Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Journeywoman »

Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote:Once Tarrin goes after the Solar, no one can help him. The best Niami can do is not actively oppose him. Tarrin, because he will attack and maybe KILL a Solar, will effectively be against ALL Balance. It's pretty much going to be broadcasted that he's an Entropic and to be stopped at all costs.
That is assuming that Tarrin actually attacks a Solar instead of doing the sneaky were cat thing and taking what he needs right out from under the Solar's nose. Some people have speculated that Tarrin needs the Solar's "soul" amulet. If Fel mentioned a soul amulet for a Solar, I missed it.
The Deva soul amulet idea comes from Mother Wynn's warning about dipping his hands into good being as dangerous as dipping his hands into the demon's amulets. And soul amulets are the sort of thing you couldn't really get out from under his nose. If however it is a different type of object, as the circumstances portray it: essensial/important to the Deva, so it's likely to be watched. The only way Tarrin would get it without a Solar fight would be the GoGs telling him to give it to Tarrin, which I think within the circumstances is not likely to happen, especially if it turns out to be the soul amulet.
Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote: Niami, knowing his plan, can just not do anything for or against him. As a Sorcerer, he can draw on the weave, but that's not because Niami allows or disallows her Sorcerers to draw on the Weave.
Rules are rules but since when has Tarrin stuck to the rules? His attitude has apparently rubbed off on Niami since she has already stated that she WILL help him. The Deva are aware of Tarrin's unique nature and have been watching him since he left Sennadar for Pyrosia.
My thought here is being an Entropic being could Niami actually stop him from pulling power from the weave if he put his mind to it? If Spyder can bind a god, why couldn't Tarrin get around the rules anyway? But I think in this case it's not necessarly that Niami is breaking the rules, I think she is bending them for the greater good.
Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote: No one will be allowed to help him until he has proven himself that while an Entropic, he's for the Balance. I imagine a human Tarrin, had he made it this far, wouldn't be able to stay for the Balance after learning about his origins.
Ummm ... Tarrin is already being helped by Mother Wynn and the "bar maid", both who are more than they originally appeared to be. He also has indirect help from the Deva. Tarrins ability to break "rules" has apparently been passed on to his friends. Remember that the Solar told the Deva Ch'belle that Jula and Tsukatta would be allowed to break the One Rule in Crossroads. You know, the rule that applies to everyone, including the gods. Furthermore, Tarrins friends would even be given assistance by the Deva. The Deva NEVER do anything without the knowledge and permission of the God of Gods. The God of Gods is in Tarrin's corner. He doesn't NEED any more help.
I agree the GoG is in Tarrins corner but he obviously has restrictions on himself, much like the other gods, so to create change he has created change creators (Entropic beings) through which he can initiate the change without seeming to. The big questions in my mind are what are the rules going to change to and how big will the change be? It obviously has to be big because of the trouble gone through to kill a single god but what will the ramifications of this be on the entire GoG's domain?
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by mbeau »

Were_Fan wrote: Niami: "You can, kitten, so long as you remember who you are," she told him, reaching up and patting him on the cheek. "Always keep that in mind, Tarrin. No one can stand against you."
I think the part about "remember who you are" is the important part. Remember that being a Werecat gives Tarrin a very flexible 5th appendage, his tail, which he has used many times before. That, combined with other tactics he has used, like switching to cat form and back to fool an opponent.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Peter_Koopman »

mbeau wrote:I think the part about "remember who you are" is the important part. Remember that being a Werecat gives Tarrin a very flexible 5th appendage, his tail, which he has used many times before. That, combined with other tactics he has used, like switching to cat form and back to fool an opponent.
Does anyone remember Tarrin first meeting with Triana? Isn't Tarrin an accomplished Druid himself? As far as I know Spider is not, so Tarrin should have a big advantage by blocking Spyders sorcery.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Hearly »

Peter_Koopman wrote:
mbeau wrote:I think the part about "remember who you are" is the important part. Remember that being a Werecat gives Tarrin a very flexible 5th appendage, his tail, which he has used many times before. That, combined with other tactics he has used, like switching to cat form and back to fool an opponent.
Does anyone remember Tarrin first meeting with Triana? Isn't Tarrin an accomplished Druid himself? As far as I know Spider is not, so Tarrin should have a big advantage by blocking Spyders sorcery.
Um, Tarrin can't use Druid magic period.. Ayse(sp?) could kill him then, Druid magic is her...
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Hearly wrote:
Peter_Koopman wrote:
mbeau wrote:I think the part about "remember who you are" is the important part. Remember that being a Werecat gives Tarrin a very flexible 5th appendage, his tail, which he has used many times before. That, combined with other tactics he has used, like switching to cat form and back to fool an opponent.
Does anyone remember Tarrin first meeting with Triana? Isn't Tarrin an accomplished Druid himself? As far as I know Spider is not, so Tarrin should have a big advantage by blocking Spyders sorcery.
Um, Tarrin can't use Druid magic period.. Ayse(sp?) could kill him then, Druid magic is her...
Um, I think that Aiyse is in Tarrin's corner. Niami (Magic) is definitely on Tarrin's side. She holds a hand full of aces in the Tarin game since she can cut all other God's followers off from magic. I don't remember if she can also limit other god's magic in Sennadar. Whatever, they really don't want to get Niami mad.

