Spirit Walker - Spoilers - Chapters 1 through part of 14

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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Fel wrote:
It's a passive ability, akin to spirit sight, he simply taps the crystal for the power to fuel his spell instead of calling to the spirits. BUT, the fox can actively block him from doing this, because of the bargain he struck with her which allowed her to literally decide on her own payment. She could have stripped him of his spirit sight as well, but she let him keep that.

But again, had he actually tried to drain the crystals in his collar once he passed the test of humility (understanding that he would have to beg to survive), she would have permitted it. She has already given him back that power, even though he has no idea that she took it away or gave it back in the first place. What happened to him after that was his own fault because of his short-sightedness.

Yes, the fox could have told him this, but if you didn't notice, she's kinda not very forgiving. If he's not wise enough to consider all options, then he deserves the punishment he heaps upon himself. That's her attitude.
Phantom wrote:
“In these first lessons, I will deny you my blessing. Only your spirit sight may guide you along this path. Your magic comes from me, my Shaman, and I will not grant it to you until I am satisfied you are deserving of it. You will live as the Arcans live, and know life from their point of view.”
She looked up, looked towards the city, and then she looked back to him. “Your lessons begins soon, my Shaman. Learn them well, and you will regain what I have taken from you. Learn the lessons I teach, and your humanity will be restored. But never let it be said that I would take all from you, for you would gain little wisdom in death. As I have taken, so have I given in return. Use my gift wisely.
Once i Reread and really understood what she had actually told him it made sence.... She Gave him Abilitys that he could use even if she was denying him access to her power or others powers. She Granted him Access to the Abilitys of the Shadow Foxes ......She just never explained those abilitys to kyven. I guess that could also be one of his lessons too figureing out just what those abilitys are.

But the part that finaly hit me was the wording ....."In these first lessons" kyven like my self missed that he dosen't have won't have to wait till he learns all of the lessons she wants to teach him to gain back his ability to use her powers.
She will be granting these back allong the way.

But She also told him As I have taken, so have I given in return. Use my gift wisely. she Actualy Gave him more abilitys in a way she's granted him something new after each lesson something he would need to survive the comming lessons.....this time she granted him something he would need before she taught him the lesson.
and she removed that which might also hinder him learning to use these new abilitys to survive.

Without access to her power he has to learn the abilitys of the Shadow Fox. to learn her traits. to survive he has to learn
her favorite things Illusion, Stealth, Guile and Deceit. He has to think!...not think like a human but Think like a Fox..... and not just react using the power she's taught him to use.

Humm more later i need to go read chapter 9 now.....................................

Ok i'm back

Interesting so he is thinking more like a Fox......also i wonder if Silver were to have his pup/child will/would it make him more acceptable to other arcans ? humm normal is what 6 weeks maybe a bit more?

and will it also be a Shaman like his other child will be ?
and where is his totem hiding is one of his lessons to be seen as arcan by the other free and shaman arcans?
to be finally accepted as one of their own even if he regains his humanity?
it is interesting to note that the Slavers see Arcans more as people ( or At least have Human like traits ) and a lot less animalistic then 95% of the rest of the humans seem too.

I was also begining to wonder if he'd figure out they might be able to trace that collar and that even wearing clothes and a collar being a Black Fox he would stick out like a sore thumb.

How the Legend begins ......."Kyven" The Black Fox. the only Arcan to ever escape the Blue Ring

<Shock> damn they know his name and Crystal cutting and .....(( Atan )) that wasn't the only secret of his life he gave away
Wonder who will put all the peices together ......maybe a cute little Loreguard ?

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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by alkiera »

Regarding the 'gift' thing.... I've read that several times now, and I think she's refering only to his life. She says she wouldn't 'take everything from him' which would mean killing him. So she nearly kills him, (that which she has taken) and then brings him back to life as an Arcan(what she has given in return). I don't think it's really refering so much to her restrictions on his power use or the powers of his new form at all.

As to the cute Loreguard... She already knew where he was from, and was planning to go check out that area. It's entirely possible that he will get to Atan to find her there.

