Subjugation.. *spoilers*

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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by straechav »

lochar wrote:Also, about robot warriors.  Never ever give an AI a weapon.  We've seen what happens there.  If it doesn't go the Terminator route, it will go the Solo route.  AI doesn't think the war is for the betterment, so they shut down the war.  Voices can be changed to sound like someone else, so that is the way it could go.
Hrm. As a somewhat familiar with Artificial Intelligence, I don't think they would need to go all the way in to SENTIENCE when building robots. One should guess what it will pertain. There is hardly any need to build a neural net brain for a combat robot.

If the robots are self-replicating and they can build a "assembly line" that would feed endless supply of some spider shape robots with nice metaphased plasma guns, they don't NEED to be smart enough to go Terminator.

Relatively (stress on "relatively") simple optical recognition algorithm, some path finding, and otherwise it doesn't need all that much self-awarness. All it needs is the some rudimentary combat AI, perhaps controlled from the space by bunch of faey playing Comand & Conquer. If you know what I mean.

As for fail-safe, any robots malfunctioning would be dragged away by bunch of other robots to be disassembled... The robots wouldn't need any elaborate tactics, all they need to do is to just swarm over the enemies. After all, they don't have any lives to lose. Life sucks, make it swallow.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Lochar »

That'd work.  As long as there isn't any real sentience to them.  Just enough to have them able to point and click by themselves.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Graewolfe »

AIs wouldnt really be all that dangerous as long as you had some asimov/tsung rules in them, meaning they are incapable of harming humans(debatable/interchangable with having some emotion based on empathy) as well as them "enjoying" or receiving pleasure from doign whatever task thier set to. and if they are fully sentient that bring up thier rights as living beings and all...
the problem with AIs is that someone with to much time on thier hands could disable/reprogram an ai or more to go the termenator/Ais of shub route... just means you need to be very carefull when creating anything that can think foritself while you have dissidents anywhere near it
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by avitchel »

AI sounds good, but it's probably too expensive. Slaves are really cheap if you don't have to feed them. Another issue with AI is the preponderance of Faey control is dependant upon telepathy. AI would not be susceptible to telepathic control. Next step is Cyborg, and then things get really scarey. The possibility / risks of loosing control become very dangerous. The current feudal system 'employs" nobles, therefore removing them from the running of the imperium. It seems like a way to control / reward the Faey "powers that be" or wannabe!<G>. Fel really does have an interesting story going here doesn't he?
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by straechav »

graewolfe wrote:AIs wouldnt really be all that dangerous as long as you had some asimov/tsung rules in them, meaning they are incapable of harming humans(debatable/interchangable with having some emotion based on empathy) as well as them "enjoying" or receiving pleasure from doign whatever task thier set to. and if they are fully sentient that bring up thier rights as living beings and all...
the problem with AIs is that someone with to much time on thier hands could disable/reprogram an ai or more to go the termenator/Ais of shub route... just means you need to be very carefull when creating anything that can think foritself while you have dissidents anywhere near it
I think that is still too much sentience. Too complex, and too many variables. I was talking about combat robots, not robots which imitate human/faey mind. And slave robots working in agrarian field would not need to be very smart either! Farming is basically very dull job and doesn't take all that much thought. One Faey could control bunch for relatively stupid robots and keep huge fields fertile with ease. The most complex thing (and one of the things we couldn't do yet) about the robots would be their optical recognition algorithms.

Expensive? Perhaps. But I don't think so. What IS expensive? Consider: Faeye have replicator. They also have infinite power supply in the form of PPC. No. I don't think robots would be expensive since their materials could be recycled after they have conquered the world. All one needs is an bunch of robots just disassembling the other robots in to small usable materials. The cost would be negligle when compared the gain of having such army.

And I still like to stress that it would be fool's way to go if someone were to build robots that are capable to receiving pleasure from some task, or complex enough that they would need rules which to follow (i.e, hurt no faey, ect...). Please see my previous post about AI, I think that would be the safest way.

