sub9 released

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Re: sub9 released

Post by Fel »

The slug is about the size of a .30 calibre rifle round.  It's made of iron, with a laminated titanium casing, because the pure iron inside would mushroom when fired.

Jason's recoil system is a series of shock suppressors in the stock of the weapon, and utilizing a spatial manipulator, which is Faey technology.  What this does is, to a very limited extent, absorb the recoil of the weapon by manipulating the space through which the barrel recoils when it's fired, dispersing the energy of the recoil into an area of stretched space.  It's a little hard to explain, but imagine that the barrel actually recoils about 2 feet, but that entire 2 feet of recoil takes place inside an area of manipulated space that's actually only about 2 inches across.  There's a void in the stock between the barrel and the shoulder rest, and that's where all the recoil absorption takes place.

The space itself serves as the main shock absorber, since the Faey utilize a common principle of spatial manipulation that basicly states that manipulated space offers more resistance the faster an attempt is made to alter that space.  By setting a limit on the power used to create that area of altered space, the manipulator serves as the primary shock absorber.  When the weapon is fired and the barrel recoils, it introduces a massive amount of energy into the barrel, which causes the barrel to attempt to impact into that area of stretched space very, very quickly.  The area of space immediately puts up a massive amount of resistance, resisting being changed, which causes the energy of the recoil to dissipate into this area of space in flux.

Sound confusing?  It is until you realize that nothing really moves THROUGH the area of altered space.  The barrel is anchored on one side, the stock on the other.  The space itself is like a big cushion between the two, with the borders of the altered space serving as its boundaries, and also serving as what you might call the physical presence between the two to which all application of energy is applied.

Since that stretched space cushions the 2 areas of normal space on either side, it allows the weapon to be fired with only slight recoil for the user.  If they weren't there, the weapon would probably rip the user's arm off.

Yes, Newton's 3 laws of physics are certainly being applied here.  The Faey have not yet figured out a way to break those laws, but since they've learned how to alter space, they can bend those rules by monkeying with the numbers in the equation, usually that number that represents "distance."  All the distance traveled by the weapon's barrel when it recoils takes place inside an area of space that actually barely moves.  The laws of conservation of energy and momentum are still in effect.
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Hearly »

Fel, I must tip my hat to you, I could never ever in my wildest dreams come up with the "complete" universe stuff you do, for either Tarrin or Jason..
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Weresmilodon »

Yeah, i could probably fake my way through all that, but i'd never understand it. Fel, you impress me yet again.
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Shilo »

   Question? Since the Fae can munipulate space and Jason seam's to understand this. Then Jason should be able to build a cloaking devise based on altered space technoligy for his ship, bikes and maybe even his self so that he can go anywhere and not be seen. Anyone care to coment on this?
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Forbidder »

fel wrote:The slug is about the size of a .30 calibre rifle round. It's made of iron, with a laminated titanium casing, because the pure iron inside would mushroom when fired.
Just a heads up, I saw a 0.22 calibre in chapter 6 somewhere.  It might be an older version though.

And that is very cool!  The resistance to mass trying to move through this altered space is almost like mass becomming more massive in this space.  Lol I bet everyone here is wishing for one of these for christmas.
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Shadowhawk »

shilo wrote:    Question? Since the Fae can manipulate space and Jason seems to understand this. Then Jason should be able to build a cloaking device based on altered space technology for his ship, bikes and maybe even himself, so that he can go anywhere and not be seen. Anyone care to comment on this?
Be able to use something is not the same as understanding it. Understanding something is not the same as be able to make an innovative equipment based on those laws of physics. And I'm not sure that the mechanics of recoil absorber can be used for shielding againts grav detectors.

BTW. I'd like to see Jason cooperating with some other scientist, e.g pure theory guy, maybe some engineer, maybe some experimentalist. And implement old (i.e. current research) Earth positive (bio)feedback mind-machine (e.g. EEG or MEG) interface for exomech.

P.S. The explanations of "Faey physics" are pseudoscience, mostly.
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Lochar »

shadowhawk wrote:And implement old (i.e. current research) Earth positive (bio)feedback mind-machine (e.g. EEG or MEG) interface for exomech.
Since the Faey, and the humans now, are telepathic, maybe he could design an interface that could accept mental commands?  That'd be cool.
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Re: sub9 released

Post by Shadowhawk »

lochar wrote:Since the Faey, and the humans now, are telepathic, maybe he could design an interface that could accept mental commands?  That'd be cool.
That would requre to have some machine which detects telepathic sending. Maybe some brain tissue culture + electrodes and such?

The positive (bio)feedback mind-machine interface uses some signal of brain activity, like electric field (EEG), gradient of magnetic field (MEG), reaction to radio waves in high magnetic field (fMRI, not usable as mind-machine interface), reading from implanted electrodes (used on primates, not used on humans because of dangers), reading electric currents from nerves (used in artificial limbs) and then training to use this signal to manoeuvre e.g. spot on screen. The brain is quite elastic and can learn such things. Maybe there is some learning on the computer side... I don't know. So I think usually such interface is one man only.
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")