If he's smart he'll sneak into town to his alchemist buddy, and have him make him a new fake collar, this time, without tracking magic. On the other hand, I'm not sure they could have tracked him from a dead collar, either. I don't yet have a good handle on what is and is not possible with alchemy in this universe yet. Maybe after a few more books... 8)
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by IdiotPaste »

I'm curious about Toby Fisher. What's his story? Why does he work as a slaver?

Theres no malice between him and Kyven. Kyven even has an odd respect for Toby. So what happens when Toby finally tracks him down? If Kyven gets his magic back before they meet again, I can't see Toby coming out the victor of that little meeting. Is Kyven supposed to kill Toby, someone he knows and respects, as some sort of lesson? I'd hate to see that. Toby could be quite an ally to Kyven and the masked. He could teach Kyven how to fight and could share his knowledge of the workings of the slave trade.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

alkiera wrote:Regarding the 'gift' thing.... I've read that several times now, and I think she's refering only to his life. She says she wouldn't 'take everything from him' which would mean killing him. So she nearly kills him, (that which she has taken) and then brings him back to life as an Arcan(what she has given in return). I don't think it's really refering so much to her restrictions on his power use or the powers of his new form at all.
You have to break it down a bit to understand it best
Fel wrote: (1) In these first lessons, I will deny you my blessing.
(2) Only your spirit sight may guide you along this path.
(3) Your magic comes from me, my Shaman, and I will not grant it to you until I am satisfied you are deserving of it.
(4) You will live as the Arcans live, and know life from their point of view.”
looking at #(1) she tells him he will be denied her blessing ( Use of Power from her ) in these FIRST Lessons but not all of them.
Then in Number #(2) She tells him he will only keep His sprit sight (now is she lying of just not telling the Whole truth?) maybe it's a bit of both and none of them ....maybe it's all he gets to keep from before she changed him for right now.
in #(3) she tells him he won't get any help from any other Sprits (I.E they won't be granting him their Blessings {Power} )
in #(4) she lets him understand the lesson/s she wants him to learn "Know life from their point of view"
Fel wrote:She looked up, looked towards the city, and then she looked back to him. “Your lessons begins soon, my Shaman.
Learn them well, and you will regain Learn the lessons I teach, and your humanity will be restored.
But never let it be said that I would take all from you, for you would gain little wisdom in death. As I have taken, so have I given in return. Use my gift wisely.”
Now we get to the last part ....beginning of the lesson. But she tells him Death isn't the purpose Learning and Gaining Wisdom is.
So I don't think the point was to take his life and then give it back that's not the Gift as I see it. I think he had to almost die in order to be Reborn in an Arcan as she wished.
It's a bit two fold here in also teaching him a lesson in Trust as well as changing him.

She Took his humanity, Rescinded his Powers as a Shaman and left him week as a kitten and easy to capture.

The main object in these up coming lessons is what it's like to Be an Arcan ....so turning him into one is no Gift. it's more of a Curse.
The Gift as I see it comes from the Type of Arcan she turned him into... A Shadow Fox Arcan...

A type of Arcan that's born with some innate abilities' of magic regardless of being shaman or not.
All Shadow Foxes are born with these abilities'. Abilities' that as She explained them would have humans calling them monsters. have we seen all of these abilities' yet ?
I don't think we have. True they have the ability to disappear into shadows, but That is only one part of her stated traits
Illusion, Stealth, Guile and Deceit these keep coming up again and again If we think about them what would cause someone with those traits to be called a monster? .....lying, Sneaking around, Disappearing into shadows ? Maybe not I'm thinking its not enough to cause that..... But being a Shapeshifter might.
alkiera wrote: As to the cute Loreguard... She already knew where he was from, and was planning to go check out that area. It's entirely possible that he will get to Atan to find her there.
True ...but that was in Human Form .....not Arcan as he is now.
How long untill someone somewhere puts 2 and 2 together and gets 4 and i get the feeling it will be her.
alkiera wrote: If he's smart he'll sneak into town to his alchemist buddy, and have him make him a new fake collar, this time, without tracking magic. On the other hand, I'm not sure they could have tracked him from a dead collar, either. I don't yet have a good handle on what is and is not possible with alchemy in this universe yet. Maybe after a few more books... 8)
Well the collars were numbered so they could tell them apart or even track them I assume.....and we do know some collars have the Abilities built into them to lead the owner/operator to them. Toby Fisher explained his collar to Kyven even so I assume it had some differences built in that would allow someone to find it on or off. as I understand it the Crystal only supply's the power the way the collar is made cause's it's Abilities' so I assume it's never truly in an off state.... just Standby maybe ?

