Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

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Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by zedd »

AWESOME chapter! Simply awesome.

Now is the time to bet on what comes next :twisted: I see 2 possibles paths:
1) The elders get out of the board and of the company willingly soon and Kit calms down
2) If they continue their attacks, Kit will ask Terry to sue him and split the money between the cousins and maybe Brian and Tom, living Jake, Maxine and Zach out.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

Actually I don't think Zach did it, nor Maxine, I think it was Jake that tried to get Vil as retalation for his "accident". If thats the case with that bonehead move Jake has gotten Zach tossed out on his ass and probably splintered the Zach/Maxine/Jake alliance.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by GBLW »

boballab wrote:Actually I don't think Zach did it, nor Maxine, I think it was Jake that tried to get Vil as retalation for his "accident". If thats the case with that bonehead move Jake has gotten Zach tossed out on his ass and probably splintered the Zach/Maxine/Jake alliance.
Either that, or it was a 'real' accident, which was what Zach was trying to explain when Kit ordered him out of the house. It doesn't matter though, right now Kit doesn't need any more excuse to 'clean house' and if the elders think Vil was tough and sneaky, they have another think coming! Kit is enraged, but he's the sort who sweeps VERY clean when he cleans up a mess.

And, don't forget that he has the backing of Kendall, who is a brand new player, one that the elders don't know and can't touch, but who will bring a whole new level of retaliation to the table.

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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by expedient »

boballab wrote:Actually I don't think Zach did it, nor Maxine, I think it was Jake that tried to get Vil as retalation for his "accident". If thats the case with that bonehead move Jake has gotten Zach tossed out on his ass and probably splintered the Zach/Maxine/Jake alliance.
Yeah, I figured the same.

The way Kit played Maxine was masterful. As soon as he sits down and starts plotting there will be surprises all round. I also think that he's not the kind of guy to just sit in a board meeting and go with the flow, Vil could be in for some surprises too.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by Cougar2k2 »


Wow Kit finally lost it and is going to do what he probably should have done long ago. This is just my knee-jerk post after reading this completely awsome chapter. I haven't read any previous posts or anything so please forgive if I repeat anything. :D

Some heads will definatly roll even if they didn't plan or help plan this "accident." I think Kit will now take a great more interest in the company as well as family politics and with gusto. I wonder how him being in Boston will effect him being there for the birth of his child if at all? I haven't reread the parts about how long he has to stay in Stonebrook to be in control of it or how that will effect the due date of Jessie etc.... I just so excited about the next right now.

I'll report back when I have calmed down and reread to form a better opion.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by J-Man5 »

I think I need to send Jessie after Fel with a whole slew of pillows. With her going "Bad Fel!!! No Evil Cliffhangers Allowed!!!" And repeatedly hitting him on the back of the head and threatening to have him get salmon and lobster at weird hours. I think that will cause the next chapters to hurry out as fast as Fel can type.

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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

I think what is going to shock all the Elders will be how Kit will handle the war with them. Where Vil used a scapel, Kit will use a Sledgehammer. I see Brian openly siding with Kit, not because he is afraid of losing his money, but he see's Kit as the true Vulpan heir. He told Muffy before Kit reminds him of his Grandfather, the man who built the Vulpan fortune.
He always told me that you’re a true Vulpan, rolling with the punches and coming out on top, just like our great-granddad did when he built the company.”
What is funny is that Kit still looks at his father through the eyes of a 10 year old and just seeing the man growing distant from him. He still hasn't internalized that his father was basically destroyed by the death of his mother, he has all the clues (His father never cheated on his mother etc) about it but hasn't put it together. Then after that his father saw himself losing his son and that was the final straw that really did send him over the edge. Now with Vil's "accident" he is acting like his father and will crush anyone and everyone until he is satisfied with his revenge. I wonder if he will realize that himself or will it be pointed out to him ?
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by snwill »

How about a little cross-story Cooperation? Maybe Grand Duke JasonFOX from New England, no less, can lend Kit some of his little dirty tricks? After all they are both pilots and Jason has been in Hairy ( or should that be furry) situations.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

Wow , what a explosive chapter! Talk about throwing a match into a tinderbox !

