Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

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Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Ok, I've been thinking about chap 32 and 33 as I've finished 33, I'm wondering if Brian to prove to Kit that he does want to be his friend/Family decides to sue him just to Void the original agreement.
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by Mad Monk »

I can't see him doing that without consulting Vil (and Kit) first. It is pretty much a nuclear option.

Brian seems to want to reconcile with Kit.

Tom is outraged by the other elders' behaviour.

Maxine is driven by the need to maintain the family honour, in spite of the cost in blood.

Zach hates Kit and Vil and regards himself as the real head of the Vulpan family.

Jake is backing Zach, but does not seem to want to go too far.

Sarah does not seem to be mentioned much, so it is difficult to judge her position. She is a rabid purist opposed to Jessie.

The Cousins seem to be used to being regarded as irrelevant, so suddenly being forced to choose between parents who supprt Zach and Vil is placing them in a position they are not used to. Some may be cowed into supporting Zach, but I suspect that they will see potentially more freedom under Vil.

I am concerned about Jessie's family. I'm sure Vil has arranged protection.

There may also be a return to the distant past - what would happen if Jessie's mother found out that it was the Vulpans who had funded the organisation which led to her brother's deaths?
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by kd7mvs »

Hearly wrote:Ok, I've been thinking about chap 32 and 33 as I've finished 33, I'm wondering if Brian to prove to Kit that he does want to be his friend/Family decides to sue him just to Void the original agreement.
That' interesting thought.

There has been the discussion of Last Ditch tactic using Terry as the sueie [sueer? sueist? oh right, plaintiff], lines of communication with Brian haven't been that firm, other than his seeming like a reasonable fur and my wondering if John and Hannah might have decided to contact him on their own when Kit blew a gasket at the idea of Brian having contact [John & Hannah would like to see relationships mended if possible, being that kind of fur].

Anyway, Brian shows signs of being a nice fur, Kit groups him with the rest of the Elders in re not bucking his father when he was in the hospital, Vil is ambivalent in that he has kept a semi-low profile.

If he did it out of the blue I'm not sure how The Rebel Alliance would react, how they would interpret it. And given a lack of secure communications between him and them, discussing it in advance might be hard to conceal from The Empire, I mean Zach & Co.

Brian's been making overtures, no question about that, all the way back to the wedding, but lawsuit out of the blue doesn't fit my Visualization of the Cosmic All. As part of a strategy is different from being a surprise. It would destroy the whole generational struggle motif, or push the age break to within the previous generation instead of being purely grups vs onlies.

What I'm wanting to see is how Bess functions if she shifts to Austin, if she starts changing her behavior; she made it very clear she was the original Party Packer as the best means of getting the Family to leave her alone and not try to control her life, what if she finds she has more options open to her, like Sheila and Muffy have found? "Visit scenic Austin, where Young Vulpans can find a life!"
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Something else I was thinking about, didn't Kit sign that paper that made him Primary Owner of Stonebrook? I'm pretty sure Vil (if what Clancy said) would put it through even if Zach dropped those lawsuits because she feels it is Kit's House..
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by dellstart »

kd7mvs wrote:
Hearly wrote:Ok, I've been thinking about chap 32 and 33 as I've finished 33, I'm wondering if Brian to prove to Kit that he does want to be his friend/Family decides to sue him just to Void the original agreement.
That' interesting thought.

There has been the discussion of Last Ditch tactic using Terry as the sueie [sueer? sueist? oh right, plaintiff], lines of communication with Brian haven't been that firm, other than his seeming like a reasonable fur and my wondering if John and Hannah might have decided to contact him on their own when Kit blew a gasket at the idea of Brian having contact [John & Hannah would like to see relationships mended if possible, being that kind of fur].

Anyway, Brian shows signs of being a nice fur, Kit groups him with the rest of the Elders in re not bucking his father when he was in the hospital, Vil is ambivalent in that he has kept a semi-low profile.

If he did it out of the blue I'm not sure how The Rebel Alliance would react, how they would interpret it. And given a lack of secure communications between him and them, discussing it in advance might be hard to conceal from The Empire, I mean Zach & Co.

Brian's been making overtures, no question about that, all the way back to the wedding, but lawsuit out of the blue doesn't fit my Visualization of the Cosmic All. As part of a strategy is different from being a surprise. It would destroy the whole generational struggle motif, or push the age break to within the previous generation instead of being purely grups vs onlies.

