November 2, 2010

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November 2, 2010

Post by Fiferguy »

Hey gang,

I'm not trying to open a can of worms, but if you live in the US you have a civic duty today. GO VOTE! I don't care what your political party, race, creed, ideology, or pant size is, just DO IT! Your vote is your voice, and you need to use it.

There. Very neutral reminder that today is ELECTION DAY! GO VOTE!
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by DigitalMaestro »

I love my precinct. Got there at 7:30am. Walked in and out in less than 10 minutes.

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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by Fel »

I voted after work. Took me about 10 minutes.

Who did I vote for? Usually I vote against the establishment because I detest our two party system, but this time I actually voted for a democrat. Joe Manchin. I did so because John Raese is a nutcase carpetbagger who would dismantle a hundred years of worker protections and turn anyone middle class or below into slaves to the corporate interest.

And I am not joking in the slightest.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by fear1222 »

I flex my voice by NOT voting. I have never heard of nor met any politicion who was not in it for himself in some way, shape, or form. The last person who should be in power is the person that wants the power. So why bother frustrating myself in choosing the douch or the turd.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by nicolai »

fear1222 wrote:I flex my voice by NOT voting. I have never heard of nor met any politicion who was not in it for himself in some way, shape, or form. The last person who should be in power is the person that wants the power. So why bother frustrating myself in choosing the douch or the turd.

By not voting, you are allowing those who do vote to elect or re-elect the douch/turd. And you also forfeit the privilege of complaining about who is in office. After all, if you refuse to participate, you are choosing to accept the status quo rather than changing it.

The only way the system can be changed is by voter participation, voting out the dirtbags. Or, at least, voting in the least filthy. And the simplest way to do that, in general, is to vote against the incumbent.


I just try to remember something I learned years ago: Even if you're voting for the lesser of evils, you're still voting for evil.

I frequently wish there were ways to get around that restriction.

And, just fyi, no matter what anyone is doing, they're doing it for themselves, first and foremost. It's just that the greed of politicians is so very visible.

Fel, it's good to see you back. Feeling better, I hope?

Any forecast on the next chapter?
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by fear1222 »

Exactly my point. I would rather not vote at all then vote for someone that I know is going to suck at the job or be in it for themselves first and foremost. I tend to not do things that are a waste of my time.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by zedd »

fear1222 wrote:I flex my voice by NOT voting. I have never heard of nor met any politicion who was not in it for himself in some way, shape, or form. The last person who should be in power is the person that wants the power. So why bother frustrating myself in choosing the douch or the turd.
My opinion is that not voting is bad. what it's says is "I don't care. Do what you want". If you don't want want to choose, vote blank. That's saying "I care, but don't like any of the alternatives" .

P.S I am not American, but I assume you can vote blank just as we can.

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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by Fawks »

zedd wrote:
fear1222 wrote:I flex my voice by NOT voting. I have never heard of nor met any politicion who was not in it for himself in some way, shape, or form. The last person who should be in power is the person that wants the power. So why bother frustrating myself in choosing the douch or the turd.
My opinion is that not voting is bad. what it's says is "I don't care. Do what you want". If you don't want want to choose, vote blank. That's saying "I care, but don't like any of the alternatives" .

P.S I am not American, but I assume you can vote blank just as we can.

If you DON'T vote then you should have no right to bitch about what is wrong in any form of public format. If someone is griping about government/morality/pot holes in the street... My first thought is DID YOU VOTE? If Yes, continue griping. If No, Shut Up!

Hope your feeling better Fel.

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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by garion »

i voted and it made no difference what so ever we still got rick perry in texas lord help us all
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by the_scot »

I'm so disgusted with Washington, I pretty much voted for whoever wasn't the incumbent. What we need is a NONE OF THE ABOVE option.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by DigitalMaestro »

In many elections, we have the option to write in a candidate, so if you feel that none of the listed candidates are worthy, you can write in whoever you like. You just have to accept that write-in candidates don't have a strong history of success.

I voted. I think it is the duty of every American citizen to vote. However, I'm often glad when my opponents fail to uphold their duty in order that those I believe in can rise victorious. I live in Florida and I'm not happy about the choice of Governors we had to choose from. I chose to vote for the lesser of two evils because I want us to avoid as much damage as we can until the next election. 2012 will be a very interesting election, without question.

I would love to launch into a fuller discussion of the right/duty to vote, but I fear that an online forum is limited in it's capacity to facilitate such a discussion. Suffice it to say, there is value in the old system where only tax-paying heads of households had the vote, but they also had a different idea of what a "citizen" is. Such ideals don't fare well today, but they did have value that we should re-consider.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by Cougar2k2 »

I whole heartedly agree... if you have the privilage of being able to vote you have an obligation to do so.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by Spec8472 »

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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by Hearly »

Spec8472 wrote:This is somewhat relevant:

heh that was just too funny.
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Re: November 2, 2010

Post by dellstart »

nicolai wrote:
fear1222 wrote:I flex my voice by NOT voting. I have never heard of nor met any politicion who was not in it for himself in some way, shape, or form. The last person who should be in power is the person that wants the power. So why bother frustrating myself in choosing the douch or the turd.

By not voting, you are allowing those who do vote to elect or re-elect the douch/turd. And you also forfeit the privilege of complaining about who is in office. After all, if you refuse to participate, you are choosing to accept the status quo rather than changing it.

The only way the system can be changed is by voter participation, voting out the dirtbags. Or, at least, voting in the least filthy. And the simplest way to do that, in general, is to vote against the incumbent.


I just try to remember something I learned years ago: Even if you're voting for the lesser of evils, you're still voting for evil.

I frequently wish there were ways to get around that restriction.

And, just fyi, no matter what anyone is doing, they're doing it for themselves, first and foremost. It's just that the greed of politicians is so very visible.

Fel, it's good to see you back. Feeling better, I hope?

Any forecast on the next chapter?

dittos the above.

I have a green card so i cant vote yet , however the right to vote is the biggest freedom,you can ever be given.just ask the people in countries who are denied the right to express their wishes.