A plea for a new chapter

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A plea for a new chapter

Post by Shilo »

Please Fel can we have Chapter 11 pretty Please ::). I need to know what is happening to them now. Oh mighty Fel, all knowing, Mighty typer of the Greatest Stories would you please post Chapter 11 for your humble readers. We beseach you in our time of need, please deliver unto us your next chapter so we can feast on your words and share them with our friends. :P
Last edited by Shilo on Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A plea for a new chapter

Post by TekDragin »

And again, one of us has to ask... Please don't start a post with just the next chapter name, you ruined my night.  :P
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Re: A plea for a new chapter

Post by Spec8472 »

Shilo, Please, Don't post future chapter headings in titles, unless you want to be smacked, hard.  

MommyDoom and various other people will jump on you like a ton of bricks.
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Re: A plea for a new chapter

Post by Dash »

It has only been a couple of weeks, give Fel a chance to write it, and have quality in his work.
Last edited by Dash on Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A plea for a new chapter

Post by avitchel »

Thanks for changing the title of this thread. It is hard to wait for something from Fel, because when it arrives it's always is so entertaining!

I'm surprised at how many people are trying to make a few bucks out of writing on the web. More power to them, I've bought a few ebooks from reputable locations (baen, amazon, etc). I'm not comfortable with the majority of the locations however (booksforabuck.com, digitalfiction, etc). Baen has an intiguing set of options, wish more of the publishers would follow their lead.

I truly wish there were more locations with the quality and quantity of stories like Fels. Most have only a few unfinished works, a teaser then a paysite, or rubbage. Oh well, the world wide wait is full of 'get poor slow' locations. Rant off!!!!!