What I'm wanting to see is how Bess functions if she shifts to Austin, if she starts changing her behavior; she made it very clear she was the original Party Packer as the best means of getting the Family to leave her alone and not try to control her life, what if she finds she has more options open to her, like Sheila and Muffy have found? "Visit scenic Austin, where Young Vulpans can find a life!"
I too was pondering , where exactly Brian fits in this whole saga.As you have most quaintly termed it , he might be a Rebel Sympathizer , if not a secret Rebel himself.whether his going to pull out his light saber and carve his initials in his elder siblings backsides still remains to be seen.(Then again , maybe hes the real secret mastermind -plotting and skulking around ,playing everyone like a master puppeteer--like the Emperor (or Kimdori)--- yeah that's for all you conspiracy pundits !! :P )
Bess,really is one of those characters, that really arouses your pity.Sometimes lookin at yourself in the mirror, can be the most painful experience, and not everyone is so brave, as kit to be able to handle it.
Bess , has a lot more baggage than Sheila does, and we can hope that Austin proves the same breath of fresh air for her , as it was for sheila.
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by boballab »

She was 25 years old, the oldest child of Uncle Tom, and ever since she graduated from Weston, with surprisingly good marks at that, not legacy grades, she’d descended into a frenzy of hedonism.
that little blurb there puts a whole new spin on things in Bess's case. Before all we knew of her was the original Vulpan party girl, but now we know she had a brain in her head. She probably got those good grades, hoped to be able to get a serious job in the family business and was told go play with dolls little girl. Then she saw what happened to Kit and for her life was just getting worse and worse.

Vil, for the most part, has been right about Kit's attitude about his family. He has been holding people accountable for not showing up in the hospital against them, but he hasn't looked at things from their perspective. Take his Uncle Tom for an example. He was the Black Sheep before Kit so he would already have been on thin ice with Kit's dad. On top of that he has a child that probably requires constant medical attention in Dahlia. What would have happened to her if her father lost all his money? Then there was Terry he had to think about too. Not a nice place to be for him.

Then for his cousins, even the older ones, what could they have done against Kit's bastard father. They were totally dependent on the elders for everything, specially the girls. All the other ones didn't get the lee way that Vil did growing up, they were just suppose to marry and make babies.

Then on the other hand you have Zach who is just a dumb brute version on Kit's crazy father and deserves Kit's hate.
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by Cougar2k2 »

I'm with boballab. What I would like to see is Bess side with Vil and head down to Austin and see her turn her life around or at least give it a purpose that seems to be lacking from it. Do the same thing that Sheila did but more to the extreme. She drinks away her problems, also known basically as 'being a Vulpan' as she says in the chapter. If things pan out for her and she applies herself I see her playing a major roll in the family buisness after Kit and Vil crush the elders. She has shown signs of intelligence, her good grades and her plot to not get married by being the ultimate party girl that no one would want other than for her money and as she stated she wouldn't share that without some major prenups in place.

Something I really wouldn't mind seeing is Jessie wanting to stay and have the baby in Stonebrook as Vil mentioned in passing. Though since neither Kit or Vil want her in Boston at the moment she would dig her claws in and go against both there wishs and remain or just keep coming back as she mentioned in her and Kit's fight. That might also go against any deal Vil may be able to squeeze out of Zach about Kit leaving Boston earlier by Zach signing over his tertiary ownership of Stonebrook. I really want to see what will happen with where she is planning on having the baby, Austin or Stonebrook.
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by dellstart »

boballab wrote:
She was 25 years old, the oldest child of Uncle Tom, and ever since she graduated from Weston, with surprisingly good marks at that, not legacy grades, she’d descended into a frenzy of hedonism.
that little blurb there puts a whole new spin on things in Bess's case. Before all we knew of her was the original Vulpan party girl, but now we know she had a brain in her head. She probably got those good grades, hoped to be able to get a serious job in the family business and was told go play with dolls little girl. Then she saw what happened to Kit and for her life was just getting worse and worse.

Vil, for the most part, has been right about Kit's attitude about his family. He has been holding people accountable for not showing up in the hospital against them, but he hasn't looked at things from their perspective. Take his Uncle Tom for an example. He was the Black Sheep before Kit so he would already have been on thin ice with Kit's dad. On top of that he has a child that probably requires constant medical attention in Dahlia. What would have happened to her if her father lost all his money? Then there was Terry he had to think about too. Not a nice place to be for him.

Then for his cousins, even the older ones, what could they have done against Kit's bastard father. They were totally dependent on the elders for everything, specially the girls. All the other ones didn't get the lee way that Vil did growing up, they were just suppose to marry and make babies.

Then on the other hand you have Zach who is just a dumb brute version on Kit's crazy father and deserves Kit's hate.
On the ball as usual.
That is one of kit's faults (not that we can 100% blame him), that he has a very exacting bar to which, he holds all family members.Its a very much black and white issue, with really no shades of Grey.A defensive mechanism ,I suppose that let him survive the terrible incendent and continues to scar him even now. Its also the reaction/phobia of a kid , not a grown male.It could be that part of overcoming the ghost of his past ,will be by overcoming this fear and the realization , that not all is black and white. i think that a reconciliation with uncle Brian , will have a lot to do with melting the ice.

