Baen Free CD index

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Re: Baen Free CD index

Post by Phantom »

Load at least one CD. Take a look at the index. It is not complete except for the first CD but it will give you a general idea of each CD's contents.

There is a lot of great FREE scifi on those CDs. I started with There Will be Dragons, a Council Wars novel on the 4th disk. Read all the Council Wars novels then got hooked on the Honor Harrington series on the first CD. Read all ten Honor novels on that CD plus the latest one on the 9th free CD. I still have 20 or so novels left to read on the first CD!

A web site with the free CDs plus the index is planned. It will make it simpler to maintain the index since the web site and hard drive directories will be the same.

<a href="">Baen index</a> ... checking to see if HTML is working ... yup.


Actualy the Posleen novels are known as the Legacy of the Aldenata series

Also Ghost is the first part of the Paladin of shadows series

and for those interested

Book #2 is "Kildar" comming March 2006 (Preview at ) ... .htm?blurb
Book #3 will be "Choosers of the Slain" comming July 4 2006 (unedited preview at) ... apters.asp
(Hardcover and electronic Versions anyways)

on an Interesting Sidenote:
Ghost has been nominated for the Romance Category in the <B>Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll </B> at It's under the novelr Category

Go to if you wish to add your vote.

Please select Ghost ---- John Ringo ---- Baen .... and not the John Ring one don't know who did that one
also the other Ghost john ringo in lower case seems to have been someone trying to fix the John ring mistake ....
The Voting is open untill jan-15-2006.

But your work looks interesting won't help me as I make each into a Pdf before i read them.

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment..I will not run
It is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
(bloodied hands)
And in our Dying, we're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
For I am Winter born
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Re: Baen Free CD index

Post by Were_Fan »

Spec8472 wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:Dead tree Amazon links are included to keep this legal from a tax standpoint. ;-)
Baen have said that it's legal to share the CDs for non-commercial purposes. I'd think they would have a problem with it being used to promote a company, or to earn you $$ for Amazon referrals.
Ummm, kinda similar but not really that close nor correct. Baen just doesn't want people selling the CDs as in selling the free downloads. In fact, the free CDs are specifically for promoting Baen hardcopy sales! That info is directly from Baen in both the "orientation" files from the CDs and on the web site in various places. The disk labels say "This disk and its contents may be copied and shared but not sold". The Amazon links are NOT selling the free CDs and are instead promoting Baen hardcopy sales which is what Baen desires. That said, the hardcopy links let my company "donate" the web space and keep it legit with the IRS, not Baen. ;-) However, I do see a weak point in Baen's campaign. If people read the electronic versions, will they also buy the book? I will be contacting Jim Baen directly and go with whatever he says.
As for bandwidth - both my, and the site won't be having bandwidth issues in the future - We've both been upgraded to plans with over 1.6TB of bandwidth.
Glad to hear that others are getting increased bandwidth for Baen's wonderful gifts. fifthimperium was getting throttled. Don't know how it was effecting but another terabyte or so of bandwith to push past 2.5TB can't hurt. Once people find out that you have increased bandwidth, they will "stop by" more often. "If you build it, they will come..."

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Re: Baen Free CD index

Post by Were_Fan »

Phantom wrote:
<snip old CD reference>
The index has been moved and all ten free CDs are now listed. The old links will forward but the new URL is:
Actualy the Posleen novels are known as the Legacy of the Aldenata series

Yeah, I had to make a decision on that one. Had Aldenata then switched it to Posleen cause the CD label says "The Posleen Disk". The original CD's index says Legacy of the Aldenata. Can't win either way so will put up "Posleen/Aldenata" so everyone can figure it out. Gotta get me one of those Die, Posleen Scum T-shirts. :-)
Also Ghost is the first part of the Paladin of shadows series
<snip Ghost stuff>
Haven't got around to Ghost yet. Still reading the rest of CD #1 and Ghost is on CD #8. Thoroughly enjoyed Ringo's Council War series. However, I think Baen gave away too much on the free CDs. There wasn't anything else to buy in Council Wars series or Weber's Honor Harrington. Just finished reading <a href=" ... .htm">Rats, Bats and Vats</a> from the first disk. Hilarious!
But your work looks interesting won't help me as I make each into a Pdf before i read them.

One thing not mentioned is that the index I wrote is an LCD or Lowest Common Denominator web page. Yes, it looks plain ... but ... it is easy to read for the visually impaired. Try changing browser font sizes on some nice, fancy web pages and you will see what I mean.

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Re: Baen Free CD index

Post by Phantom »

Were_Fan wrote:
Phantom wrote:
<snip old CD reference>
The index has been moved and all ten free CDs are now listed. The old links will forward but the new URL is:
Actualy the Posleen novels are known as the Legacy of the Aldenata series

Yeah, I had to make a decision on that one. Had Aldenata then switched it to Posleen cause the CD label says "The Posleen Disk". The original CD's index says Legacy of the Aldenata. Can't win either way so will put up "Posleen/Aldenata" so everyone can figure it out. Gotta get me one of those Die, Posleen Scum T-shirts. :-)
Also Ghost is the first part of the Paladin of shadows series
<snip Ghost stuff>
Haven't got around to Ghost yet. Still reading the rest of CD #1 and Ghost is on CD #8. Thoroughly enjoyed Ringo's Council War series. However, I think Baen gave away too much on the free CDs. There wasn't anything else to buy in Council Wars series or Weber's Honor Harrington. Just finished reading <a href=" ... .htm">Rats, Bats and Vats</a> from the first disk. Hilarious!

One thing not mentioned is that the index I wrote is an LCD or Lowest Common Denominator web page. Yes, it looks plain ... but ... it is easy to read for the visually impaired. Try changing browser font sizes on some nice, fancy web pages and you will see what I mean.


I just figured i'd let you know the Official Names for each of the John Ringo series's ....

You can find them your self at

But to speed things up they are

Council Wars
Empire of Man
Into the Looking Glass <--- Not sure this will stay once he releases book 2 in this series
Legacy of Aldenata
Paladin of Shadows (Ghost)

There wasn't anything else to buy in Council Wars series
East of the Sun, West of the Moon to be published May 2006

The E-book became Available in November I think
Might just Be the E-Arc i'm thinking of ...

Should be a New CD comming soon as well

"Kildar" ((Ghost Book II)) Hardcopy has one in it (if i remember correctly)
if not there should be one in the Hardcopy of "Choosers of the Slain"((Ghost Book III)) Due out July 4 2006
"Into the Breach" Ghost Book IV is Due out ????

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment..I will not run
It is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
(bloodied hands)
And in our Dying, we're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
For I am Winter born
The CruxShadows "Winterborn" (This Sacrifice)
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Re: Baen Free CD index

Post by Spec8472 »

If someone can get their hands on it, I'm happy to host it too.
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Re: Baen Free CD index

Post by Were_Fan »

Phantom wrote:
Were_Fan wrote: <snip>
Should be a New CD comming soon as well

"Kildar" ((Ghost Book II)) Hardcopy has one in it (if i remember correctly)
if not there should be one in the Hardcopy of "Choosers of the Slain"((Ghost Book III)) Due out July 4 2006
"Into the Breach" Ghost Book IV is Due out ????

Aaaaaarrrgghh! I haven't even finished all the novels on the first CD (I think there are 40 or 50). I'm gonna be staying up late and fall asleep at my friend's shop and wreck an expensive piece of hardware and get sued! Or fall asleep at the wheel ... or ... aarrhgghh!
Jim/Were Fan