Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

Back in Subjugation you learn that the old Karinne nobility became scornful and looked down on the rest of the Faey, ie: They became racists. They didn't just withdraw because they wanted the isolation just to do research or keep the program secret. They also withdrew because they believed the problems of the "little people" didn't concern them. Of course they paid the ultimate price when they got too full of themselves.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

boballab wrote:It's easy to say that Jason is a traitor but you have to look at the "reality" of the situation.
This is a tricky one. I think Mysterious' point might be better made if we replace 'democracy' with 'constitutional government'. Before the US President or UK Prime Minister make a decision, they are usually required to consult with a team of trusted advisers. One reason is because there is a limit to what one man can know and instantly recall, but the other is that multiple individuals can represent multiple points of view, and hence one might see something the others miss. Jason has surrounded himself with people who agree with him, and think in the same way he does. That is almost always an unwise thing to do.

This is probably a consequence of embracing the Faey lifestyle too much. If we're talking crime we're probably close to Drunk and Disorderly rather than active Treason. Jason's also pretty young. He effectively went from college brat to Legion Commander overnight. Since then he's been running as hard as possible in a desperate attempt to fix everything. He is well educated, but not well traveled. He'd probably fail any general knowledge pub quiz *because* he knows how to build an Interdictor. And because of that he doesn't realise this yet. And because the Faey are Faey, they don't see why this might be a problem.

The reality of the situation is that Jason caused this mess by having sex with Dahnai without protection, and then opened his big fat mouth and came close to revealing the Big Secret of house Kerrine - the very thing that he has other people screened for.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

Is anyone taking bets that this is just a distraction from some other thing? Just doling out as much rope as you'll take...

Y'know, just putting that out there :D
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

Well the other thing could be that the Consortium Fleet is about to attack Earth during the conference or Karis. It is kind of an obvious move when you but the pieces together. First Jason and et al believe that the Consortium is getting some type of spy info on Draconis and that is why the Imperial Fleet can't mobilize. Same goes for the various House fleets. Now if they are getting that type of info they would have to know about the conference and that is a juicy target. Now if you go by Jason's plan the ships at Draconis can't mobilize, The House fleets can't mobilize, The Kimdori are covering Exile and the Stargate at the Neutron star. Now as far as the Consortium knows the KMS needs to cover either Earth or Karis in force. If they cover Earth during the Conference it leaves Karis weakend and vulnerable as far as the Consortium knows. Now if they stay at Karis Earth and every leader is vulnerable. The best thing for Jason to do is take the entire KMS to Earth because the interdictor covers Karis and leaves the Consortium sitting ducks to the GRAF cannon unless they retreat. This would at the minimum tip the Consortium hand and if they stay they get stuck between the KMS and the Kimdori jumping in behind them and the Graf cannon and if linked the Imperial fleet coming in by Stargate to Karis.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Mysterious »

Yeah the reality of the situation is this: The Faey are Nazis.

ANTIcarrot has given more thorough responses on the defects of Faey society. I’ve just cleaned up some errors in the quote:
Here's my fundamental problem with that idea: The Faey behaved like Nazis.

And they didn't care. They still don't care. Aside from a few small details they have shown absolutely no remorse with what they did or how they acted. Now Jason might be enough of a pragmatist to ignore this for the larger long term purpose of reforming the local galactic community - but the people on Earth will remember and they will HATE the Faey Imperium.

And it's not a case of blaming House Trillane. The Empress gave them the contract. She approved the invasion. The Imperial marines under her command did sweet fanny adams to stop pretty much anything that Trillane did. In fact the marines we see are far more interested in harassing local humans than actually supervising Trillane. Everything we saw indicates the Faey systematically and deliberately destroyed the global Human economy, along with every single social institution that might have challenged, questioned or even reported such abuses - and then failed to replace them.

And it wasn't just on Earth. Doctors are well respected throughout the Imperium are they? A super version of the Red Cross mixed with Médecins Sans Frontières? What the hell were they doing while all this was going on? Oh yes - they were taking over hospitals and sending any human with basic medical knowledge off to farms. Faey News Services? Enslavement and abuse of 8 billion people is apparently not news worthy. The common citizens? Apparently they're too busy enjoying the fruits of their conquest to wonder where it came from. The non-Faey? Not one has so far questioned the Faey doctrine of smash everything and use the natives (however highly skilled) as low cost labor. Dahnai after she learns about this? Listen to what she says. Is she appalled or morally outraged by this? Does she demand justice? No. She's gleeful! She can finally take revenge on an old rival! Because of course that's the most important thing...