If the robot is capable of having emotion/pleasure response, then it is way too complex for the task it was created. I can't see any excuse for building such an complex robot brain for any agrarian or military task. It would require neural net brain, and would approach the borderlines of sentience. Life sucks, make it swallow.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Graewolfe »

even minimalist AIs for say farming equipment without any background rules for them you run the risk of them desiding they dont want to work anymore and going feral, they would have about animal level intelegence... but if they actualy enjoyed to some degree farming then there would be no risk of overworking them. once feral the dont harm other sentient life part would kick in and you wouldnt have rogue worker bots waxing humans for fertalizer or whatever
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by straechav »

graewolfe wrote:even minimalist AIs for say farming equipment without any background rules for them you run the risk of them desiding they dont want to work anymore and going feral, they would have about animal level intelegence... but if they actualy enjoyed to some degree farming then there would be no risk of overworking them. once feral the dont harm other sentient life part would kick in and you wouldnt have rogue worker bots waxing humans for fertalizer or whatever
Perhaps I am taking too many things for granted here. I have what you could call a technical background, and I am quite familiar with coding myself and the problems that come with it. So it may be that I have been too vague in my points....

But what you just said contradicts itself. If the robot AI is very simple, fit only for farming, then it would NOT just "decide" that it does not want to work. This is because it would require a conscious "decision" which would automatically demand that the AI would be complex enough to make conclusion that it exists beyond the parametres it has been given, and that the alternative would be better. In other words, a certain self-awarness beyond the current task and concepts of worse/better and perhaps even freedom. Those are extremely complex deductions for a simple machine to do. So even giving the AI an "animal level" intelligence would be way over the top. If they're agrarian 'bots, they wouldn't need any sentience at all. Just ability to stick to planting seeds and harvesting food. Even our cellphones have enough power to run a proper algorithms for THAT (but there are other things that are beyond us, I'm afraid).

Anyway, an AI which would be able to do such an intuitive leap - would essentially require an neural net brain. Which is an software/hardware package that simulates how real brains work, and thus essentially becomes a self-learning machine. This is one of the few instances I can think where the computer could possibly became a sentient entity. Now, this is obviously (from OUR point of view, since we all know what terminator did) a Bad Idea(tm) to implement in to anything at all.

But there are some complications. Some parts required would need some massive number crunching ability. The most complex thing about the robots would be their ability to visualize the world around us. It is WAY beyond our current technology. Our best computer scientists have only an hazy inkling how could be THEORETICALLY done.  We have had some path finding and facial recognition algorithms, some of them even work (ocassionally) - although not in real life solutions. But a complete package that would be able to see the world as we do, and then react to that world in approriate manner, is disgustingly complex.

However, this is a "fixed" feature. It does not require neural net brain, it does need to improve itself. It is an independent thread within the robot's OS. This itself lowers the standards for the complexity needed for the computer and the AI. All it needs is just a damn fast processor and some real fucking fancy coding, which I don't think is a problem in sci-fi world.

As the passing remark about Animal Intelligence (sorry about the pun) brought to my mind. Have you noticed that recent research is starting to show results that in the end, us humans are not a whit any more intelligent than the animals. Our behavior patterns (sociologically, and as individuals) are disturbingly similiar to all those dumb animals we've been calling lower life-forms. Even down to such details as how married couples interact.

So are we dumber than we think?

Or the animals smarter than we thought?

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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Hearly »

Maybe they do have Robots, but maybe because theres 7+ billion people on Earth, they feel that instead of killing them putting them to work on the farms is better and overall saves more money..

Shrugs, not sure.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Graewolfe »

true i was speaking actual AIs with some semblence of intlegence if wer jsut speaking farming and things we have the technology right now for automated farming it would be horrendisly expensive but we would do it if we wanted, pritty simple jsut plant seeds at htis time of the year water ever so and so days harvest at this time of the year.. not terribly complex jobs but we want HIGH tech stuff from aliens =) why not have a fully enslaved artificial intelegences jsut because we can lol... hmmm think iv been reading way to many fanfics with bubblegum crisis in thier crossover elements should probably lay off those for awhile
edit: and i just reread what i wrote and its probably gibberish to most people so if you cant read it jsut ignore me /me fluently speaks gibberish alot of the time
Last edited by Graewolfe on Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Forbidder »

Someone already brought this up, and I wanted to reinforce it.  Since it is one of the major misconceptions of AI out there.  Too many AI movies where the AI emulate humans too well.

Basically until you have sentience, all you have is just a programmed machine with some complicated software to make it able to perform simple tasks.  Which by nature has no needs or wants that were not programmed in, so rebelling or killing the creators would be unlikely.  Barring bugs, glitches, and reprogramming by some sentient computers of course.

And once you have sentience, it would become similar to humans, where it would behave in a manner consistent with it's childhood and nature.

You make a fighting machine, and surround it with enemies all the time for it to learn who the enemy is, and it might just mistake the creators as enemies.

