Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

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Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by J-Man5 »

Awesome Fel! Just awesome!

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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Cougar2k2 »

I've been thinkin lately about the Consortium... I could just picture Fel making it so that the few Faey that were taken by the Consortium all that time ago ended up somehow controlling the Consortium, the Karrines are resourceful Jason is proof of that. Those mind control devices, where those on par with Karrine tech.? And if the "old school" Karrines do control the Consortium they may want to even the score with the Faey Empire. Since the new Karrines are so buddy buddy with the Empire they may see them as an enemy as well. It would kinda explain how the bugs knew about Cybil and its exact location. I have several other theories about what could possibly come but I find this to be the most interesting possibility that makes a little sense.

I can also see happening that all the Exiled are plants and since the Consortium showed up and forcing Jasons hand in taking them with him... he could just possibly taken in the enemy... lol just a thought.

Sorry didn't really explain my assumption very well but I'm dead tired and half asleep at the moment. I'll probably edit this later to make it more clear and all that.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

I think that myth got pretty much busted at the end of Insurrection. Someone lost a bet over it as I recall. Reread the last few chapters. I'm pretty sure Fel explains everything there.

And now that a new chapter has been posted it's usually about this time that I made strange and unsubstantiated (yet sometimes strangely accurate) speculations based on the tiniest scraps of information that my beady eyes spot buried amongst the rest of Fel's prose. And this chapter being no exception, my current strange and unsubstantiated speculation is...

If armor lining is so comfortable, I wonder if they make clothes out of it too.

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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

Thanks Fel.... A very great start. I believe I cannot wait for the continuation.... and you said 2 weeks.

2 weeks of tortures and thoughts of what the ending and plots could be. Hmmmm, what I should I do in the meantime... :D
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

Ok I have only been through the chapter twice, but here's my two cents.

1)There is definitely some type of Trojan Horse situation going on over here.It cant be coincidence, that no soon does Jason land on Exile, then he forced to take Everyone and everything lock stock and barrel, because of a battle group of the Consortium that just happens by. Though what form the danger will take -it's still too early to tell.

2)The capture of the Consortium vessel was a major coup, and will have a major affect in improving the all round war effort.

3)Its interesting how fel has explored further many of the interpersonal relationships. For example , it was interesting to see just how exactly Jason views his relationship with Symone ,Dahani or the twins.

4)Kinda felt as we were back In Kyv and the shadow fox , with all these hard choices and doing what right in the long run , might not benefit everyone in the short term.

Though that's part of being a leader and as Jason showed during the battle ,hes learned the leadership role well.The boy has grown a pair of brass balls!
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

This is a techie question on how does the stargate actually works.

Does the stargate works on one stargate point to another stargate point - meaning one stargate can work with only another stargate point?? Or does a stargate works with multiple stargates, as long as it has the co-ordinates synchronised.... i remembered from an old movie/series called stargate.... that is a multiple stargate.

But from Insurrection, if Karis stargate pair is to be put into a quasar, why can't other stargates beam into Karis if it has the co-ordinates? or it must be synchronised through hyper communications? just thinking aloud on the rules of stargate transportation. The most obvious has always been multiple point.

Next, the interdictor will disrupt hyper space jumps... be it the the no-lag jumps or the one with lag.. it goes to say that it will also interfere with the hyperspace probes, hyper missiles ... but not sublight engines ... which means that Karis will have to develop sublight missiles... and probably another form of coomunications, which I remember is Teryon communications which is still a hyperspace based platform....

While the rest of the Faey technology works with the stargate protocol of communication. i remembered that when th Trillanes ships goes into hyperspace.... they cannot be communicated until they drop out of hyper and then only through a beacon so the comunications have to be through a stargate.... because I also remembered that since the stargate was closed there was no communications. The rest of Faey could also used hyperspace communications but it will have a great lag similar to their hyperspace travel... imagining sending a message from Arctus to Earth taking six days for the message to reach.