My guess Bess is going to end up working for Rick, (for a while) , which will give her the tools to reclaim her life.

plus is sheila going to reform enough that Ben's going to take her seriously?
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by crxbnt »

Just finished ch 33 and I am glad I waited with posting after ch 32. There is a lot more depth to this story thsan my first reaction gave credit to. Kit is seriously into kicking some ass, but Vil is not taking a back seat, or a subservient role. Together they are assessing and reacting and manipulating to create the situation they desire. They will win, Kit will be vindicated, and Vil will be firmly in control. I believe Vil would gladly share the reigns with Kit. But he is showing that he can affect the world around him without taking over Vulpan Corporation. And we see hints that he may be more influential because he is not part of the mainstream Vulpan family chain. He has proved that he is strong, that he has value apart from the family, and that he has wisdom and empathy to share. While Vil may be respected as the power, or the head, of the family, Kit is who the cousins truly respect and look up to.

This chapter did not go anywhere that I expected it to. But it was richer, and more powerful than I could have penned. I guess this is why we keep waiting for Fel to feed us.

This is certainly no weaker or blander than Tarrin or any of Fel's other works. I will appreciate further chapters from any of the other stories. But I will be just as satisfied with Kit and company.

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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by GBLW »

crxbnt wrote:
While Vil may be respected as the power, or the head, of the family, Kit is who the cousins truly respect and look up to.
Yup, and where does that automatically lead us?

I'd say it leads to a Vulpan 'head of the family' in both Boston and Austin, wouldn't you? :wink: You see what I envisage in the long run is Kit becoming very successful, so successful that he rivals Vil. Of course that would call for this to become an extremely long running serial. :twisted:

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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by Bartokian »


Sure - Kit will rival Villy one day. Most likely with a Newspaper group in the long run. I do not believe he will take Vil's Steel/Shipyard company. he loves his sister way too much for that. So, let's update the number of chapters this is going to take...

But the next chapter will most likely be a war, or an intro to the war with all the cousins passing by and taking a stand (in Austin - the second most highest concentration of Vulpans - are we starting another clan/storyline here?). Why else all the secret chambers and passage intro and the fact that Vil will most likely turn both mansions into true fortresses?
And if the FAA ever finds out what caused the accident - I'm guessing not Zach of Maxime there. That would be too obvious and shortsighted - in the long run and for the open ended meaning of the story it will be one of the "lesser" players trying to blame it off on on of these 2. Or maybe another company? Who knows but Fel...
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by kd7mvs »

Bartokian brings up valid points, one of which is that we can't be too sure about who caused the accident; remember when Kit was shot, and it turned out to be Cybil who arranged it, not Zach or Jack.

Heck, could be Cybil again, we haven't been shown that she's been totally neutralized, have we?

As noted by several, we may see several Vulpan strongholds evolve, Boston as the Steel/Shipyards center, and Austin as the Alterna Vulpanaia, with Da Mag, Da Restaurant, Da ...wait a minute, what's with the Da stuff, it's Austin, not Chicago... anyway, Austin being a Vulpan stronghold which encourages doing what makes your heart sing rather than jackbooted conformity, which is what Zach is pushing. Not to imply Vil doesn't encourage doing what makes your heart sing, it's just that she thinks the Family Business should make your heart sing, at least a bit; given the stock various folks have in the Family Businesses, it is reasonable on her part to hope folks would be interested in furthering said enterprise.

The thing that's interesting is that Vil and The Elders have some common concerns, in that they both don't want folks to embarrass the Family Name, they just define what this means in different ways, Zach and Co. being far more intrusive in their definitions and far more pro-active in re Keeping The Name Clean, with far less concern about individual happiness than the Vil/Kit Alliance of Motivated Furs which gives much more weight to intent than Zach ever will.

Kit does need to develop some realpolitik in re the family and his father, as has been commented he's way too hardline in his "if you didn't help me it's because you agreed with my ^&* father" stance, not recognizing that his )(*^& father had everyone over a barrel, and that his father allowed no middle ground, you knuckled under or you starved.

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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

Anybody notice that Fel hasn't given us any spoilers for the last couple of chapters? I guess Fel's new years resolution is to not be evil any more. Yep, thats right, he is going to be totally nice and not tease the readers any more, and post lots of chapters. How nice of you Fel, yep, no spoilers at all. :wink: Fiferguy and phantom, looks like you can go ahead and take his evil genius membership card away. :wink:

Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by Fel »

You dare threaten my card of evil? Fine.

I can always just retire from writing. Without being a card-carrying member of the brotherhood of evil, I have no reason to continue.

Excuse me while I go watch PBS until I claw out my eyes in boredom. ;)
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Re: Kit - Chap 33 spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

Fel wrote:You dare threaten my card of evil? Fine.

I can always just retire from writing. Without being a card-carrying member of the brotherhood of evil, I have no reason to continue.

Excuse me while I go watch PBS until I claw out my eyes in boredom. ;)

Bored? Whatever shall you do to fill the time? Oh, I know, perhaps you could write some more? :twisted:

Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? 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Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! .... :twisted:
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!