The problem with him using a collar isn't in that he's the only arcan without one ....
It's in he's unique he's a Shadow Fox.
They see him as a Mutated Gray fox and his fur is what will give him away Collar or no Collar. he can't hide in a group of Arcans and just disappear. He'll look out of place....Kinda like the Only tree standing in the middle of a vast Field of Grass

and don't forget above all else she took away his Tinfoil

Last edited by Phantom on Fri Apr 18, 2008 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

IdiotPaste wrote:I'm curious about Toby Fisher. What's his story? Why does he work as a slaver?

Theres no malice between him and Kyven. Kyven even has an odd respect for Toby. So what happens when Toby finally tracks him down? If Kyven gets his magic back before they meet again, I can't see Toby coming out the victor of that little meeting. Is Kyven supposed to kill Toby, someone he knows and respects, as some sort of lesson? I'd hate to see that. Toby could be quite an ally to Kyven and the masked. He could teach Kyven how to fight and could share his knowledge of the workings of the slave trade.
I wondered a bit about him too .....but to him it's just a Job.
Could be the only job he knows how to do ......and he's good at it.

Doesn't mean he likes doing it just that's what he does it for a living.

Could be also why he only transports Very valuable slaves is he dosen't have to do it too many times.
or as they say little victorys...... the numbers he transports are small. <shrug>

I wonder if He'd let Kyven pay him off instead of maybe having to kill/fight him ?

After all Kyven can find Crystals just by looking for them......he just hasn't thought of looking for them in the wild yet

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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by IdiotPaste »

Phantom wrote:
alkiera wrote: As to the cute Loreguard... She already knew where he was from, and was planning to go check out that area. It's entirely possible that he will get to Atan to find her there.
True ...but that was in Human Form .....not Arcan as he is now.
How long untill someone somewhere puts 2 and 2 together and gets 4 and i get the feeling it will be her.
Fel already told us she comes across Kyven in his arcan form, and that she recognizes his eyes. I believe someone earned a cookie for that last little bit.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

IdiotPaste wrote: Fel already told us she comes across Kyven in his arcan form, and that she recognizes his eyes. I believe someone earned a cookie for that last little bit.
I totaly forgot about the Eyes part .....humm but i thought He and She would meet while he was still a captive.
Interesting does this mean Kyven ends up with her captive ? or could he end up Saving her life in some way maybe?

Tin-Foil cookies for everyone

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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

Yay, tinfoil and a cookie! :D

So I think we should look at what shadow does, to try and figure out what powers he may have inherent to his "gift."

Fel, if you would be willing, would love to find the answers out to any of these questions. :)

1. Disappear in darkness (we already know this one).
2. Shadow doesn't have weight; the shadow fox can walk on top of water, maybe kyven can also? On the other hand, this may just be an aspect of how the shadow fox reacts to the real world. Though we know that the shadowfox can interact with the real world in a tangible way (she attacked kyven with her teeth and claws*) :?: We also know that shadow fox does not leave tracks. The only time Kyven saw his track was when he was by the stream during the daylight in chapter 9. Its possible that he does not leave tracks when he is merged with the darkness. :?:
3. Shadow does not have definitive boundaries. Perhaps kyven will be able to squeeze through tight spots, or maybe even phase out of the way from physical or tangible attacks. Might have problems with attacks that also cause light... :?:
4. Shadow does not give off a smell. Arcan's can smell each other with scent. Dogs and animals are present in this world, so dogs might be able to track a loose arcan. However darkness does not give off a scent. It could be possible that when Kyven merges with the darkness, he is not leaving a scent trail. :?:
5. Shadow(s) is/are everywhere. We know/believe that the shadow fox can travel through shadows. Perhaps kyven can do the same? :?: There are always shadows, even in the brightest of days. This would be a big help to kyven.

