Learning Elemental magic

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Learning Elemental magic

Post by Dash »

What are peoples thoughts on Tarrin actually learning the Elemental magic?

He seems to be too powerful, now that he is more in tune with his god side, would he try to learn Elemental magic now? It was a good thing near the start to learn it because he had very little access to his normal magic. But he seems to have recovered most of his old skills (not druidic).

The storyline seems to be picking up it pace. They are now on the run, would he have much peace and quiet to learn the magic anyway? Of course, he might learn it on the way since he is a demi-god of fire as well, but he could just access the godly power and not really bother trying to go through the planes?

Fel seemed to be teasing us with Elemental magic earlier, and now that side of the story has gone a bit quiet. Hope it  returns in future chapters :-)
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Re: Learning Elemental magic

Post by Mark_Reed »

Personally, I'm all for Tarrin learning any type of magic he can find. Tarrin is a bit like the RPG character you wish you could play- he goes through so much and learns so many skills that you find yourself wanting to live vicariously through him, faults and all. Or maybe I'm just really really weird.

I *am* concerned, though. Tarrin has become so powerful (with his magical might, his various types of magics, and his semi-divinity) that the story is in danger of... what is that phrase, 'jumping the shark?' (I'm told it relates to an old happy days episode, but it's second hand information at least.) In my opinion, the story hasn't done it yet so far (although it looked like it would until Tarrin was set up for a new mission in Axe of the Dwarven King) but it can only go so much further before it loses direction. Fel has done a FABULOUS job of keeping things focussed so far, and the fact that he's done so is a tribute to his ability. I think he can keep things interesting through the end of pyrosia, but I also think that having tarrin become even more super-powered would make it more difficult for him if he he doesn't immediately end the story after Tarrin gets back to Sennedar (or decides to stay, or gets himself killed, or however things will work out).

So in short- I'd love to see it, but it'll make Fel's job harder.

Longwinded answer aside, has Fel said which elemental plane tarrin will draw from? In Questing Game or Honor and Blood, Fel told us that Tarrin had an affinity for air weaves. He has a divine affinity for fire. I could make an argument for the plane he draws from as an elementalist going either way. Sorcery *seems* to be much more related to elemental magic than divine magic, but the divine magics are now just as integral to Tarrin's very being as his being Were.

Personally, I hope he draws from earth or water, just for the sake of diversity.  ;)
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Re: Learning Elemental magic

Post by Lochar »

mark_reed wrote:Personally, I hope he draws from earth or water, just for the sake of diversity.  ;)
Diverse nothing.  If he drew from Earth or Water, he'd have a strong affinity for 3 of the 4 elements.   That'd be insane.

My vote though, is for Earth.  Couple of reasons.  One, Jal is water, and don't want to overlap the poor little boy.

Second reason is an actual good one.  *grin*  From his abilities as a Sorcerer, he has an affinity for Air, divine affinity for fire.  Through his Were nature of protecting his family and things like that, he should get Earth, since it is a healing area.
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Re: Learning Elemental magic

Post by avitchel »

Good call! I agree if Tarrin is to become an elementalist, Earth affinity would seem to be the one with the most growth potential. The conflict stakes have definitely been raised with the Balor / Demon Lord. The next book in the series is prophetically called "Demon's Bane", so I'm assuming that Tarrin doesn't finish everything in Pyrosia via "Sword of Fire". We see many hints of additional capabilities being imbued, peripheral glances of something like the weave, strange power within the girl, jamming his hand into the "Earth" to invoke the volcano-based urban renewal project. Fel is giving us tons of clues towards future revelations and plot twists.  Hope he's having a restful yet productive summer <grin>!
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Re: Learning Elemental magic

Post by The_Namer »

Can Elemental magic be learned like Wizard magic? I was under the impression that it is an innate gift, similar to Sorcery and Druidic magic. Or is Tarrin gifted in all forms of magic, even those not native to Sennadar?
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Re: Learning Elemental magic

Post by Wildcat »

It was my impression that because elemental magic IS similar to Sorcery that Tarrin should be able to use it. After all, he's got the ability to use magic from those realms (kind of) through the Elementals he summons, so I was thinking he might be able to use them directly as well.
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Re: Learning Elemental magic

Post by hatten_jc »

dash wrote:What are peoples thoughts on Tarrin actually learning the Elemental magic?

He seems to be too powerful, now that he is more in tune with his god side, would he try to learn Elemental magic now? It was a good thing near the start to learn it because he had very little access to his normal magic. But he seems to have recovered most of his old skills (not druidic).

The storyline seems to be picking up it pace. They are now on the run, would he have much peace and quiet to learn the magic anyway? Of course, he might learn it on the way since he is a demi-god of fire as well, but he could just access the godly power and not really bother trying to go through the planes?

Fel seemed to be teasing us with Elemental magic earlier, and now that side of the story has gone a bit quiet. Hope it returns in future chapters :-)

I do have a teory.
Elemental magik IS Sorcerers that lack the Conection to the Weav that exist in Senare.

The Elementalist is children of Sorcerers that manage to survive.
Im sure that ALL the sorcerers that escordted the dwarfs cant have been 'elves' some must have been human.

and some of those humans must have hade children with the lokal humans and elementalist is born.  ;D
But its up to Fel to tell if im wrong or not..
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