Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Agreed. He's going to have to take Spyder out of the equation, at least for the time until he's done with what chore he has to do on Sennadar.

As the only other Mi'Shara on Sennadar, he's going to be easy for Spyder to track down.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Shadowhawk »

Lochar wrote:As the only other Mi'Shara on Sennadar, he's going to be easy for Spyder to track down.
Hasn't Spyder taught him how to not pull on the weave, and be not detectable this way?
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Shadowhawk wrote:
Lochar wrote:As the only other Mi'Shara on Sennadar, he's going to be easy for Spyder to track down.
Hasn't Spyder taught him how to not pull on the weave, and be not detectable this way?
Yes, he knows how to do that, but I assume that if he left Spyder alone, Tarrin would be followable based on the Entropic factor. Especially if he starts using that power, which I'm assuming he's going to have to use eventually.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Lochar wrote:Agreed. He's going to have to take Spyder out of the equation, at least for the time until he's done with what chore he has to do on Sennadar.

As the only other Mi'Shara on Sennadar, he's going to be easy for Spyder to track down.
Please recall Niami's conversation with Tarrin during their walk. I don't think Spyder will be coming after Tarrin after she wakes up. In any case, Niami holds the key to magic on Sennadar. Spyder wouldn't be able to do anything magical without Niami's cooperation.

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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Shadowhawk wrote:
Lochar wrote: <snip>
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")
I couldn't resist this after reading your signature. Is their a tax on krin? Will Tarrin be dodging Crossroads tax collectors or did he pay his taxes like a good Were God? <LOL>
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote:Agreed. He's going to have to take Spyder out of the equation, at least for the time until he's done with what chore he has to do on Sennadar.

As the only other Mi'Shara on Sennadar, he's going to be easy for Spyder to track down.
Please recall Niami's conversation with Tarrin during their walk. I don't think Spyder will be coming after Tarrin after she wakes up. In any case, Niami holds the key to magic on Sennadar. Spyder wouldn't be able to do anything magical without Niami's cooperation.

No she won't, but if she is just pushed aside, and he doesn't actually 'win through' to Sennadar, she is still duty bound to keep going after him. And outside of the Gateroom, remember what Spyder said. "I've used magic that would sink the continents."

We definately don't want that to happen outside that room.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Lochar wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote:Agreed. He's going to have to take Spyder out of the equation, at least for the time until he's done with what chore he has to do on Sennadar.

As the only other Mi'Shara on Sennadar, he's going to be easy for Spyder to track down.
Please recall Niami's conversation with Tarrin during their walk. I don't think Spyder will be coming after Tarrin after she wakes up. In any case, Niami holds the key to magic on Sennadar. Spyder wouldn't be able to do anything magical without Niami's cooperation.

No she won't, but if she is just pushed aside, and he doesn't actually 'win through' to Sennadar, she is still duty bound to keep going after him. And outside of the Gateroom, remember what Spyder said. "I've used magic that would sink the continents."

We definately don't want that to happen outside that room.
But ... If Niami doesn't allow Spyder to use magic, she won't be using any continent sinking magic. Tarrin could use a simple spell to bonk her on the head.

Niami: "I know. But at least I can be there to assure her (Spyder) that you forgive her after it's over."

Tarrin WILL defeat Spyder.

Tarrin: "Mother, Spyder will be the biggest challenge I've ever had to face. I'm not sure I can beat her."

Niami: "You can, kitten, so long as you remember who you are," she told him, reaching up and patting him on the cheek. "Always keep that in mind, Tarrin. No one can stand against you."

That might be a slip there but maybe Niami knows something when she says no one can stand against Tarrin. Is Tarrin the Mi'Shara of Mi'Sharas? Is his purpose in the multiverse to clean up after absent Elder Gods and other assorted rogue Gods?

I think Fel has written boxes within boxes. Lest we forget, Tarrin has at least one Solar apparently working on his side so there is more involved than Gods, Elder Gods, Demons and mortals. The Deva ONLY do things with the knowledge and permission/orders of the God of Gods.

