest of the book though the 100+ pages of the main character being tortured with a pain wand was rather extreme.  

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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by Shadowhawk »

mommydoom wrote:I happen to be a big Brooks fan, myself.  And Ursula rules.
Brooks you say... Could you tell me the name of his book you liked most? Of course, only if it is not the "Sword of Shannara". This I could not read... skimmed only thru it to see how it ends. Urgh. I have to say, this book ended badly... thrown thru the window by the owner who forced himself to read it thru... ::)

Ever read "Burning City" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, by the way ;D ?
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by kenposey »

If your looking for a good Brook's book try Magical Kingdom For Sale Sold. Great book
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by mbeau »

mommydoom wrote: Well, Terry Goodkind WENT there last night.  I am unsettled, disturbed, and feel a tiny bit "betrayed" by what he had me read last night.  And I'm trying to decide whether that's the effect he was going for.

I know exactly what scene you are talking about. Personally, I thought it was a very effective scene showing to what point the bad guy is willing to go to win. To me, is allows the reader to get even further into his head.

But on the other side, I can easily see how that would turn somebody off. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

<Firestaff spoiler below>
However, this thought just occurred to me. Given you feel that way about TG, how do you feel about the parts in firestaff where Tarrin is feral and doesn't care about all the people he killed????
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by MommyDoom »

mbeau wrote:
But on the other side, I can easily see how that would turn somebody off. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

<Firestaff spoiler below>
However, this thought just occurred to me. Given you feel that way about TG, how do you feel about the parts in firestaff where Tarrin is feral and doesn't care about all the people he killed????
Exactly!  Different strokes for different folks.  Everyone has their own comfort zone.  I just finished Wizards First Rule about 5 minutes ago and have decided not to read the rest of them.  Different strokes...

As to Tarrin and his feral nature,
1.  it's a nature forced on him by abuses by the "bad guys"
2.  it's almost a non-interest.  He doesn't ENJOY what he does, he just does it.  It's a base, animal reaction with no true intent behind it.

So no, Tarrin doesn't bother me at all.

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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by mbeau »

mommydoom wrote:
As to Tarrin and his feral nature,
1.  it's a nature forced on him by abuses by the "bad guys"
2.  it's almost a non-interest.  He doesn't ENJOY what he does, he just does it.  It's a base, animal reaction with no true intent behind it.
Cool. But I see the same points on the bad guy(s) in TGs SOT series.  It's too bad that you aren't going to read the rest of his series. Personally, they are one of the best series that I have ever read. Yes, it does tend to be darker than something like Mercedes Lackey and her Heralds of Valdemar, but it does (at least, to me) have some *very* good writing and philosophy in it.

Oh well. If we all liked the same thing, the world would be pretty damn boring, wouldn't it.

Let's agree to disagree on Terry Goodkind, and agree that Fel should drop everything that he is doing and write until he is finished. ;D
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by MISER »

WELLL OK THEN! :-[ :P ??? ;D ;)

The many faces of the critic!

First MD I did not and will not accuse you of censorship or anything like it. My point is that Fel shouldnt have felt his reader base was going to in what I could see would become a sensitive issue here. I WAS RIGHT. If you took it that way my apologies.

Second its a good thing MD is a loving mommy because I Think some of you should be pulling splinters from her wooden spoon out of sensitive areas of your flesh! I hope I made my point and you know who you are.

I have no feeling of need to apologize for a challenge. This isnt about a duel to the death, it is encouragement to continue providing entertainment of which the author and readers can be proud.

No ONE of us is without blemish in our lives. Some of us just dont want to encounter, get splashed by, or have to wallow in the stains of others as we go about those lives.

We talk about authors of all kinds here but primarily in the epic fantasy genre. There is all kinds of good literature out there, and lots of trash too. One mans junk......

I agree about Magic kingdom for sale, sold! And reccomend it to you.

Some authors and artists produce works to inspire philosophical and moral thought or to champion or acost (SP?) a cause. Some just produce for fun and pleasure.

We have looked at the maturity levels and preferences of many of our group members here. It is not our place to judge each other. We can speak our own minds, champion our own causes, and promote whatever we want to. Good for us. It's an election year, there will be muck raking enough, soon enough, to sour us all.

Courage to honestly share a true emotion and feeling, to champion someone with a problem, to accept criticism well intentioned or not. That is pretty special in my mind.

Go Tarrin go. Tear up the bad guys, help the good guys, be a cat, be feral, dont be evil for evils own sake. We all kind of feel like that right?


Have great weekend. Spoil your self or even better someone you love.

Have a good day or night or something.
Purrs and Growlls to you all !!!!!

Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by riduan »


I read all the book mentioned here. Well actually I am presently reading Terry Goodkind series (book 6 now, all six books done within 1 week). I manage to find "gulp" free downloadable versions (don't ask me where!!!) and turn the files readable for my palm pda.

Anyway, what I want to say, I found nothing offensive in reading the books. I think it was because my very first fantasy book was Ursula K Leguin Earth Sea, a rather classical fantasy - not one to compare to those who started with Harry Porter. Then there was a time I read Dark Fantasy from Michael Moorcock (sp??) Elric of Melnibone (or something..). I guess from these exposures, I'm open to all kind of fantasy whether they are:
- Dark Fantasy
- High Fantasy (like LOTR or Belgariad or Malazan series)
- Cross Over Fantasy (like HP or Xanth or 9 Princes of Amber)
- Sci-Fi Fantasy (like Recluse saga, or Warlock series)

Off course I would say that I will only enjoy if the story main character is a MALE! I try to avoid all those fantasy that has female or heroine as the main character. LOL ;D
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by Shadowhawk »

riduan wrote:Off course I would say that I will only enjoy if the story main character is a MALE! I try to avoid all those fantasy that has female or heroine as the main character. LOL ;D
Try "War for the Oaks" by Emma Bull. It is urban fantasy (Cross Over Fantasy like Amber by Roger Zelazny), and the main character is female. You could like it :)
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")

Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by riduan »

mommydoom wrote: Do you want to disturb your readers? Keep in mind that I'm sitting here today wondering just how dark Terry Goodkind's soul must be in order to come UP with this stuff.
*dark* (?)
is it about the:
1) killing part ?
2) rape ?
3) dark side for bad guy (keeper?)

If (1), I think you got to watch action pack movies more MD. Hey, have you watch that low budget movie called *Space Troopers*? It has one theme I never forget - *KILL THEM ALL*
We never got the chance to know how WWI and WWII are. Do you think WWIII will be any different? In war, I meant in real *war*, there is no such think call humane - bottom line people die...

If (2), not much I can say about this. I watch too many movies (action pack) that contain this scene every now and then.

If (3), well this show how much weak your belief is. IMO Only the weak (in belief) will feel disturb when they find something that goes against their belief....you need to spend more time reading your bible or koran.  There is a rating call *Parent Guidance* or PG, you know :)

No offence intended.

Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by riduan »

shadowhawk wrote: and the main character is female. You could like it :)
*yucks*, I'll take note of that title in my books to avoid!
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Re: Terry Goodkind book

Post by Shadowhawk »

riduan wrote:*yucks*, I'll take note of that title in my books to avoid!
But it is really, really good book (I mean "War for the Oaks" by Emma Bull). Maybe not the best book I have ever read, but really nice to read. Don't knock it if you don't try it (this mean did not read at least one chapter).

Do you like Ursula K. Le Guin? What about her later, fem books?
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")