The people of Earth have had five years or so to piece things back together. Jason gave them regional autonomy based upon old national boundaries. That means the BBC would be up again within a few months. And they would piece the story together even if no one else would. And they would. Once the populations worst dreads about the occupation were confirmed, no one would have the slightest good thing to say about the Faey.

Or we can be personal. Take Jyslin. Let's pretend for the moment that humans had been telepathic, and/or were capable of fighting back in some meaningful way. How many humans would she have killed before it occurred to her that this was wrong, that it had gone too far? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Would that thought ever have occurred to her? Does she in fact regret anything she did during the occupation?
The Faey society is diseased and is a disease. They are morally and emotionally bankrupt (and no I’m not talking about the sex. Fel has given us a sufficient answer to the difference between sex and love between telepaths). They do not have the inherent fundamental belief that sentient life has any worth or value except for the greatest profit a.k.a. exploitation that they can get for the benefit of the Faey society a.k.a. The Nobility. Faey society seems to be a bad combination of Old Europe and Western Consumerism.

The Faey are ruled, not governed (and yes there is a difference), by an amoral psychopath because that is, unfortunately, the only type of person who can keep the Imperium from collapsing into civil war. That’s just sad.

Now back to Jason.

When I was talking about how Jason has not installed any democratic institutions I did not mean to imply that democracy is the be all and end all of civilisation. I am and was talking about how Jason has unintentionally changed and I do not believe for the better.

As I have said before: The path to Hell is paved with good intentions.

He does not (and I believe for the moment that he should not) need to implement a planetary parliament or congress on Karis (a constitutional monarchy in the future, maybe). But the least he could of done was put in some city or county councils. There is a difference between democracy and democratic institutions.

Case in point: The Exiled had an (elected?) council leading 1000+ people. Jason was easily able to deal with them. But we should still ask: Why has he not replicated something like this among certain concentrated population centres on Karis? It has been five years since the Colonisation of Karis.

There is a saying: Choose your enemies wisely my son because you will become just like him.

Jason has become Faeyized.

Good point: He’s become sexually liberated. Bad point: Faey society is a disease and he has become infected.

Consciously his actions show him to be a benevolent and empathetic Duke in the same way as King Frederick of Prussia was to his subjects and completely revolutionary as ruler as well. This is his human upbringing showing through. Unconsciously his actions seem to reinforce that he wasn’t just born to rule, he was made to rule. This is the Faeyization plus the old Karinne noble attitude bleeding through.

This is a bad example for Rann and how he will have to deal with the rest of the galaxy let alone humans. How long do you thing before Jason’s descendants become another George V?
As my Hillbilly ancestors said "Sorry but that Dog don't Hunt." The only form of "government" ingrained on human DNA is the strong man model because historically humans are pack animals and the leader of the pack historically is the strongest of the pack.
Sorry, the Divine Right of Kings is a defunct theory. The Lord Protector of England plus the French and American Revolutions seemed to put that on the discarded pile. When I said democracy should be ingrained into his DNA, I meant it as a figure of speech. But because of his parentage, heritage and upbringing, shouldn’t he be more susceptible to the idea of democracy as a good tool of governance?

Hopefully Jason comes to an epiphany on his actions in the passed couple of years and realise his past dreams of changing the Faey instead of recreating it in a less harsher form on Karis.

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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

I see you still miss the point in this. Karis is part of the Faey Imperium. Now the Empress doesn't care a flip how the Grand Duke Karinne makes his decisions, but he is the one answerable to the Empress for those decisions, no one else. Take Earth as the example, the UN secretary General doesn't get on the comm and ask to speak to the Empress. If he/she did Dhanni would tell him/her to go piss up a rope then call Jason asking WTF is going on, if he can't control his planet she will take it from him. That is the whole point, to keep the worst of the Faey Imperium away from Earth and Karis Jason has to be the Grand Duke Karinne not just appear to be. Now if the Empress believes that the Faey Noble that is suppose to be in charge of the planets are not meeting the responsibilities she removes said Noble from rule and the Imperium takes over. Jason is the one held responsible for Earth and Karis by Dhanni and every Grand Duke after him is going to be held responsible by every following Empress until either the Imperium falls or the Imperium takes over those planets. If you have the responsibility you have to have the Authority to go with it, it is as simple as that. Jason can't fight the Imperium, he would lose for the simple reason that he doesn't have the resources to do it. So since he can't force the Faey to change he has to mitigate the damage by being the interface. Basically just re-read Subjugation from the point of Jason getting his Charter Fel lays it all out there about what Jason has to do, how he is going to do it and what happens if he fails.