I'm really wondering about the true identity of Mother Wynn and the "peasant girl" now.

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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

As a Mi'Shara, Spyder may be able to go around that restriction. When Tarrin fought Val, he literally went past mortal boundries and pulled on the magic of the universe. Spyder can do that too, and probably just draw directly on magic itself, regardless of what Niami says. Remember, Spyder is not just the daughter of Niami, she's the enforcer for ALL the Elder Gods, so if the other 9 say "Kill Tarrin" she can't ignore their voices.

That's why Tarrin has to get past Spyder without either of them reaching into the Mi'Shara bag of tricks.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Saetan »

Were_Fan wrote:
I'm really wondering about the true identity of Mother Wynn and the "peasant girl" now.

you know, I've been waiting to see what people had to say about them . . . I have my own ideas, though I refuse to say anything because if I'm wrong, and I say something, I look stupid. If I'm right, and don't bother saying anything, I can still be smugly happy with myself . . . it's win/win ;P~~
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Saetan wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:
I'm really wondering about the true identity of Mother Wynn and the "peasant girl" now.

you know, I've been waiting to see what people had to say about them . . . I have my own ideas, though I refuse to say anything because if I'm wrong, and I say something, I look stupid. If I'm right, and don't bother saying anything, I can still be smugly happy with myself . . . it's win/win ;P~~
Well, if it does turn out to be Mother Theresa and Joan of Arc, I'll buy everyone a cup of coffee! <LOL>
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

I don't drink coffee, if you do, can I have a Mountain Dew instead?
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Lochar wrote:As a Mi'Shara, Spyder may be able to go around that restriction. When Tarrin fought Val, he literally went past mortal boundries and pulled on the magic of the universe. Spyder can do that too, and probably just draw directly on magic itself, regardless of what Niami says. Remember, Spyder is not just the daughter of Niami, she's the enforcer for ALL the Elder Gods, so if the other 9 say "Kill Tarrin" she can't ignore their voices.

That's why Tarrin has to get past Spyder without either of them reaching into the Mi'Shara bag of tricks.
I wouldn't worry about Spyder being a Mi'Shara. Tarrin is "special", even for a Mi'Shara. The Deva have watched him since he left Sennadar! Special dispensation is given his friends to break the "one rule" in Crossroads without being put to death. Tarrin has "friends" in high places. And more friends in "higher" places. And yet more "friends" in even higher places. Poor Spyder! <LOL>

Niami has already told Tarrin she will interfere if things go wrong. He is also likely to get assistance from Aiyse, Ahiriya, etc.

But, Tarrin could win without a blow being struck. Picture this ...

Tarrin comes through the Astral gate. He is carrying his staff since he only wants to disable Spyder, not kill her. Spyder is startled and drops her tea. She backs up a step. Tarrin slips on the wet floor and bumps his head. While Tarrin is stunned, help arrives. Aiyse, Niami, Ahiriya appear followed closely by Dallstad, Kikkalli, Fara’Nae and Neme. Ten Solars, 100 Planetars and 1000 Divas are on the God's heels. Spyder tells the awsome assembly that all is well since Tarrin has been stopped. Un-noticed until now, Mother Wynn speaks up and says to Spyder: "Child, we are not here to stop Tarrin. We are here to help him." Spyder faints. Tarrin awakens as everyone but Niami goes "poof". Niami tells Tarrin to proceed with his plans as she waits for Spyder to awaken.

Well, that would certainly be a drastic occurence but understand that the God of Gods is unlikely to let Tarrin fail since at leaast some Deva are already assisting. The thing to remember is that Tarrin has *F*R*I*E*N*D*S* all the way to the God of Gods. It would take only a wee bit of tampering to effect the outcome of a Tarrin vs Spyder bout should things go wrong for Tarrin but more than a wee but of power is available.

