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Re: Subjugation

Post by Blyker »

fel wrote:I might start working on Subjugation again, but I'm not sure.
:o now your scaring me Fel  :(
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Re: Subjugation

Post by MommyDoom »

fel wrote: I'm on page 14 of chapter 16 right now.

It's been slow because Christmas is coming up, and I'm going to Maine, so I've been busy.

I promise I'll have it done before I leave.
*rings Christmas bells merrily*

Oooo!  I'm getting a Christmas present from Fel!! Whee!!  When?  When??  WHEN????  Lemme see, hmm, today is the 21st and Fel has GOT to be leaving on that long drive for Maine by what, Thursday?  That's the day after tomorrow.  So... today or tomorrow?  Maybe?  PLEASE LORD LET IT BE BEFORE WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR VIRGINIA THURSDAY NIGHT TO GO TO MY IN-LAWS!!!

Yeah, I can see it now.  

"Lori!  We're opening presents in here!  Don't you want to see the baby open his gifts?  Lori?  LORI?!?  WHAT ARE YOU READING ONLINE THAT'S SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU'RE IGNORING MY FAMILY AND YOUR OWN SON ON CHRISTMAS MORNING???"  

Please Fel.  You're gonna get me so busted.

Blood begets more blood as dog begets dog.
Death generates death as the vulture breeds the vulture.
But the voice I heard today said, "Love your neighbor. Do good to those who despitefully use you".
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Re: Subjugation

Post by olddragon »

Nah...I'm pretty sure he won't release the next chapter of Subjugation until our grandkids grow up and want it.