Now I never mentioned the Divine Right of Kings, hell I never mentioned God. What I explained has nothing to do with the Divine but with genetics. Homo Sapiens has been around for roughly 48,000 years and is just at heart another animal evolved on the planet earth. This animal just like their closest relatives are pack animals and as such form packs. Now Pack animals have one leader and it is usually the strongest of said pack. Sorry nothing divine in that just the genetics of a pack animal. Now for most of that 48,000 years of their existance and in most of the world today that leader is of the stong man type. Ugg the Caveman did not get voted in as head of his tribe 40,000 years ago he beat the rest into submission or he was the best hunter or something similar. You might not like it but that is the sad fact. Representative government just didn't come about until Homo Sapiens discovered and refined civilization and still now and then it slides back into strongman governance in parts of the world. Even with Representative Government it is still pack mentality, we just use votes instead of clubs to pick the leader.
Last edited by boballab on Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

Spec8472 wrote:Is anyone taking bets that this is just a distraction from some other thing? Just doling out as much rope as you'll take...

Y'know, just putting that out there :D
I am not joining the fun forum in deciding what the Faey government is because I want FEL to concentrate on finishing Chapter 6.

(PS : My guess is that the Faey Government is a mystery on it own with a form of old England monarchy. BUT something that puzzles me is the Imperial army answers to the Empress but does Merrane has its own house army? Or does the ruling House army becomes the Imperial army when the Grand Duchess becomes the empress. I decided to push it to the back of my mind else Spec will scorn me again saying another stupid off-topic by Mizriath.)
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Mysterious »

I am not saying Jason should abdicate his authority or from his responsibilities. I am saying he should delegate them.

The form of government that would probably come about is a Constitutional Monarchy. I live in Australia. We have a Constitutional Monarchy and unlike in England, Queen Elizabeth does have the authority of Absolute Rule. If she wanted too she could dismiss parliament and replace it with a new one or declare war and we would have to answer the call.

Should Jason create a democratic institution it would be answerable to him not the Imperium. My biff is that Jason is ruling Karis when he should be governing Karis. There is a difference and he should know better.

About the Imperium... The rest of the galaxy doesn't need reasons to go to war against the Imperium, they need reasons not too. Why should the Faey care what Jason does internally in his own house as long as he meets his responsibilities? a.k.a. food quotas, stability and the Academy.

When you transfer genetics to societal structure to justify autocratic authoritarian rule it becomes the Divine Right of Kings.

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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by hoppy »

Now I never mentioned the Divine Right of Kings, hell I never mentioned God. What I explained has nothing to do with the Divine but with genetics. Homo Sapiens has been around for roughly 48,000 years and is just at heart another animal evolved on the planet earth. This animal just like their closest relatives are pack animals and as such form packs. Now Pack animals have one leader and it is usually the strongest of said pack. Sorry nothing divine in that just the genetics of a pack animal. Now for most of that 48,000 years of their existance and in most of the world today that leader is of the stong man type. Ugg the Caveman did not get voted in as head of his tribe 40,000 years ago he beat the rest into submission or he was the best hunter or something similar. You might not like it but that is the sad fact. Representative government just didn't come about until Homo Sapiens discovered and refined civilization and still now and then it slides back into strongman governance in parts of the world. Even with Representative Government it is still pack mentality, we just use votes instead of clubs to pick the leader.[/quote]
It does not even work out in nature like that many times. The strongman archetypal system is a very short term system, many times people and animals have a less competitive culture. It is kept alive because it is useful dangerous times, coming out in mating because of the strong emotions involved(this a pet theory.) I find many conclusions made about animal behavior rather subjective and lacking in supporting evidence.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

Mysterious wrote:I am not saying Jason should abdicate his authority or from his responsibilities. I am saying he should delegate them.