Other likely Tarrin supporters are Ahiriya (Fire), Fara’Nae (Selani), Kikkalli (Wikuni) and Dallstad (Ungardt). Shaervan, God of the Aeradalla is a possible supporter also plus a few others. So, not all of the Sennadar gods oppose Tarrin. In addition, Mother Wynn can probably whip all of them without dropping as stitch of her knitting. Don't forget the Deva appear to be covertly supporting Tarrin also and that means the God Of Gods is on Tarrin's side. Y'all are a worry'un too much.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Were_Fan wrote:Um, I think that Aiyse is in Tarrin's corner. Niami (Magic) is definitely on Tarrin's side. She holds a hand full of aces in the Tarin game since she can cut all other God's followers off from magic. I don't remember if she can also limit other god's magic in Sennadar. Whatever, they really don't want to get Niami mad.

Other likely Tarrin supporters are Ahiriya (Fire), Fara’Nae (Selani), Kikkalli (Wikuni) and Dallstad (Ungardt). Shaervan, God of the Aeradalla is a possible supporter also plus a few others. So, not all of the Sennadar gods oppose Tarrin. In addition, Mother Wynn can probably whip all of them without dropping as stitch of her knitting. Don't forget the Deva appear to be covertly supporting Tarrin also and that means the God Of Gods is on Tarrin's side. Y'all are a worry'un too much.
Unfortunately, no.
Axe Ch. 26 wrote: “Steel yourself, my daughter,” Ayise said grimly. “For when they return, we might be forced to take action.”

“For what purpose?” she had asked, then she looked into her mother’s eyes. “No!” she gasped.

“His power grows, without his knowledge,” Shellar said to her quietly. “Every day he becomes stronger. There may come a time when he is no longer locked away from his true power. When that day comes, it might spell disaster for the Balance.”
Aiyse really doesn't want Tarrin back. I'm guessing as the originating goddess of Sennadar, she knows that Tarrin is Entropic.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Shadowhawk »

Hearly wrote:
Peter_Koopman wrote:Does anyone remember Tarrin first meeting with Triana? Isn't Tarrin an accomplished Druid himself? As far as I know Spider is not, so Tarrin should have a big advantage by blocking Spyders sorcery.
Um, Tarrin can't use Druid magic period.. Ayse(sp?) could kill him then, Druid magic is her...
As doing Druidic magic is indirect access to Aiyse powers, I think she is not aware what every individual Druid does; similar to the Priests of Karas which could be ki'zadun without his knowledge, if they restricted themselves to Priest spells which did not require the conscious granting of powers by (Younger) God. So Tarrin should be able to use Druidic magic (access All), even if Aiyse is against him.

But Tarrin using Druidic magic to cut the Spyder off the Weave is a nice idea; see also Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight thread in Q&A About the Pyrosian Chronicles section (forum).
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by RobJ »

To understand the present one must consult the writings of the past. To predict the future or influence it is very difficult as we are not the author (Fel) and the options are many.
Some observations that I have made are:
1). Mother Wynn from Chapter 6 Tower of Sorcery and Sashi from Chapter 2 Honor and Blood have one thing in common. An act of genuine compassion which in both instances had a soothing effect on Tarrin.
2). In Chapter 19 Axe of Dwarven King, a discussion between the following Kikkalli, Ahiriya, Fara Nae, Niami and Karas. This conversation gives us the reader a good understanding of events as they stand now. I gives credance to the arguement that the Gods themselves are keeping secrets from others and are pushing things in a certain direction. "by using his powers will keep the other Gods afraid and in that will keep him alive".
3). In Chapter 25 Axe of Dwarven King, Niami takes Tarrins soul trap from his home.
These observations have led me to make the following assumptions whether they are correct or not is a mute point.
The reappearence of Mother Wynn and Sashi in Chapter 3 of Demons Bane could well be at the direction of the God of Gods and would suggest that it was he who started Tarrins adventure from the begining. If change was to be made then the God of Gods had to create this situation in an indirect fashion or the Balance would be affected if direct intervention were to occur. History in the form of the 2nd observation would suggest a subtle nudge again by the God of Gods. It is my guess that there have been changes needed to be made to avoid complacency amongst the Gods and Tarrin being a being of Entropic capability is needed to create this effect. The key word in my view is CHANGE as apposed to destruction of the Balance. I suspect that the Gods have become too complacent and need to be given a kick because as is shown on Pyrosia the Elder God acted in a very human manner when he abandoned his duty there.
How Tarrin achieves this objective is pure guess work as there are many different options. I find the why the more interesting question.
My third observation regarding the soul trap is more a query in that if Niami has it with her then Tarrin does not need to return to his home to destroy it.
I have made it a habit to reread all the chapters whilst waiting for the next fresh addition and seem to hopefully understand more each time I do. It's a great work in progress with many more chapters and several more books to come, I hope.

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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Shadowhawk »

Nature of Mother Wynn and flat chested girl (seen in Crossroads, "Demon's banc" Ch. 3:
  1. They were both agents of Gods of Gods from the beginning, nudging the Tarrin in desired direction
  2. They were mortal people, nudged to behave in certain way towards Tarrin by some kind of Guardian Angel
  3. They were mortal people, chosen by God of Gods because of their interaction Tarrin, who became son of Firestaff
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