what do you do while waiting for the next update

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what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by dellstart »

just wondering??
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by TLGG »

Eat, jump around the room, throw small objects out the window, insult the neighbours, argue loudly with my cat, eat more
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Spec8472 »

Work :P
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by GBLW »

K Pelle aka GBLW
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Metatrone »

Work, watch downloaded TV, look for other stuff to read and of course check the site every 5 minutes...
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by deane »

Metatrone wrote:Work, watch downloaded TV, look for other stuff to read and of course check the site every 5 minutes...
same here but revised to play video games!
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by andy_t_roo »

Other than the occasional fictionpress.com book, most of my random reading on the 'net is from http://www.theoildrum.com and globaleconomicanalysis.com, both great sources of news and discussions. the first is related to energy (oil, renewables, etc...) and using publicly available data leans towards the idea that the world is running out of oul. the latter is economic news, it tends to be focused on America, and that guy tends to promote gold, but otherwise both are good reading materials (and discussion is encouraged on theoildrim -- many posts have 100-200 comments which are worth reading.

and congratulations spec on your 1200'th post :)

well yesterday i spent my time following through http://www.youtube.com/user/KayzaPlyr and downloading all the Dr who music .... i've now got a folder with about an hour of Dr who music in it ...
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Mancala22 »

Well, I read, write, watch TV, play xbox 360, and check the site every five minutes for new update.
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by nicolai »

I keep an eye on my RSS feed, so I can see any new posts on the forums. I read other stories (quit gasping, Fel isn't the only author I read), play games, play with my cats (all 13 of them), work on my own writing a bit, and hunt for a job. That last is pretty hopeless right now.
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Greymist »

Work, read, watch downloaded TV and in the weekends go out with friends.

That said, I'm currently at the beginning of Axe of the Dwarven King. I've been reading the Sennadar series from the start, it's probably the first time I've read the early books in 5+ years.
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by kabalman2000 »

I've been re-reading the Honor Harrington books, mostly. At the moment, I'm waiting for tomorrow night (Sunday) 20:00 (19:00 Central) for AMC's re-visioning of "The Prisoner." Sounds like 4 nights of fun viewing.
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by reborn »


theres loads of amazing authors out there try and read some of them

atm am reading the wheel of time series
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Greymist »

reborn wrote:ermmm

theres loads of amazing authors out there try and read some of them

atm am reading the wheel of time series
Amazing authors + wheel of time in the same post? Argh! (Tongue firmly in cheek).
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Metatrone »

Greymist wrote: Amazing authors + wheel of time in the same post? Argh! (Tongue firmly in cheek).
:D Well that's true enough, though we shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Jordan was lame and had an ass of a personality but the fist 3 books were great. One of the reasons I keep reading fantasy to this day. I wonder how Brandon Sanderson will finish the series considering I generally love his ideas but his writing is lacking and thoroughly uncompelling.

Still waiting for Jim Butcher's last book of Codex Alera - 8 days to go :x ... Also The Name of the Wind from Patrick Rothfuss is a great book - a bit long winded at times but as far as literary quality goes it's top notch, not only compared to the rest of the genre but in generally as well.
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Re: what do you do while waiting for the next update

Post by Fiferguy »

Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Eat breakfast. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Work. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Lunch. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Go home. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Eat supper. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. TV on in background, but not really watching it. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Brush teeth. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Sleep. Wakeup. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Sleep some more. Breathe. Check Sennadar. Breathe. Check Sennadar.

Repeat, ad nauseum.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: