Fel is in hospital

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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by Mizriath »


Take care of yourself. My heart stopped when I see the word that you are in hospital.

Get as well as you can. Simple exercises do helps like long walks. :)
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by kyli »

Glad you're alright. Hope it isn't serious when the test results get in. Best of luck!!!! 8)
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by MartinK »

Fel wrote:Someone else said it could have been stress or anxiety, but I rather doubt it. I can say that I'm fairly lucky to live a more or less stress-free life.
/me adds another point to the list of how to become a good story writer. "have a more or less stress-free life".
I think it's age. You know, that most insidious of all diseases. ;)
And that goes on the todo list. [ ] Find a way to stop aging. Would be a great way to earn money besides the obvious advantages for myself. ;-)

Anyway, good to hear you didn't have to stay in the hospital, so it wasn't something seriously wrong with you. Perhaps you dreamed of being an athlete busy running in the olympics? Or more nightmarish perhaps, as in running from something better not to be described here? After all, we rarely remember a dream for long after waking up, some are bound to be forgotten before we even become aware of having dreamed anything.
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by canisd »

Like everyone else, glad you are better Fel and hope those tests don't show anything too bad.
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by Andygal »

I'm glad you are OK, I admit I kind of freaked out a little when I saw that you were having heart problems.

Sending many hopes for your good health.
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by crxbnt »

FEL, take care of yourself first.

I resemble your remark about aging. Amazing how as 60 approaches we just can't bounce back like when we were 18. Can't exist on 4 hours sleep a night and crap food either. If we work, we must get rest, and eat right. And exercise. That balance makes everything else work out.

Keep well.
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by Rakoroa »

I'm glad you're ok Fel. Take it easy mate.
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Re: Fel is in hospital

Post by Wolfee »

Fel glad to hear your are doing better! Will keep you in our prayers, hope you are with us for many a long year yet.