But it still boils down to a new communications system unless they use the stargate communications, then if it is one to one system, you will have multiple stargates on a planetary system corridor. Then the Karinnes will be no more advance then the rest of the Faey. The interdictor will itself impact on Karinnes hyper space travel unless, they could disrupt the interdictor itself for the time when a karrinne vessel to appear. But then the interdictor itself takes 2 days to power up.... so hmmm.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

1) Very possible. But I'm not sure what it would get them. Even if they've replaced some of the colonists with pod-people, the colonists aren't likely to get near any secure areas, or pass any security scans. I can't imagine any useful device the Consortium could smuggle back with the colony either. Beyond a large bomb that could provide a minor distraction at a critical time.

2) Oh it wouldn't be a Jason story if he didn't acquire the odd bit of new technology now and then. Though on the other hand... This sounds like a Weberism. Anyone who had read a Honor Harrington book will know that if the compensators fail in a ship, the hundreds of gravities will kill the crew while the ship continues on its merry way. He never seems to have considered how exactly to protect comparatively delicate things like computers, wiring, the fusion bubble (or indeed the ship's super structure) against that kind of acceleration. We know the ship's badly damaged already. It's possible the scrambled gravity might have damaged everything that Jason wanted to look at as well.

4) Actually it kinda reminded me of Subjugation. A powerful Faey House wants to take over a planet and turn it into a farming colony without asking the natives their opinions on the subject.
The boy has grown a pair of brass balls!
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Fiferguy »

Mizriath wrote:Next, the interdictor will disrupt hyper space jumps... be it the the no-lag jumps or the one with lag.. it goes to say that it will also interfere with the hyperspace probes, hyper missiles ... but not sublight engines ... which means that Karis will have to develop sublight missiles... and probably another form of coomunications, which I remember is Teryon communications which is still a hyperspace based platform....

While the rest of the Faey technology works with the stargate protocol of communication. i remembered that when th Trillanes ships goes into hyperspace.... they cannot be communicated until they drop out of hyper and then only through a beacon so the comunications have to be through a stargate.... because I also remembered that since the stargate was closed there was no communications. The rest of Faey could also used hyperspace communications but it will have a great lag similar to their hyperspace travel... imagining sending a message from Arctus to Earth taking six days for the message to reach.

But it still boils down to a new communications system unless they use the stargate communications, then if it is one to one system, you will have multiple stargates on a planetary system corridor. Then the Karinnes will be no more advance then the rest of the Faey. The interdictor will itself impact on Karinnes hyper space travel unless, they could disrupt the interdictor itself for the time when a karrinne vessel to appear. But then the interdictor itself takes 2 days to power up.... so hmmm.
Except for the fact that they could just put normal, Faey based communication systems on both end of the star gate, then a Teryon transmitter/receiver also on either star gate. To simplify, all communications would still be by Teryon, then sent through the stargate, then converted back to a Teryon signal on the other side. Since communication through a stargate is instant, and Teryon is instant, the lag of conversion would be at most a second or so. That is of course assuming that the interdictor will effect hyperspace matter and not just normal-space matter.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

Fiferguy wrote:Except for the fact that they could just put normal, Faey based communication systems on both end of the star gate, then a Teryon transmitter/receiver also on either star gate. To simplify, all communications would still be by Teryon, then sent through the stargate, then converted back to a Teryon signal on the other side. Since communication through a stargate is instant, and Teryon is instant, the lag of conversion would be at most a second or so. That is of course assuming that the interdictor will effect hyperspace matter and not just normal-space matter.

