Chapter 12...and the life of Fel

Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:23 pm

Re: Chapter 12...and the life of Fel

Post by qhitch »

Really nice chapter Fel, thanks for sharing :-) Those of you guys who feel that Tarrin is up for _the_ big sacrifice should hold your breath, I think Fel has some surprises up his sleeve ;-)

And about the $125 Fel, perhaps you should put a Paypal link up somewhere? I'm sure some of your fans would like to give back :-)
Posts: 622
Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:36 pm

Re: Chapter 12...and the life of Fel

Post by J-Man5 »


How's the Financial Aid situation with college?  Hope work is going well and the next chapter of Sword or actually anything is about to be released.   ;)  BTW - just re-read all of the Firestaff series and the Pyrosian series and am very amazed at the growth in your writing, but also at the quality you started out at.  Many writers mature over time from low quality to gradually a much better quality.  The  style and quality of your writing has improved but it is had to see.  This is due to the fact that your writing quality was much higher than many from the very beginning.  

One of the things I have enjoyed with these two series is the growth of the characters.  Insteard of overwhelming us with atributes and emotional flavor in each character we get small glimpses of their attitude toward things, each other, strangers and the world around them.  This makes them much more real.  More like how we make friends.  

I'd certainly call Tarrin and company some very good friends of mine.  Even if Tarrin wouldn't say it in return.

