Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

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Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

8)  Im a old rollplayer not computer game i like rolling the Die playing games like the english Star Wars, Fading Suns, Gurps and other Swedish Rollplaying games Eon, Neotech and other. And i have been a gamer sence 1983.

So the world created with Wearcats and magicen and Sorceres, Druids and Priest capture my interest it would be a fashinating world to make a RPG world of.

THe problem is what system to use. Gurps ?. Dungen & Dragon ? or other.

The second problem is what do Fel think about this. i can esy think of 5 possible respons ?
----------------The five respons--------------------------------
1 Great idea love it I you are so smart ?   :o

2 Good i think but be carfull ?  ;D

3 Dont care do what ever you like?  :-/

4 I dont think so. no way now how ?   :(

5 HOW Dare even mension RPG  i will find you and destroy you life ?  >:(

Sorry about the smileys i have a strange sens of humor the smurfs force me...
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

;) Normaly you dont respond to you own post but i hade to....

Are ANY one even intresting or find the idea of Firestaf as a rpg intresting ?
And Fell whats you take IF their is guys/girls intrestid would you allow that to happen ?  

And if you have ideas or emotion about this pleas say somthing otherwise i have to use the ultimat weapon  :'(  the cry baby attack...  Just kidding  ;D
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Tylhandras »

Hatten, I think it's a novel idea to make a Firestaff RPG.  You did bring up a valid point as to whether the game should be d20(TM), Whitewolf(TM), or other.  Personally, I could care less what the base system is so long as we could play.

I am willing to help design the system.  I will state now that after 5 pm Central Standard Time, it will be a devil to get a hold of me VIA e-mail, im, or irc(not that I've been on irc lately).

Anyway, as soon as Fel renders his decision, we can plan what needs doing.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

You are right it come down to what Fell things about this.
Personly i would like to see this game posted as a Free game world to down load and use but that come down to what Fell things about things.

The hard thing would be to creat the species of Sennar as Fell have created a world that have a delicat balans no race is more powerfull then the other races are.
Sure the weercats can kick anybodys BUT they dont work togheter so they have a big weeknees in that.

Personly i have a hard time writing in English as i am Wordblind 8) So dont think i would be mutch usefull exept as a testplayer or a sounding bord.
English is my 2 languish Swedish is my native.

But i am willing to help in designing as i have creted some RPG worlds to Swedish rollplaying games.

Dont tell any one but i do have the States to a Wearcatt all fells Wercats to a Swedish RPG game i was playing. In that game the advanture where travling from ONE dimension to the next.
They did a short visit to Sennare and hade a small but membrebel fight whit a sertain bad ass Tarin that sent them running to the hills..... ;D

To be the Game master on that game i hade to 'write' the states of Tarin.. I shall see if i still have them.
Last edited by hatten_jc on Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Xel »

The most important thing right now is finding what's Fel's opinion on this. Then we'll have to decide on what engine the game will be built on, and how much time we're willing to spend on it. If this does get flying I wouldn't mind dedicating some time on it.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Fel »

Heh, the world of Sennadar is based upon the world I created 20 years ago, when I was playing AD&D.  There have been some pretty significant changes, but the heart of it remains.  I started writing short stories about our adventures, and then I started writing the Firestaff series when the guys in my group told me that they thought the stories were pretty good.

If you think you can create a roleplaying game, knock yourself out.  ;)  However, you'll find that game balance will make it impossible to include Were-cats as PCs.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Lochar »

You might be able to balance it, considering the story you've played out Fel, but the big problem will be with the experience system.  When you are powerful enough to blow away trolls, what kind of experience will the little crap give you? LOL
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Tylhandras »

If we were to go by the d20 system as it had orignally started, the trolls would not give any experience what so ever due to the fact that they are so far below the PC's level.

As to getting the setting going, use the d20 because almost everything we need has already been made.  Albiet to a lesser degree of power, but its been made.
If it is the D&D system, I have all the 3.5 core books to knock most of the basics out of the way.

Anyway,  if none of you mind I would like to put a poll up in regards to creating the campaign setting.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Lochar »

I've actually got RPG Maker 2 for the PS2 and I was going to try to make the game, and then get Fel's permission to post it, but the interface is hard for me.  I havn't taken any programming courses in a while, and custom scripting is bull >:( , you have to modify their scripts to get anything decent to work.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

Actually, the best way for a were-cat to be able to be balanced in to the d20 system exists theres a couple of examples of the balances for stronger race in Arcana Unearthed (Variant Player's Handbook by Monte Cook) and a good example of Lycanthrope classes in a Dragon magazine.

Basically, you take the race and change it in to a class, if someone wants to access all the werecat abilities and whatnot, then you have to spend the levels and level-up in your race. It elminates level adjustment while still keeping it pretty balanced.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Weresmilodon »

You know, that makes sense. Kinda like how they get more powerful the older they get...
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by MommyDoom »

Dang, it's like reading another LANGUAGE.  I have no idea whatsoever what you people are talking about.  Never played a roll-playing game in my life...

But I play a lot of Command and Conquer!  Can I still be part of the "in" crowd?   ::)
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Weresmilodon »

I've never played either, but i have a friend who is an avid fan, and plays several, so i can understand things untill they become advanced...

Oh, and i play a bit of C&C every now and then still... ;)
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

Let's see, a good explanation, there have been 5 editions of Dungeons and Dragons. The first is called Basic, then there was Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and that was followed by Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition. Then, 3.0 came out rather lately and with it introduced the d20 system which means that everything is based on rolling a d20 and modifying the roll up or down. And then 3.5 came out this year.

Gurp, is just another version of table-top RPG with it's own rules. There are quite a few others, such as Vampire and Werewolf by White Wolf.

But I have to say that D&D 3.5 with all the prestige classes and plenty of races would probably make it easier to work in then most other system. Not to mention that I could help as well. I have all of my 3.5 stuff with me so I have source material to work with. Not to mention the Complete Warrior and Arcana Unearthed. So I'd be glad to help out

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

fel wrote:Heh, the world of Sennadar is based upon the world I created 20 years ago, when I was playing AD&D. There have been some pretty significant changes, but the heart of it remains. I started writing short stories about our adventures, and then I started writing the Firestaff series when the guys in my group told me that they thought the stories were pretty good.

If you think you can create a roleplaying game, knock yourself out. ;) However, you'll find that game balance will make it impossible to include Were-cats as PCs.

Thats sound fun :)
Personly i am more knowledge about SKILL Baset RPGS not level baset.
In most of thos a Were-cat would be a extremly powerfull PC but still playble.

The problem with a Level based i think i can figer out remembering Star Ward D20 game i have.
I just hope that it will be playable
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