In the last few chapters ,we have seen Kit slowly come to peace with himself, and his place in the world.If there's anything that could turn that upside down , it would be this.However,I think that this is also ,where he finally confronts the ghosts of his past.His having to live in the mansion and deal with the system are going to prove to be the catharsis for his soul. That last line was most telling," well young Mr kit your home "

what we need now isn't Duke Jason fox , it isn't even Jyslin , Its Symone to double team with shelia to take care of all those troublesome issues.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by Omegano »

I just came to realize something. Fel said he was going to move on to Spirit Walker once he got Kit to a certain point in the story, right? I think we might want to start begging for him not to be TRULY evil right now... Please? *Que Puppy Dog Eyes*

Anyway, this is either the start of the big crescendo of the story, or the start of another, longer war between factions. At this point I have no doubt that the BIG threat will be issued at some point. What I wonder is if the Vulpan Family will survive the war. I can see it will probably NOT come out of it unscathed. What I also wonder is who will die, because I doubt there will not be casualties (and Fel has yet to not kill off a character). I can see this will be a dirty and, very likely, bloody war.

However, just how long will it take? Will Kit's daughter be born into it, or will this war be cut short? How will this effect Lone Star? What will this do to Kit's friendships back in Auston? How will this effect Kit himself? How will this effect Jessie? There are so many questions, and only Fel can answer them. I anticipate that the next chapter will make this one look dull in terms of explosiveness. I await patiently for the next installment of this incredible series.


And I just read through my post, and went "Holy cow! Has just one semester of college really made me write like that? It's so... mature." :lol:
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

Omegano wrote:I just came to realize something. Fel said he was going to move on to Spirit Walker once he got Kit to a certain point in the story, right? I think we might want to start begging for him not to be TRULY evil right now... Please? *Que Puppy Dog Eyes*

Anyway, this is either the start of the big crescendo of the story, or the start of another, longer war between factions. At this point I have no doubt that the BIG threat will be issued at some point. What I wonder is if the Vulpan Family will survive the war. I can see it will probably NOT come out of it unscathed. What I also wonder is who will die, because I doubt there will not be casualties (and Fel has yet to not kill off a character). I can see this will be a dirty and, very likely, bloody war.

However, just how long will it take? Will Kit's daughter be born into it, or will this war be cut short? How will this effect Lone Star? What will this do to Kit's friendships back in Auston? How will this effect Kit himself? How will this effect Jessie? There are so many questions, and only Fel can answer them. I anticipate that the next chapter will make this one look dull in terms of explosiveness. I await patiently for the next installment of this incredible series.


And I just read through my post, and went "Holy cow! Has just one semester of college really made me write like that? It's so... mature." :lol:
Well ,I don't want to be the Harbinger of evil tidings, but this is probably where this series stops for the moment.Its a logical stopping place.Jason's and Kyvs stories stopped when they were about to enter into a war, so why shouldn't Kit's? I hope I am wrong , but I don't believe so.

Those are all valid points, and we will have to wait and see what eventuates.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

Fel is pretty good about keeping us up to date. Most of his stories say the end or to be continued if he is stopping that "book" there before going on to the sequal. I think there is at least one more chapter here, Vil is still in the hospital. I think the wedding of Vil or the birth of laura would be a better stopping spot. But thats just my opinion, and opinions usually differ. :wink:
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

michaelsuave wrote:Fel is pretty good about keeping us up to date. Most of his stories say the end or to be continued if he is stopping that "book" there before going on to the sequal. I think there is at least one more chapter here, Vil is still in the hospital. I think the wedding of Vil or the birth of laura would be a better stopping spot. But thats just my opinion, and opinions usually differ. :wink:
That's true as well. He usually does give us a heads up, before he finishes. Guess we will have to wait and see.
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by Fiferguy »


I just have to say that I normally don't go for drama-type stories, but this one has me hooked. Great job so far. I can't wait to see the rest. :twisted:
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Re: Kit - Chapter 32 - Spoilers

Post by avitchel »

Again Fel has dangling by our fingernails, and tingling all over with the excitement. When Stanley and co welcomed Kit to the "House" I knew that something special was going to happen. Just hope it involves ball bearings :twisted:
I don't think Kit will stay in Boston any longer than he has to. I also don't think he'll bring 'pretty kitty' into this dogfight :roll: either. How to resolve this issue? Mayhaps the purchase of a larger Cesna and some hangerspace in Austin. He could theoretically commute on the weekends.
I can't see Vil putting her staff, or herself into harm’s way with a self-inflicted accident. I think any of the elders could have done the deed. Indeed even the disenfrancised step mother (Cordellia?) could have been involved. Having read all of Fel’s previous offerings, I wouldn’t hazard to limit the evil he could conspire to. We’ll just have to wait and see!