The form of government that would probably come about is a Constitutional Monarchy. I live in Australia. We have a Constitutional Monarchy and unlike in England, Queen Elizabeth does have the authority of Absolute Rule. If she wanted too she could dismiss parliament and replace it with a new one or declare war and we would have to answer the call.

Should Jason create a democratic institution it would be answerable to him not the Imperium. My biff is that Jason is ruling Karis when he should be governing Karis. There is a difference and he should know better.

About the Imperium... The rest of the galaxy doesn't need reasons to go to war against the Imperium, they need reasons not too. Why should the Faey care what Jason does internally in his own house as long as he meets his responsibilities? a.k.a. food quotas, stability and the Academy.

When you transfer genetics to societal structure to justify autocratic authoritarian rule it becomes the Divine Right of Kings.

Going Backwards:

Divine right of Kings: The Divine Right of Kings is a general term that refers to the philosophy and ideas used to justify the authority and legitimacy of monarchs in medieval and early modern Europe. The doctrine broadly holds that a monarch derives his or her right to rule from the will of God, and not from any temporal authority, including the will of his subjects, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm. This is from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Right_of_Kings

Now Pack animals like Gorillas, Baboons and wolves do not try to explain the Strongest leads by saying God chose them. They do that out of instinct due to their genetics and sorry but Humans are still at heart a Pack animal. We just call our packs names like the Country of Germany or the United States of America were we pick our leaders with votes instead of clubs.

As I stated previously and is spelled out in Subjugation, the Empress doesn't care how Jason makes his decisions internally. However back in Subjugation she warned him that if he tried to rule Earth like a Faey noble he would fail. That conversely holds true with trying to rule Faey like a Terran, it won't work.

The problem with a Constitutional Monarchy in this instance is that the Head of State is not also the Head of Government, even the Austrailian version, the prime minister is.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Mini ... _Australia
Under the Faey Imperium the person the Empress charges with ruling a planet is both Head of State and Head of Government you can't seperate the two. That is what I meant about Jason must be the Grand Duke not just apear as the Grand Duke. Thats the rub under the Faey system you can't elect the Head of Government, which is a prerequiste of a representative government. If you don't do that you are just tarting yourself up as nothing more then the good ol fashioned African President for life crap. Now if Jason can convince the Faey that they should set up Mayors in towns that they elect and they answer to him thats not a problem. Hell for all we know he has already done that since Fel has not written about it one way or the other, but when it comes to planet wide to fit under the Faey system the ultimate authority and responsibility falls to the old feuadal lord.

Now you also bring up that five year period. Now lets look at what Jason was doing: restore the House, Keep Dahanni off his back, Rebuild Karis, gotten various other races to live on Karis, Rebuild Earth, rebuild the academy, built an Armed Force to keep others from taking Karis and Earth away from him. Now lets look at the US after their independence: War ended in 1783 and it took until 1789 that the constitution was ratified. That is 6 years to get just 13 colonies into a viable form of government. So as you can see in the Ficiton world it looks like Jason has done more then a real world situation and in less time.

Hoppy: The Strong man system is just the term applied by humans saying that the strongest around rules the roost. However after saying that lets look back in the animal kingdom. How does the Male in the Lion Pride get that place? How does the Pack leader in a wolf pack get that place? They fight for it to establish dominance. Yes procreation does play a factor in it, but it still happens and you have to admit that procreating is tied to the whole genetic thing. When it comes to Humans and for most of our history we did the same thing as Lions and Wolves and in cetain places on the planet it still continues. Representative Government is just a function of civilization progressing allowing us to go past the instinctive behaviour. Again though we still seperate into packs, we just call them Towns, cities, countries and so forth. An example is I live in the US and to someone from another country I represent myself as an American. If your from Germany it's German and so forth. This is just Humans appling pack mentality to a larger scale, it's myself stating I'm from the American Pack and so and so is from the German pack. As a species we have always divided ourselves up either by family, region or other factors. It is nothing but the Pack system with a different name, because a Pack is nothing but a group that bands together to make survival easier. You can use fancy words but that is what it boils down to.

