some really smart or stupid ideas

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some really smart or stupid ideas

Post by Evodavich »

some other things am wondering about are the rounds for the railguns stored as solids or a liquid because u can get more for your money if it's liquid, its easily fixed so that it can be set when u want to fire a round and all u have to do is add the engine, stealth and the D.I. (D.I stands for dumby intelagence e.g. google or the nano's and simitars computer,the scout ship )

and when i have Fel's attention let's talk biogenic's

1. house Biogenic
this is possible cause the fact that the galaxy now knows of them and the fact that they can now come out of hide, if it where formed it would be a sub house of karinne ????

2.biogenic offspring

If u had 2 Cbim's then is it not possible for them to "mate" though it would be more of a short term fuison that would use there unique code as "DNA" allowing them to produce low level A.I's that could be housed in the computers of Karinne ships ????

3. Biogenic Avatars

i know that i have all ready asked this question but i never really got an answer.if u grow a biogenic body make it form the same way as a human or Fey the could a Cbim not use that in stead of those floting cameras

4. Cybernetic, bionetic or Biogenic Drone

this much the same as that idea above but that u make a couple hundred that are less complicated in design so that a Cbim could controll them as a work force that never tires (it would proble be easist to make Cybernetic Drones over the other two degsins)

5. Biogenic neruar interfaces

the neruar interface that the humans degsined could be up ins speed and power if it was made of Biogenics but to do that u would need to brake the cyber to bio intrface but a good idea in that area would be Bionetis in stead of cybernetics

or am i just talking shit again lol ????

also what about gundams, why has no human tryed to build a workin gundam just for the fun of it :D
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Re: some really smart or stupid ideas

Post by dellstart »

wow now we are getting in to the realm of anmie and mangas , bring it on!!!!!!
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Re: some really smart or stupid ideas

Post by physicalard »

Hmmmmmm giant walking humanoid robotic suits . . . . .
If I can remember the names correctly, Exomechs or Karinne gladiators are close enough for their purposes most likely.

You don't need something insanely big to pack in the firepower, and slightly larger than a human would be much more mobile and maneuverable.
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Re: some really smart or stupid ideas

Post by Evodavich »

i am not talking about mass produced unit that are generalised am talkin about role spersicfic units and am not even talkin about real combat units ether am talkin about a otuka just building one the fun of it and it makn the news. but when on the subject just a think how scary the KBB would be in say Wing 0, Strike Freedom, Infinite Justice and Exila as a single squad
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Re: some really smart or stupid ideas

Post by Evodavich »

couple ways round the indictors

1. almost all spieces go up in to hipyerspace, why not go down. smiple revers the engine wave format
2. borg like trans warp tunnels