Miscellaneous Magic Queries

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Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by The_Namer »

Rather than clog the forum with question posts, I'll just list them here.

1) Can Druids make magical items, with or without the assistance of a Sorcerer?

2) Do Wizards and Priests have discernable power levels in the way that Sorcerers and Druids do (Normal Sorcerers and da'shar, Druids and Hierarchs)?

3) Due to their immortality, can Sorcerers study Wizard magic as well as Priest? This may have been answered somewhere in the books, but I don't recall at the moment.

4)  The casting time of Wizard spells generally increases with more powerful spells, but is this also true for Priests?

Sorry for the question bombardment, but I'm curious about the mojo specifics.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by Belgarion213 »

2) IF you mean ranks then I dont know, though in one of the Sword of Fire chapters the wizard with Tarring (forget the spelling) was refred to as a Gate Master. Priests probably have a rank, A high priest probably can call more power than say a normal priest, though I doubt there are Ranks as such in this section of magic.

3). I think that Sorceres are still considered Mortal, They live a long time probably but still are mortal as it was Tarrins Were-nature that let him practice multiple spheres of Magic.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by zedd »

belgarion213 wrote:
3). I think that Sorceres are still considered Mortal, They live a long time probably but still are mortal as it was Tarrins Were-nature that let him practice multiple spheres of Magic.
 I don't think so. It was the sorcerers imortality that allow them to use some priest agic. (or allow Niami to give them some priest magic)  

 Niami and Tarrin spoke about this in the Firestff serie. Somewhere arround the moment Tarrin has to face the council and others to try to find a solution to his problem in controling his magic. that when he asked the council why they all look young and found out that sorcerers are imortal.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by AdamX »

3) Sorcerers can't study wizard magic, because they are still mortal. The Vows of the Goddess let Niami get around the stricture a bit to grant her children the spells that a normal priest could use that doesn't have a counterpart in Sorcery. So, sorcerers are indirectly the priests of Niami, but they aren't granted a full set of priest spells, just the spells that no one katzh-dashi could perform with normal sorcery.

But one thing strikes me as funny, sorcery doesn't have a counterpart to the spell Banishment, so shouldn't Dolanna(or any other sorcerer, for that matter) be able to banish demons?
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by Belgarion213 »

Yes but if I remember correctly Banishment is a high level spell. Most of the spells that a Sorcerer can learn in priest magic are low level. I think.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by Lochar »

Yeah, at the time that the Keeper was faking her illness, Niami said it would be bending the rules to allow Tarrin to use high level Priest magic to heal her, but to give it to Jenna who was still human would be breaking the rules completely.

As for the other questions.

1)  Druids can most likely do it, but the problem with that is a magical item is not natural, so power requirements would be so high that it would kill the Druid first.

2)  Priests have ranks, which determine how much power they can call upon from their God, and also what spells they can cast.  Camara Tal said that there were spells that her Goddess taught her directly that her second didn't know.  Wizard magic I think regulates itself, in that if you don't have the ability to cast it, you can't even read the spell.

4)  It probably depends on the spell itself, although if Tarrin succeeds in figuring out the Priest language, I'd think he'd be able to use just about any Priest spell almost instantly.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by Shadowhawk »

adamx wrote:But one thing strikes me as funny, Sorcery doesn't have a counterpart to the spell Banishment, so shouldn't Dolanna (or any other Sorcerer, for that matter) be able to banish demons?
Tarrin banished Marlith (the demoness general of Val/Krevon armies) during the battle of Suld. But he is not exactly usual Sorcerer...

Banishemnt is Priest magic, and he needed to uncover shaeram to cast it and say Goddes name (he can use Priest magic even though he had not joined the rank of ka'dashi, because Were' aren't mortal, so the one discipline of magic restriction does not apply to him). He learned spell from Camara Tal, who is high priest of Neme.

Second paragraph added
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by Hearly »

shadowhawk wrote: Tarrin banished Marlith (the demoness general of Val/Krevon armies) during the battle of Suld. But he is not exactly usual Sorcerer...
He used Priest Magic to do it, not sorcery..
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by locolobo1999 »

Actualy he learned the spell directly from Nami during the battle for suld.
ANd the only reason I rember that is because I just reread that chapter.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by Lochar »

He was channeling Niami, same as Miranda was channeling Kilikki in Pyrosia.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by The_Namer »

Everyone, thanks for the answers. One more question: I've seen some similar posts around, but have any of the Sennadar stuff been converted to a standardized system (D&D or such)? I'd be especially interested in the spellcasting orders.
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Re: Miscellaneous Magic Queries

Post by AdamX »

the_namer wrote:Everyone, thanks for the answers. One more question: I've seen some similar posts around, but have any of the Sennadar stuff been converted to a standardized system (D&D or such)? I'd be especially interested in the spellcasting orders.
I think someone on here has written the "Sennadar Compendium". It has the descriptions and balances of the orders of magic, but as for the standardized system, you would have to ask Fel. I believe I saw him post once that the orders of magic he uses are already a standardized system that he created for role-play, so since he created them, he could use them for his novel series without infringing any copyrights.
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