Error in chapter 8

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Error in chapter 8

Post by Mark_Reed »

(Could someone move this to the FAQ section? I didn't notice until after I posted that it's in the wrong area.)

If this has already been brought up, I apologize for repeating it. I haven't had the time to look at too much of the backlog.

In chapter 8 of Sword of Fire (about a fifth of the way through) Tarrin stops the group some distance from the capital city so they will be out from underfoot while he battles The One. He then makes a ward.
He then reached out with his paw and wove a frighteningly complicated Ward that was nearly five hundred spans across, a dome of absolute protection that would stop any magic from crossing its boundary, and canceling all magic but Sorcery within it. No Demon could Teleport within their midst, and the Ward would render their magic unusable. That would give them the ability to kill them relatively easily, for few Demons were a match for Azakar, Ulger, or Haley in a battle with weapons, and the magic of Miranda and Dolanna would destroy them quickly.
But since the ward blocks all magic except sorcery, Miranda's priest magic wouldn't work. Later in the chapter, Miranda heals Tarrin's physical body after his battle with The One.
And then she was there. Chanting softly in the language of the gods, she placed her hands on Tarrins chest. His body began to glow with a soft white light as the healing power of Kikkalli infused him, bolstered his body and kept it operating as it searched through him to understand the nature and extent of his hurt. Then it set to work repairing the damage, knitting wounds together, urging the growth of new flesh, new bone, new skin, gently prodding misplaced organs and tissue back to its respective place and sealing it within newly regrown flesh and bone and tissue. The spell took long moments, as Miranda continued to chant in a stately, serene voice, as the power of Kikkalli brought Tarrin back from the brink of death and renewed his physical form, saving him from death.
Another thing for Fel to add to his "must fix later" list. ;)
Last edited by Mark_Reed on Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error in chapter 8

Post by Feanuonn »

Not sure if this is the answer, but I would think that since she is the Avatar of her diety and therefore the physical embodiment.....she doesn't have to go outside the ward to access her priest magic...she grants herself the powers from within.
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Re: Error in chapter 8

Post by Lochar »

I also established with Fel earlier that magic doesn't need the weave to be cast in Pyrosia.  The ward doesn't work for that reason, but for reasons Fel wouldn't tell me.
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Re: Error in chapter 8

Post by Shadowhawk »

lochar wrote:I also established with Fel earlier that magic doesn't need the weave to be cast in Pyrosia.  The ward doesn't work for that reason, but for reasons Fel wouldn't tell me.
There is more than one way to achieve the same result. In Sennadar you block magic by cutting out of the Weave which results in no transport for magic's energy (thus Ward does not block Druidic magic). In Pyrosia similar ward could work in different way, e.g. disallowing reaching for energy to other planes (thus removing acces to Wizardry and Elemental magic; one would need something else to block Priest magic and innate Demon magic). Or it could disturb the magic energy during transition, making spells fizzle. Or...
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Re: Error in chapter 8

Post by Shadowhawk »

feanuonn wrote:Not sure if this is the answer, but I would think that since she is the Avatar of her deity and therefore the physical embodiment... she doesn't have to go outside the ward to access her Priest magic...  she is granted the power from within.
That and maybe the camp's ward works that way (with respect to Priest magic) that it blocks connection to priest's God, from the priest inside the ward to the God (his avatar, presence or icon) outside the ward. Miranda connects with Goddes who is on other plane and the connection does not need to pass thru the ward.
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")