A true Firestaff god versus The One

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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Lochar »

You're crusin for a bruisin Tex.
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Halcyon »

Sounds painful.... :wink:
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Texfire »

Lochar wrote:You're crusin for a bruisin Tex.
I throw myself on the mercy of the court. For my community service I'll volunteer to be a proofreader, gratis of course. :)

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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Lochar »

Texfire wrote:
Lochar wrote:You're crusin for a bruisin Tex.
I throw myself on the mercy of the court. For my community service I'll volunteer to be a proofreader, gratis of course. :)

Alright, but you have to proofread the Italian translation first. ;)
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Texfire »

Excellent. World Lingo here I come! :)

Sample Passage:

This was the chosen form of Tarrin Kael, a Were-cat who was once a god, and a man who was currently dead. The form was a body of his own creation, formed by his own mind and will when his soul traversed from the mortal plane into the Astral, a physical shell containing a soul which was the divine soul of a god. The ability to form a new body that was something other than what body he possessed in life was one of the aspects of the power of a god’s soul, something a mortal soul could not accomplish.

Translated into Italian:

Ciò era la forma scelta di Tarrin Kael, un Essere-gatto che era una volta un dio, e un uomo chi era attualmente guasto. La forma era un corpo della sua propria creazione, formato dai suoi propri occupisi di e volontà quando la sua anima ha attraversato dall'aereo mortale nel astral, un fisico medica sgrani contenere un'anima che era l'anima divine di un dio. La capacità di formare un nuovo il corpo che era qualcosa tranne che corpo ha posseduto nella vita era uno del funzioni dell'alimentazione di anima del dio, qualcosa che n'anima mortale non potrebbe compire.

Translated back to English, just for fun:

That was the chosen shape of Tarrin Kael, a Be-cat that was once a God, and a man who was currently out of order. The shape was a body of its own creation, format from its own ones it is taken care of and will when its spirit has crossed from the mortal airplane them in the astral, a medical physicist sgrani to contain a divine spirit that was the spirit of a God. The ability to form a new one the body that was something unless body has possessed in the life was one of functions of the feeding of spirit of the God, something that a mortal spirit them could not compire.


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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Hearly »

Hey Tex, you have wayyy too much time on your hands...

Now back to the discussion....

Unless Fel says different, If I understood The Sword of Fire, Even if Tarrin accepted what he was, he does not have the Mind of a god, and would not be able to use his full powers...

That being said, why does he need an item from Sennadar so badly? I assume it's his Body, But I could be wrong, I mean if it was His body, then he really wouldn't need to fight spyder would he? He could just say, hey I'm here to get my body, never leaving Haven, and go back out the gate... Hence no fight (as others are allowed in Haven from the gate..) but if he needs to leave Haven I think he would need to fight her...
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Lochar »

The problem with that is, not even those few that Spyder was friends with were allowed outside the Gateroom. I don't think she'd be allowed to bend the rules for him.
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Bodak »

Tarrin after he snapped his sword and used high sorcery when he had all of his divine power locked in a broken sword which means he has found a way to link with Sennadar and to the weave without his divine powers or with the help of the sword it did focus the ability but it came form tarrin.

And with the ying and yang and elder god does not have to have a yang the past elder god of Pyrosia did not have a yang remember the elder gods purpose is to create not have a yang he could have but did not want to sheer the power.

By the way the firstaffs power is from when the GoG created the universe that means that tarrin is a true child of the GoG.
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Halcyon »

Lochar wrote:The problem with that is, not even those few that Spyder was friends with were allowed outside the Gateroom. I don't think she'd be allowed to bend the rules for him.
That's true, but who's to say she couldn't just bring it to him? :D
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Lochar »

Because Spyder is Alexi. The 'mortal' champion of All the Elders. If 9 out of 10 say kill him, what's she supposed to do?
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by J-Man5 »

I sent a PM to Fel and this was the response on this topic.

From: Fel
To: J-Man5
Posted: 02 Feb 2006 00:55
Subject: Re: Question for you in this topic.

Were-cats work on instinct. A god created from a Were-cat is no longer mortal, and thus is freed of the instincts.

As to the rest of the thread...well, it's kinda interesting to see what people think, but it's all wrong. Wink

Sometimes it surprises me that people try to read so much into things that they make them more difficult than they need to be.