Now to the lighter side: Fel you ought to try and have your sight declared an educational resource. Look we have Humanities debates, History, sociology and Polysci all waiting for some student to reference.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by expedient »

The Faey are not Nazis. It has become tiresome that anything “evil” is bandied about with Hitler or Nazis or Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. :?

They are more analogous to colonial Europe, where countries and other concerns would claim lands often with no understanding of what or who they contained in order to exploit their resources for profit.

Some colonies came out of the land grab better than others. In the Americas tens of millions were slaughtered. In Africa untold millions were killed and or enslaved. In India some of the power structures were retained while other peoples were killed or displaced. In New Zealand the British Government recognised that it was settled by people above the status of “savage” and ruled against colonisation, yet they ended up colonising it anyway when Christian Missionaries got themselves into trouble with the locals. In the Philippines the indigenous peoples rose up against their colonialist overlords and America joined in the fight to help liberate them. Then turned around and colonised them themselves.

Some atrocities were government sanctioned, some not; some openly perpetrated, some hidden. We still see this today: Nike were accused of exploiting workers in terrible conditions in Asia, Coca-Cola are alleged to be overusing their quota of water in India and poisoning what is left, McDonalds are alleged to have links with illegal deforestation in Brazilian for cattle ranch expansions. Those are examples of supposed illegal activity claimed against them. We see examples of blatant legal exploitation of workers and misuse of resources all the time.

More ambiguously in Africa, American Government sponsored agricultural concerns give away large amounts of genetically modified seeds so farmers can grow more food. Which on the surface seems great, but the farmers are not so pleased when they find out that they need to keep coming back as the crops have been neutered. They also dislike that the modified crops do not taste as nice as before, making them harder to sell, and are altered to be resistant to pesticides, which they need to buy more of to get the benefits of greater yield. Leaving them dependant on handouts and adding more pollutants and poisons to the environment.

We, just like the Faey in the general population, simply shrug our shoulders ignore it and say, “Can’t do nothing ’bout it.”

Some of the conquered territories have done well out of the Imperium (the Makati seem to have flourished) whilst others not so well (the Faey commoners and the Terrans under Trillane).

We don’t see western governments trying to reclaim assets or annex large corporations (unless they fail) as they are not powerful enough to do so. In the Imperium it would lead to civil war. Dahnai was happy to bank on the wild card of Jason when he proved a legitimate legal claim to prior rights to Earth. She wasn’t willing to risk a food shortage for the sake of a few million human workers rights during the transitional period. She wasn’t even aware of the extent of the problems until Jason started attacking Trillane for civil rights abuses (under Imperium law) and alleged abductions for slavery. Proof of the slavery came only after House Karinne was restored.

The Faey are not “good” people. Nor are we, we take and give less back. There are reasons why people cheer the burning of American flags, some justified, some not. The West meddles and interferes with the direction of peoples lives all over the globe. If it isn’t the governments directly, their agents, or their militaries; then corporations, churches, charities and other concerns associated with the West interfere. It’s not all welcome.


Getting to Jason and House Karinne. Earth is run autonomously. Exile will have an island state and Jason hopes to form some kind of treaty with the indigenous race, or simply exploit unoccupied regions. Karis seems to be run mostly as a meritocracy, with people rising to power on ability and recruited for their abilities and loyalty. Jason also seems to be looking to ally himself with every race he can, recruiting them to Karis and giving them the same rights as anyone else. The Faey have been recruited from the commoners and thus have a much better lot than they could expect within the other noble houses. Commoners do not rise to command level in the other houses.

Jason has given his Legion friends noble positions and restored titles to those who are descended from the original holders. This mostly seems to entitle them to a large house on the Strip. He has told all the Generations of their heritage, deciding that they have as much right to know as he does. They are all keeping the secret as they know that if they do not all other governments will fear them.

Everyone, except the Exiles, were asked if they wanted to uproot to Karis and join House Karinne. Only the Exiles have been a problem, so far.

House Karinne is few in number and they’ve been rapidly building up numbers and facilities over the last five years. They have had to start from scratch on a dead planet, with a priority to be able to defend themselves, lest they be exterminated like their ancestors.

If a town needs representation then they’d best figure out a way to represent all those different races and factions quickly, or they won’t get their needs seen to. Hopefully, they haven’t recruited idiots to come build up a hugely technologically advanced society. Hopefully, they also have some organisational skills. If they haven’t then they have bigger problems than a lack of representation in their towns.