And finally, the big questions are, :?: when kyven becomes a human again (assumption I know*) will he keep his shadow abilities given to him by the shadow fox? :?: And, will he be able to transform himself into a shadow arcan and back again (transmutation, something fel likes*). :?:

~Michael :D
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by GBLW »


As a guess at most of your questions concerning the Shadow Fox's traits - she is a spirit, so it would be obvious that she could walk across water, leave no tracks, have no scent etc. Also, unless she wished, I doubt if she would have much interaction with her surroundings, but as you noted, when she wishes, she can and does interact with the real world.

Of course I'm only guessing. :twisted: :wink:
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by TLGG »

I think that to look into Kyven's abilities we should look for the pyrosian's shadow dragon's, with perhaps the exception of the breath weapon :wink:, perhaps, other than transport through shadows and being incorporeal, he could use it to instill fear, or use it as a weapon, maybe tormenting victims by bringing them into the shadows.
Phantom wrote:And finally, the big questions are, :?: when kyven becomes a human again (assumption I know*) will he keep his shadow abilities given to him by the shadow fox? :?: And, will he be able to transform himself into a shadow arcan and back again (transmutation, something fel likes*). :?:
Maybe he'll only be able to change with the full moon, or some other scheduled time like that, things could get messy, but they'd be interesting.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by michaelsuave »

GBLW wrote:Michael

As a guess at most of your questions concerning the Shadow Fox's traits - she is a spirit, so it would be obvious that she could walk across water, leave no tracks, have no scent etc. Also, unless she wished, I doubt if she would have much interaction with her surroundings, but as you noted, when she wishes, she can and does interact with the real world.

Of course I'm only guessing. :twisted: :wink:
But its magic. :wink: Fel could do absolutely anything with kyven and his shadow powers. All we know so far is: 1) The shadow fox gave him an undisclosed "gift;"
2) the gift is in the form of her magic or abilities; 3)Fel told us in the spoilers thread that the inate shadow powers given to Kyven are more than just blending with the shadow. (Look earlier on in the spoiler's thread*).

So we KNOW that Kyven is going to have other spirit powers that were granted by the shadow fox, she gave when she took from him, and she took something very very powerful and important, she seems to have given something that she would consider equal in return. :?:

I think there are answers here beyond that the shadow fox is a spirit. Her spirit powers are not the same as the other spirits. And so, the power's she granted to kyven will be distinct.

Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by GBLW »

think there are answers here beyond that the shadow fox is a spirit. Her spirit powers are not the same as the other spirits. And so, the power's she granted to kyven will be distinct.
Well, to be honest, that's up to the writer, and although I used to believe I was quite good at adding tiny twists that complicated the plot, Fel is a master at the game. 8) He's also very good at allowing a leading idea to extend until it is in danger of collapsing of it's own weight, then pointing out a tiny little notation, eight or ten chapters back, which supports the whole construct. :lol:
Ler's be honest, that's why it's fun to try to second guess him. :wink:
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Mistra »

well, they finally met, and that comment kyv made at the end was funny as hell.

here's wondering when the shadow fox is gonna change him back.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by zedd »

Wondering what's the significance of the blood inside HER body is for the spirit.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by kabalman2000 »

Could it be that Danna also could be a shaman? Or perhaps, like the brothel worker, she is almost at that level and the fox is intending to breed her and Kyv? And what will the Crystalcutters Guild do when they find out an arcan is a member? Answers may be in our next episode, same bat time, same bat channel. :D :wink: