Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

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Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by Wolfee »

Quite the grim little chapter I'd have to say. I hope the Karinnes and the Kimdori are up to jamming the data burst from Andromeda. However there is the possibility to steal this technology while preventing the Consortium from getting they're hands on it. Either way Fel has definately cranked up the pace!

I wonder if a CBIM is going to be ready for shipboard duty anytime soon... The other thought I had after reading this is can Jason and team fight there way out of this... or do they have to "think" they're way out of it? -- Use the "force" Jason... uh... no the "other" "force"....
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by kd7mvs »

A completely legal annexation... under the laws of the Consortium, not the laws of the Shio, of course. With the proper lawmaking apparatus, any evil you name can be legal.

In a conflict between legal systems, the ability to enforce determines which wins out. Crudely put, Might makes Right. And the Consortium is demonstrating that ethics are the privilege of those who are winning, for they are apparently losing in Andromeda and expediency becomes the rule of the day, throwing their own laws aside, sacrificing their integrity and the values they claim to hold above all else. In desperation all means become palatable.

Not that the Consortium seemed to have many compunctions to begin with.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by nicolai »

Had a random thought occur to me. Dangerous things, random thoughts.

Would it be possible to use a bubble conveyor to move ships and supplies in and out of Kosigi? The way Jason used one to move ships in and out of Cheyenne Mountain? Or won't the conveyor scale up that far? Fel?

That would allow larger ships to use the small tunnel. I can envisage a number of other uses for the technology, as well. I just have to think like Fel.

I also think there should be something like two dozen GRAF cannons on Kosigi, and at least six or eight on the TES. That 20 second recharge time needs to be compensated for. A matching number of heavy or extra-heavy rail guns should be both places, too.

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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by afrigeek »

hmm, I wonder if Jason could establish contact with the opposing forces in the andromeda galaxy who are giving the consortium such a hard time. They could possibly gain some useful technology and perhaps form an alliance.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by Cougar2k2 »

afrigeek wrote:hmm, I wonder if Jason could establish contact with the opposing forces in the andromeda galaxy who are giving the consortium such a hard time. They could possibly gain some useful technology and perhaps form an alliance.
It would be rather interesting if those opposing forces where ancestors of those Karinnes that were captured from Exile. Something like a resistance in Andromeda and with the inherent intel gathering they came across what was going on in the milky way and launched some type of massive offensive causing the Consortium to go against all the tradition and so on. An extreme long shot but hey you never know.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by boballab »

afrigeek wrote:hmm, I wonder if Jason could establish contact with the opposing forces in the andromeda galaxy who are giving the consortium such a hard time. They could possibly gain some useful technology and perhaps form an alliance.
i woud only go that far if it was the only chance you got. For all we know the Consortium's enemy in the Andromeda Galaxy might be worse then they are.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by IdiotPaste »

I'm more interested in the Consortium "citizens" that have been conscripted. Will they be sent to fight the Karinnes? Are they willing to fight for the Consortium? Will they be controlled by implants like the insectoids are?
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by dellstart »

boballab wrote:
afrigeek wrote:hmm, I wonder if Jason could establish contact with the opposing forces in the andromeda galaxy who are giving the consortium such a hard time. They could possibly gain some useful technology and perhaps form an alliance.
i woud only go that far if it was the only chance you got. For all we know the Consortium's enemy in the Andromeda Galaxy might be worse then they are.
Remember: The enemy of your enemy is the enemy of your enemy, nothing more and nothing less.

well said mate.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by SYED »

SO shio are conquered, those that escaped will become resistance working with kimdori. Sneak in and set up fighters. SO stealth tech a must. the prince may regain his royal power, as he would be best to act as their leader in exile and a time of war, so later easier to get them to join the imperium.

I wonder do the consortium know of a place to spy on it, like they have to know where defense hq is, so where to look. so while confedspace is free, if a ship comes into the open, where they can detect it, it may be spied upon. but so long as they dont know where it is, they cant find it. That means operations in enemy territory may be spied upon. if the ships had a garden, could they be blessed.

There are new priority targets, the four consortium groupings. Not only does it remove leadership, but abilities not restorable. With two spawn queens, they can not replace their troops fast enough, or the sheer scale of crew loss is extra ordinaruly great. Their ships have no gravity, also quaters for bugs wont be suitable. so how would they be crewed. also will the soldiers get those brain devices. the consortium was the one who brain washed rahne, so could they do it too others.

IF 6000 is a third, available ships stand at 20000 at max. that may be for current numbers. how fast can they build. While flleets do battle, it means fewer ships left to defend outposs and bases. so raiding and sabotage strikes. How long does it take to make gates. They have extra gates remember for the colonies and the shio, SO they could save some systems from the consortium, concentrate on those with industry, shipyards, factories, resources. When the time comes indict, and gate, while getting every one shipped to earth.

THey saif ftl tech, not engine, so could be something to deal with indictor. ALso i wonder why they dont make it a back up engine on their ships if they have it, if they are suppose to refit their ships to have new engines, could have easily had it in built. could be a lie to see if they are tapping the comm. So 5 months for the reply.

Say the nations have a fleet of 5 ooo combined, they wont be able to hold out. the colonies may join for indictors, as they re the weakest militarily. THe skaa sound like they would go out in a blaze of glory. Have the alliance made some kinda deal. with fewer crew, so fewer fighters, so raptors and wolves will do exceptional damage in numbers. most other military would be smashed so if faey win, they will greatly expand.

18000 ships, takes 10 fighters to deal well with a ship. So need 180000 fighter pilot. just 60000 for the fleet that dealt with the shio. the faey is reffiting fighters correct with the weaponry, they have lots of fighters to start with. If they can get to the ships before being picked off, then the fighter could turn the battle. they will have to wait until enough ships are reffitted and built. how many fighters per warship, 50, planets and systems have their own squadrons. i wonder if they will copy star wars and give them detachable hyperdrive engins.

so it is a race, to see who can create a strong enough fleet the fastest. So long as the indictors work it buys time for confrontation, when ready the smaller fleet will trounce the bad guys.. Seeing as no need for telepathy, all races could join the squadrons, i wond if drones could be fighter pilots if givern those brain units linked to their noble.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by afrigeek »

This should actually be interesting. Since they are actually now going to be using the people from their subject empire as soldiers, then most likely those soldiers are vulnerable to telepathy which changes the game and gives the faey an advantage.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by Koroby »

Wild Theory. The Consortium are fighting a militant group of Karinne Exiles. Jason defeats The Consortium, only to end up fighting off this new group of exiles who believe him being Grand Duke is an insult to the House Karinne. Go Go Book 4? :-D
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by afrigeek »

Koroby wrote:Wild Theory. The Consortium are fighting a militant group of Karinne Exiles. Jason defeats The Consortium, only to end up fighting off this new group of exiles who believe him being Grand Duke is an insult to the House Karinne. Go Go Book 4? :-D
Considering the reverence the Karinnes had for the CBIMs, I really doubt that they would fight against a grand duke who is supported by cybi.
"Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by gnume »

Koroby wrote:Wild Theory. The Consortium are fighting a militant group of Karinne Exiles. Jason defeats The Consortium, only to end up fighting off this new group of exiles who believe him being Grand Duke is an insult to the House Karinne. Go Go Book 4? :-D
fel already told us in previous thread that the enemy of the Consortium is another corporation based civilization
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by Fel »

gnume wrote:
Koroby wrote:Wild Theory. The Consortium are fighting a militant group of Karinne Exiles. Jason defeats The Consortium, only to end up fighting off this new group of exiles who believe him being Grand Duke is an insult to the House Karinne. Go Go Book 4? :-D
fel already told us in previous thread that the enemy of the Consortium is another corporation based civilization
Yep. And FYI, they're just as bad as the Consortium. Maybe even worse.
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Re: Tribulation (SPOILERS) Chapter 4

Post by Hearly »

Fel wrote:
gnume wrote:
Koroby wrote:Wild Theory. The Consortium are fighting a militant group of Karinne Exiles. Jason defeats The Consortium, only to end up fighting off this new group of exiles who believe him being Grand Duke is an insult to the House Karinne. Go Go Book 4? :-D
fel already told us in previous thread that the enemy of the Consortium is another corporation based civilization
Yep. And FYI, they're just as bad as the Consortium. Maybe even worse.
Which kinda begs the question Fel, if they are losing that badly at home, and our galaxy seems like it might be a bit too much to handle, why not either withdraw to shore up your position in your own galaxy, or for some reason they think that whatever they lose fighting the Faey is worth the loss of so many ships when they're losing on another front..

I mean I know they want the Karinne's and the living computer, etc, but is the advantage of having those when there are so few of them really worth the loss of so many ships/troops etc.

I mean shouldn't Jason just go out and say to them, (broadcast, not in person) that even if they would defeat us which we don't think, that the computer would self-destruct and then they would get nothing..