Simple fact of the matter is that a Firestaff god is nowhere near as powerful as a real god...at least in the big picture. But since all of their power is concetrated in the mortal plane, it gives them the power to fight and defeat the manifested power of gods within the mortal plane.

As a god, Tarrin would have the power to defeat the One in the mortal plane. But as a god of the Firestaff, he would stand no chance against the One in the One's home plane, where he could use all of his power.

Tarrin is something of a special case, though. Using the Firestaff to become a god actually made him weaker than he already was, because he's a Mi'Shara, a being of Entropy, and thus exists outside the rules of the universe. By becoming a god, he bound himself into a set of rules set by the Firestaff, but which are also based in the rules of reality. Even Entropy must conform to certain rules and conditions.

The Firestaff's purpose is to destroy universes. It is an artifact of Entropy. But just because it's an artifact of Entropy, that doesn't mean that it exists beyond rules. It can't act directly, instead it may only create an agent bound by certain rules and have that agent do the destroying for it.

In a way, the Firestaff represents the pure aspect of Entropy that everyone understands, that Entropy seeks to unmake all...but that's not ALL that it does. Destruction is only one aspect of the power of Entropy.

You see...Entropy isn't quite as Entropic as it seems. It too is a part of the great Balance, a representation of the opposite of Order. After all, nothing can exist without an opposite to balance its power. And though it is a paradox, Entropy itself has certain rules that it goes by that allows it to operate as a harmonious counter to Order.

The Entropics have their own place in the Balance, and serve an ultimate purpose, but the Balance they serve is the ULTIMATE Balance, the balance of the primal forces of the multiverse. The destruction of a universe here and there makes little impact in the ultimate balance, and is sometimes necessary for the overall health and welfare of the multiverse. But, sometimes, something so serious happens that it causes Entropy to rise up and create something or someone to restore the Balance.

The Firestaff, Spyder, and Tarrin are all Entropic entities. Each one serves that ultimate balance, but they do so in different ways.

The Firestaff destroys, that's what it was made to do, but does so in a very specific and particular way; by causing the folly of mortal kind to bring about its own destruction. Mortal greed and lust for power brings them to the Firestaff, who gives them what they desire...and then it simply watches as that power destroys everything around it.

Spyder was literally created to defend Sennadar; the omen of the Blood War caused the multiverse to spin her from Entropy and put her in a position where she would protect the Balance, by placing a being that existed outside the rules of the universe in a position to use that power to protect Sennadar. That is her purpose. In Spyder's case, Entropy created an agent to preserve and not destroy, because one of Entropy's responsibilities is to sometimes act in concert with Order to correct or prevent a major imbalance in the primal forces. Sometimes only a creature or object that exists outside of Order can act to maintain Order.

Yet another paradox. Wink

Tarrin's purpose...well, I won't reveal that. But I'm sure that you can figure it out if you think about it. Wink

End Quoted PM

So this adds something to this topic doesn't it.

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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by sOmeone »

Well ..... that certainly was informative
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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by bbobb »

According to J-Man5:
Fel wrote:Tarrin's purpose...well, I won't reveal that. But I'm sure that you can figure it out if you think about it. Wink
I could certainly be wrong, but I've been assuming that Tarrin's purpose is akin to fire in a sequoia grove...

and Niami is looking for a little yang. :wink:

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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Fiferguy »

Lochar wrote:The problem with that is, not even those few that Spyder was friends with were allowed outside the Gateroom. I don't think she'd be allowed to bend the rules for him.
I don't think she'd have to. Remember, when Tarrin was acting as the Gatekeeper, he could use druidic magic in the gate room. So he could just Summon his body to himself.

I wonder though, is Druidic magic--the touching of Ayise's power--like priest spells that require blessing, or that don't? Cause if it does, Ayise could fry him with it, but if not, he might get away with it.

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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Post by Halcyon »

bbobb wrote:According to J-Man5:
Fel wrote:Tarrin's purpose...well, I won't reveal that. But I'm sure that you can figure it out if you think about it. Wink
I could certainly be wrong, but I've been assuming that Tarrin's purpose is akin to fire in a sequoia grove...

and Niami is looking for a little yang. :wink:

Oh brother... :roll:
And thanks J-Man5 for your post as well.
Fifer, you have a good point, but you have to remember that Ayise is bound within the strictures she set in place on Sennadar. So Tarrin would have to do something with the All that's beyond his limits to kill him.