However, it shouldn't be anything as drastic as the above scenerio. Tarrin is MORE than a Mi'Shara. He is also a god. Expect something unusual to happen when Niami tells Dollana about the priest relationship with Tarrin.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Once Tarrin goes after the Solar, no one can help him. The best Niami can do is not actively oppose him. Tarrin, because he will attack and maybe KILL a Solar, will effectively be against ALL Balance. It's pretty much going to be broadcasted that he's an Entropic and to be stopped at all costs.

Niami, knowing his plan, can just not do anything for or against him. As a Sorcerer, he can draw on the weave, but that's not because Niami allows or disallows her Sorcerers to draw on the Weave.

No one will be allowed to help him until he has proven himself that while an Entropic, he's for the Balance. I imagine a human Tarrin, had he made it this far, wouldn't be able to stay for the Balance after learning about his origins.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Lochar wrote:Once Tarrin goes after the Solar, no one can help him. The best Niami can do is not actively oppose him. Tarrin, because he will attack and maybe KILL a Solar, will effectively be against ALL Balance. It's pretty much going to be broadcasted that he's an Entropic and to be stopped at all costs.
That is assuming that Tarrin actually attacks a Solar instead of doing the sneaky were cat thing and taking what he needs right out from under the Solar's nose. Some people have speculated that Tarrin needs the Solar's "soul" amulet. If Fel mentioned a soul amulet for a Solar, I missed it.
Niami, knowing his plan, can just not do anything for or against him. As a Sorcerer, he can draw on the weave, but that's not because Niami allows or disallows her Sorcerers to draw on the Weave.
Rules are rules but since when has Tarrin stuck to the rules? His attitude has apparently rubbed off on Niami since she has already stated that she WILL help him. The Deva are aware of Tarrin's unique nature and have been watching him since he left Sennadar for Pyrosia.
No one will be allowed to help him until he has proven himself that while an Entropic, he's for the Balance. I imagine a human Tarrin, had he made it this far, wouldn't be able to stay for the Balance after learning about his origins.
Ummm ... Tarrin is already being helped by Mother Wynn and the "bar maid", both who are more than they originally appeared to be. He also has indirect help from the Deva. Tarrins ability to break "rules" has apparently been passed on to his friends. Remember that the Solar told the Deva Ch'belle that Jula and Tsukatta would be allowed to break the One Rule in Crossroads. You know, the rule that applies to everyone, including the gods. Furthermore, Tarrins friends would even be given assistance by the Deva. The Deva NEVER do anything without the knowledge and permission of the God of Gods. The God of Gods is in Tarrin's corner. He doesn't NEED any more help.


ps-edited for spelling.
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Re: Just a heads-up (Ed: Later posts contain Chapter 3 Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Were_Fan wrote:Rules are rules but since when has Tarrin stuck to the rules? His attitude has apparently rubbed off on Niami since she has already stated that she WILL help him. The Deva are aware of Tarrin's unique nature and have been watching him since he left Sennadar for Pyrosia.

ps-edited for spelling.
Chapter 3 wrote:"This is something I really can't help you with anyway, kitten," she answered his request with honesty. "All I can say is be careful, and know that when you leave Crossroads, I'm not going to be able to help you at all. I won't even be able to speak to you. What you intend to do is going to make you a criminal in the eyes of everyone. I'll help you as much as I can until you pass that point of no return, but once you cross over that line, I can do no more for you. To do so would threaten the Balance, and I can't do that. Once you commit to that course of action, there will be no turning back. You will be an enemy to the gods, the Deva, the Demons... just about everyone. I can only strongly suggest that you fully understand and appreciate what that is going to mean."
Once he does whatever he's going to do to the Solar, he is lone man on an island.

I don't think even the Solar who gave the orders about Tsukatta and Jula was aware of what was eventually going to happen. For irony's sake, I'm hoping it is that Solar that Tarrin eventually goes after. *grin*
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