Can someone else please read through the last few chapters of Insurrection and find the bit where the Interdictor was discovered - I believe it mentioned that it only prevented entering/exiting hyperspace in a certain radius - it didn't effect communications.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Fiferguy »

Spec8472 wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:Except for the fact that they could just put normal, Faey based communication systems on both end of the star gate, then a Teryon transmitter/receiver also on either star gate. To simplify, all communications would still be by Teryon, then sent through the stargate, then converted back to a Teryon signal on the other side. Since communication through a stargate is instant, and Teryon is instant, the lag of conversion would be at most a second or so. That is of course assuming that the interdictor will effect hyperspace matter and not just normal-space matter.

Can someone else please read through the last few chapters of Insurrection and find the bit where the Interdictor was discovered - I believe it mentioned that it only prevented entering/exiting hyperspace in a certain radius - it didn't effect communications.
But that would require effort...and it would interrupt our fun of speculating... :twisted: :twisted: You have to give us something to keep us entertained, right? It's like giving a dog a bone. Keeps him from getting into trouble. ;-)
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by TLGG »

Sounds like someone's got something in his mind..., what kind of trouble?
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by kabalman2000 »

Spec8472 wrote:Can someone else please read through the last few chapters of Insurrection and find the bit where the Interdictor was discovered - I believe it mentioned that it only prevented entering/exiting hyperspace in a certain radius - it didn't effect communications.
in Insurection - Chapter 2, Fel wrote:It’s called a Hyperspace Interdictor. It’s almost exactly what we’re looking for. It destabilizes hyperspace in a huge area around a star system and makes it impossible for ships to jump into a system. The ships are forced out of hyperspace when they hit the edge of the effect, which is a whole light-year away from the focal point. That’s way too far for any ship to get here, but it has a fatal flaw that made our ancestors abandon it.
It's probable that the destabilization of hyperspace is such that it effects hyperspace engines but not the movement of teryon particles. If it hampered teryons that means it could hamper Karinne power systems, gestalts, and most other modern Karinne technologies (perhaps even multi-phased plasma). But it certainly could be, "SUPRISE! Nothing works!"
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

kabalman2000 wrote:
Spec8472 wrote:Can someone else please read through the last few chapters of Insurrection and find the bit where the Interdictor was discovered - I believe it mentioned that it only prevented entering/exiting hyperspace in a certain radius - it didn't effect communications.
in Insurection - Chapter 2, Fel wrote:It’s called a Hyperspace Interdictor. It’s almost exactly what we’re looking for. It destabilizes hyperspace in a huge area around a star system and makes it impossible for ships to jump into a system. The ships are forced out of hyperspace when they hit the edge of the effect, which is a whole light-year away from the focal point. That’s way too far for any ship to get here, but it has a fatal flaw that made our ancestors abandon it.
It's probable that the destabilization of hyperspace is such that it effects hyperspace engines but not the movement of teryon particles. If it hampered teryons that means it could hamper Karinne power systems, gestalts, and most other modern Karinne technologies (perhaps even multi-phased plasma). But it certainly could be, "SUPRISE! Nothing works!"
That is what i am trying to point out... That Jason is hoping that the Interdictor is going to impact only hyperspace travel but the teryon communications is based on a hyperspace threadd techonology where you send the communications data packet through hyperspace... but by the fact that the interdictor affects hyperspace... so anything that relies on hyperspace should be affected..... SURPRISE... But Fifer has a point... so Jason has to find a way to go find communication when the interdictor affects every hyperspace tech... but the other plasma power, power systems... and computers may not be affected. Well we will see what suprise FEL will comes out with... because it is a bit typical of FEL when you expect something, he goes at a tangent... and drops a bomb, leave us hanging on the precipice or even worse....... decide to stop writiing for a year!!!!! mybe I should not give him too much ideas.... but I bet the Faey's tits that he has more ideas than I can ever think of.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

Good point!
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Re: Unification - Chapter 1 - Spoilers

Post by Fiferguy »

What I would really like to see is a counter-interdictor. That would give the Karinne (and likewise the Kimdori) the ability to get through their own device. So give it to the Empress, but it wouldn't hamper Kimdori or Karinne use of hyperspace at all.