Jason is overseeing all this, looking for deficiencies and problems in the longer term and prioritising when required. Just like any other leader in any size of organisation. If he can’t do it, then hopefully someone (such as the Kimdori) will point out to him that he isn’t up to the task and he’ll get in more experienced people in those key positions.

Overall Jason seems to be doing very well.

I’ve seen no hints of the Faey trying to exterminate whole groups of people. Take over other territories and exploit their resources, absolutely yes.

All in all I see little to compare the Faey to the Nazis, or Jason to a king demanding absolute rule. (Unlike say the Australian Government’s programme to forcibly breed and relocate Aboriginals which continued up to the late 1970s. NOT a dig at your country, just to point out that evil does not equal Nazis in every case and the actions of a few should not reflect on everyone. Just as Americans are not all Nazis for continuing to break treaties and steal land, for logging mostly, from the Native Americans to this day.)
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Fel »

Well, that about sums up Jason's style of governing. He developed a Dukal government on Karis, but in actuality, it's the local governments that call most of the shots, and those are elected, where the Dukal government is there to back up the local governments and provide house-wide services.

In reality, his system is more of a federalist system, something he understands from his own background, but there's only one level of elected government. The higher government is a merit-based bureaucracy, where Jason delegates authority to trusted advisors who run departments that provide services. Each department is more or less autonomous, answering to Jason, but they do have some amount of cross-jurisdiction and interaction...usually in a constructive manner. The departments of Jason's bureaucracy don't fight with each other, mainly because they know Jason will kick their asses if they do.

But as the planet grows, so does the government. Jason is already getting overwhelmed with the amount of work he has to do, and soon, he'll realize that he needs help at the executive level. By then, he'll probably install a "prime minister" and let him or her assume some of his duties, help take the load off of him. It would have to be someone he trusted with his very life, for he'd never give anyone that kind of power and let them loose if he wasn't convinced they'd be faithful to the duties of the post.

Why, you might ask, did he not institute a complete democracy? Well, in his eyes, he saw that the fuedal style used by the Faey would work on a very small scale--as in, with just one planet where everyone entered into it willingly. It was easy to handle things when he made all the decisions and didn't have to fight people with different viewpoints that might have the power to oppose him if he created a more "American" system. He knew that so long as he kept making good decisions that helped the house grow and flourish, everyone would be quite content with his choice of government, because Jason is a very benevolent dictator. He cares far more about the needs and well being of his people that just about any ruler in the Imperium. They aren't numbers to him, they are PEOPLE, and he works very hard to do right by them. Simple practicality made him develop the system he has now.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by expedient »

Fel wrote:But as the planet grows, so does the government. Jason is already getting overwhelmed with the amount of work he has to do, and soon, he'll realize that he needs help at the executive level. By then, he'll probably install a "prime minister" and let him or her assume some of his duties, help take the load off of him. It would have to be someone he trusted with his very life, for he'd never give anyone that kind of power and let them loose if he wasn't convinced they'd be faithful to the duties of the post.
Where is sashka when you need him? :wink:
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by zedd »

Why, you might ask, did he not institute a complete democracy? Well,.....
I can think of 2 other possible reasons:
* HE gave his word to keep Karinne's secrets. If he don't have "last word" control, as would happen in a democracy, he can't be sure he can keep is word.
* I don't think that the Faeys in his own house would react well to a democracy, and the empress would probably not like it at all if an important house like Karinne was ruled by democracy

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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

expedient wrote:
Fel wrote:But as the planet grows, so does the government. Jason is already getting overwhelmed with the amount of work he has to do, and soon, he'll realize that he needs help at the executive level. By then, he'll probably install a "prime minister" and let him or her assume some of his duties, help take the load off of him. It would have to be someone he trusted with his very life, for he'd never give anyone that kind of power and let them loose if he wasn't convinced they'd be faithful to the duties of the post.
Where is sashka when you need him? :wink:

nah symone for prime minster ! :wink:

shes bored got nothing else to do and might as well be her. Hell, we picked a president elect who has no experience ,no real background in governing and can speak well and looks good on camera . Hell, she would be perfect!
Last edited by dellstart on Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.