You make a nurturing machine to grow crops, and put it on a farm, and I can't see how it would start rebelling, striking, or killing off the creators.  Maybe it would stop working because it needs maintenance.

Basically even sentience depends on how the sentience is coded.

For the Fey to use robots to farm, they would not to be too complex, in fact, I can imagine it to be turned into some kind of industry, where soil is contianed in large mechanized green houses, with every aspect of the environment controlled, and procedures and rules followed, and near identical crops being grown.  In fact, in that scenario, Very little AI is used, because you don't need the very flexible all purpose type robot which can move around freely and perform differnent tasks.  You just need a few specialized equiptment, a soiler, a seeder, a irrigator, a harvestor, etc.

...  I talk to much about AI.  I'll be quiet now.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Z.C. »

Back to the issue of a gengineered disease to eradicate humans:

That may work against most other races, but not likely against humans. The human and Faey genetic structures are so close, it would be horribly complex and very likely prone to mutation. Think of a disease that targets (for example) all peoples of Asian descent while leaving those of European descent alone. It may be possible, but very difficult and not easily contained.

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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Shadowhawk »

There are two problems with AI soldiers/war machines. First is how smart the machine should be. Make it have minimal intelligence and no sentience, you risk mixup (or sabotage) with IFF (i.e. the war machine would attack Faey not enemies), lockups (or at last confusion) when meeting something unusual; "traditional" computer algorithms are not elastic. Make it too smart and you have a problem with rebellion or at least resistance.

Second: the machines (good ones at least) are damn expensive! And you have to repair them, provide spare parts, power them etc.

Thats just my $ 0.03.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Lochar »

shadowhawk wrote: Thats just my $ 0.03.
No fair, you're only allowed to give your $0.02. LOL
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by straechav »

shadowhawk wrote:There are two problems with AI soldiers/war machines. First is how smart the machine should be. Make it have minimal intelligence and no sentience, you risk mixup (or sabotage) with IFF (i.e. the war machine would attack Faey not enemies), lockups (or at last confusion) when meeting something unusual; "traditional" computer algorithms are not elastic. Make it too smart and you have a problem with rebellion or at least resistance.

Second: the machines (good ones at least) are damn expensive! And you have to repair them, provide spare parts, power them etc.

Thats just my $ 0.03.
Here's the change $0.01 (heh):

You're right, more or less. Lockups wouldn't be a problem if you make it rigid enough. What I mean is that if it's unusual situation it could handle it, or perhaps or just ignore it. Lockups happen only if the coding is too messy. With any hope, in future and with faey technology, this wouldn't be a problem. Yeah, right.

Anyway, as for expensive... well, I can't understand how something could be considered very expensive if you can replicate the simple parts (via replicator) and power them up with small PPC, and after they're done, disassemble them use the parts that can be used elsewhere (like PPC), and recycle the leftover metal. Considering the faye technology - I have to wonder about how the hell their economy works. To us it is the supply and demand - but they have unlimited power sources and replicators... uhhh... huh? Life sucks, make it swallow.
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Re: Subjugation.. *spoilers*

Post by Shadowhawk »

straechav wrote:You're right, more or less. Lockups wouldn't be a problem if you make it rigid enough. What I mean is that if it's unusual situation it could handle it, or perhaps or just ignore it. Lockups happen only if the coding is too messy. With any hope, in future and with faey technology, this wouldn't be a problem. Yeah, right.
What is important, is that simple, non sentient AI, would not be able to handle complicated, unusual situations. And I think at war there are more than not situations where creative thinking is needed. Even if natives could not catch the AI soldiers and reprogram them to fight for their side, there is always a problem with recognizing encoded patterns of behaviour and making use of them to defeat the AI soldiers. And this is a problem unless AI could learn from mistakes. Well, that doesn't need sentience, but it is not easy. And it is always a problem with enemies outsmarting AI. And if AI is too smart... you know the rest...
straechav wrote:Anyway, as for expensive... well, I can't understand how something could be considered very expensive if you can replicate the simple parts (via replicator) and power them up with small PPC, and after they're done, disassemble them use the parts that can be used elsewhere (like PPC), and recycle the leftover metal. Considering the faye technology - I have to wonder about how the hell their economy works. To us it is the supply and demand - but they have unlimited power sources and replicators... uhhh... huh?
Replicators, as far as I know can only replicate elements. You still need to manufacture the spare parts, ammo and such. Recycling needs energy and effort.

BTW. imagine jungle like planet. I don't think the machines would survive long...
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