ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

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ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by J-Man5 »


This is an intervention!!!   You need to put the GameCube controller down and step away from the game system.  We are your loyal readers and friends.  You need to come back to  somewhat of a real life of working and writing.  Now we have a group of us who want to help.

Speak up everyone and let Fel know how much you want him to get back to the important things like writing.

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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Fel »


I AM writing, goof.  Even as we speak (not counting me writing this post).  I have Word in one window, Media Player cranking out suitable heavy metal head-banging music I listen to when scripting battles, and this message board up.  ;)

I'm on page 19.  I won't go into details, but I foresee completing this chapter either very late tonight or sometime tomorrow afternoon, after I get back from my uncle's farm.  I'm feeding his livestock and animals for him while he's on vacation.
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by J-Man5 »


I'd be happy to be a goof if it gets a chapter out faster!

Stay away from animals that can smush you into little bitty Fel pulp.

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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Fel »

There's a couple of horses that are certainly trying.  They don't like me, I don't like them.  The enmity is mutual.  ;)
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by sOmeone »

Yes,  you must give up the video games and continue your life in writing.  /me boots up his computer to play video games.  ;D
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by hatten_jc »

fel wrote:There's a couple of horses that are certainly trying. They don't like me, I don't like them. The enmity is mutual. ;)

Just be carfull Fell.
And remember animals that LIKE you can be just as dangerus as animal that hate you....

Last thusday i fell down the stairs becuse of a puppy dog that realy realy liked me... Lucky for me i did not hurt my self THAT mutch.. or the puppy dog.

The puppy dog my neigborst realy realy like me and tried to get me attention by jumping on my feet and tripped me.

The Puppy is perectly fine not hurt. But when i did tripp i kind of fell over him befor falling down the stairs.
So right now he is kind of afraid of me.    ::)
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Shadowhawk »

fel wrote:I'm on page 19.  I won't go into details, but I foresee completing this chapter either very late tonight or sometime tomorrow afternoon, after I get back from my uncle's farm.
Thank you for update and ETA for next chapter.
And of course for writing those wonderfull stories.

I lay it on thick, am I not? ::evil grin::
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Greymist »

shadowhawk wrote: Thank you for update and ETA for next chapter.
And of course for writing those wonderfull stories.
Suck up.  :)

Fel, I'm in need of new music, my current 12gigs gets repedative, can you suggest anything? Btw just letting you know your nick on irc has lapsed so there is no founder :)

I rereged it, the password is in your email.
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Taltos »

greymist wrote: Fel, I'm in need of new music, my current 12gigs gets repedative, can you suggest anything?
what's your style? maybe i can suggest the one or other group...
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Fel »

Grey:  for some reason, I haven't been able to connect to NewNet for the last week, and I've been trying.  Thanks for picking up my nick for me.

Just FYI all, I'm on page 26, and I still have a ways to go before the chapter is done.  It took me longer over at the farm than I expected because everything was frozen and I had to get creative to get some water out of the animals.

I'm getting started right now, I look to be done with the chapter late tonight.

If I still can't get on IRC, I'll let all know so I can get some emails and send the chapter out by email.
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Lochar »

fel wrote: If I still can't get on IRC, I'll let all know so I can get some emails and send the chapter out by email.
lochar(at)gmail dot com

Gimme gimme if you can't get on newnet.
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by dstar »

fel wrote:Grey:  for some reason, I haven't been able to connect to NewNet for the last week, and I've been trying.  Thanks for picking up my nick for me.
If you want a shell account on a Linux box to use when you can't connect from your box, lemme know. (As long as you don't mind a command line client...)

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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Shadowhawk »

dstar wrote:If you want a shell account on a Linux box to use when you can't connect from your box, lemme know. (As long as you don't mind a command line client...)

Shalon Wood
Shalon, if this Linux box has installed some graphical IRC clients (like KSirc from kdenetwork package, or KVirc, or X-Chat), you can use graphical client remotely. I think that via compressed ssh (maybe with fast blowfish cypher) it might be quite fast even for slow connection. And you might have X-Window on Windows, either X-Deep_32 free X-Server installed, or use bootable XLiveCD Cygwin project live CD.

But Fel has just appeared on #sennadar, so this discussion is somewhat moot.
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Re: ATTN Fel  - GameCube Info Inside

Post by Fel »

Yah, I just got through.  Still dunno why I couldn't earlier.  All attempts to connect timed out, for over a week.  I wasn't too worried about it until just now, when getting on to distribute a chapter is necessary.
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