Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

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Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Fel »

I've been MIA on IRC for like 3 weeks now, and I haven't posted here either, so I decided it was time to remind everyone that yes, I'm alive.

I've been studying for my CCNA, and getting progressively brain fried...ugh.  When I'm not studying, I tend to release my pent-up frustrations in EQ lately, because the last thing I want to do after reading books and online pages and taking practice tests is sit down and make words appear on my monitor.

Sorry guys.

BUT, regardless of this aversion to writing, I've written 15 pages on the next chapter of Subjugation AND 9 pages on the next chapter of Sword of Fire.  I've been kinda flip-flopping between the two, and already I've had to go back and fix some cross-applied names and places.

Writing while sleepy = lots of interesting mistakes to fix the next morning.

Hell, maybe I should just merge them, have Tarrin take on the Faey in a fit of pique, and unleash Jason on the One with his exomech.  That should be interesting.

So, when I do release these chapters, have fun trying to find what I missed.

And you never know, I might have left something in there on purpose to see if you're paying attention.......

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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Weresmilodon »

fel wrote:Hell, maybe I should just merge them, have Tarrin take on the Faey in a fit of pique, and unleash Jason on the One with his exomech.  That should be interesting.
That could be an interesting omake, or bonus chapter, depending.

Either way, it's good to hear from you again.
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by qhitch »

Love your chapters Fel, keep em coming :-D Good luck on your exams!
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Lochar »

fel wrote:Hell, maybe I should just merge them, have Tarrin take on the Faey in a fit of pique, and unleash Jason on the One with his exomech. That should be interesting.

So, when I do release these chapters, have fun trying to find what I missed.

And you never know, I might have left something in there on purpose to see if you're paying attention.......

That'd be fun.  A what if chapter.  Not part of your main timeline for either, but a fun crossover.  Although, giving Tarrin access to that type of tech is quite possibly so overboard that it crosses into the realm of OMG NO, for EVERYONE'S SAKE NO.

Either way, it'd be fun.

Go slaughter some orc pawns man, it's theraputic, just don't start a zerker.  Too bad about today's patch though.
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Hearly »

Thanks for the Update Fel, You should check out the Sub 9 thread and give us an idea if we're close on the Cloaking device :P
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Fel »

Today's patch was pure rockage, considering my main is a Vah Shir shaman.  Quiescence was upgraded...with me focus effects and SCRM, it heals about 3khp for 280 mana.  That's some formidable healing power.

The new portal stone to Gunthak seemed kinda silly to me, since you can run it in 5 minutes if you're not a lazy whiner.  Seriously, I've seen people beg for ports to Stonebrunt in PoK for twenty minutes, when I could have run there, run back, run there, and run back again, all in the same amount of time.

I don't raid and I'm not guilded (don't have the time for that), so I spend most of my EQ time piddling with quests, mainly because I've lost my patience with pickup groups, and at 65 and no flags I'm stuck under the glass ceiling and have only 3 or 4 viable options for XP...which sucks.  If I don't feel like BoT, HoH, Tactics, or LDoN, I'm basicly screwed.  Nobody goes anywhere but there, so I've developed into quite a formidable solo artist, lol.  Shamans are strong soloers to start with, but I've mastered the art of it.  I've gotten to where I'm more comfortable soloing than grouping anyway, cause at least I know I'm not going to get killed by that Ebayed idiot next to me.

I played for a few hours tonight, doing the Coldain Shawl quests.  I'm on the one with the glowing bile...ugh.  They seriously need to adjust the drop rate, it's starting to get ridiculous.  I've spent 3 days trying to get my last drop, then I can do the shawl and move on to the next step.

Being a 65 shaman with some good gear for an unguilded casual (5.2khp buffed) lets me solo more content than most other casuals, so at least I always feel like I have somewhere to go.  If I don't feel like quests or tradeskills, I tend to hang around in Droga or Veksar when I need cash, or I go solo in PoN if I'm lazy or PoV if I feel like a challenge, or Mischief when I feel like having a little fun mixed in with my excitement.  When I feel really belligerent I zone into BoT and chase down a straggling giant for the exhileration of tanking a summoning mob that hits for 500.
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by MommyDoom »

My God I have no idea what he just said.

However, in reply to your first post, tear 'em up.  Good luck on that exam and I hope to hear good news from you very soon.  When is the exam and

*MommyDoom slaps on her floppy pink Prayer Bonnet*

I'll add you to my prayer list that day!

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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Lochar »

Sounds like we're torturing MommyDoom, but you're right.  The drops on the glowing bile need to be changed, that's the biggest time sink there is.  I gave up on it on my last character, I may try it again later.  For fun, I suggest trying to solo in the Arena in Kael maybe?  My 53 necro isn't quite powerful enough to do that himself yet, and I need to, only 1280 hp.
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Hearly »

Hey Fel, Not sure if you ever tried it, but Asheron's call is a pretty good online game, Turbine has just bought it back from Microsoft, they opened a new server, and they have an expansion due out by the end of the year, for a solo type game it is very good overall compared to EQ/Daoc/Etc.. etc..
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by avitchel »

Good luck on the retake CCNA, Cisco gear rocks, but their tests suck. Been in the biz a long time, and seen lots of hdw companies come and go. They are still here and doing well. When I went past 50, certifications became less useful, now I'm thinking of more college. Sigh senior moments and cramming, not a good combination.
Hope that both Sword and Subjugation continue to be rewarding and fun for you. They sure are for us! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Shilo »

OMG not another EQ player when will they stop coming out of the wood work. HEHE j/k I would like to say well done on getting 65, but wouldn't you agree EQ is really a lame game. It was great when it came out but after that it sucks big time. This is why I say it:
1. You have to pay for the updates! Do I need to say more? Yes. You have to Pay to play.
2. Communication with other ppl sucks in this game.
3. The times I have tried this game I have found that others ppl there are pricks and would not answer your questions when you asked for help. Meaning they are not ppl friendly.
4. I also did not like how the game was set up but that is how I feel.

Now for the solution to your gaming addiction is Lineage2.
1. You do not have to pay for updates they are free. Yes there is a small monthly fee to play.
2. Yes comunication is made easilly. You can whisper other ppl, shout out loud, talk global, or just plain old talk to other ppl around you.
3. Most ppl will take the time to help you out and or tell you how to do something or show you how to do it. There are a few bad apples but most of the ppl on the server will help you out.
4. Combat is easy and with the use of hot keys spell casters don't have a problem.

There are 8 North American servers and 18 Korean servers that ppl can use. I play on the North American Lionna Server as Shilo a human sorceress. I am positive that if you try Lineage 2 that you will give up your EQ account and switch over. I now you ask your self but what about my high level charter on EQ and all that time. I feel for you I know what you mean by that. I to had to give up my high level charters to join L2. This is what I gave up to come over 52lvl elf, 49th lvl mage, 49th lvl Con knight and a 48th lvl str knight on Lineage 1. I put almost 3.5 years of play behind me to come over to Lineage 2.

Well enough said I hope that I hear from some of ya in the game and if you need help with anything just whisper me and i will be happy to help ya.
P.S. my other charter is a dwarf by the name of MallyOroarke thank you.
Last edited by Shilo on Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by Lochar »

shilo wrote:OMG not another EQ player when will they stop coming out of the wood work. HEHE j/k I would like to say well done on getting 65, but wouldn't you agree EQ is really a lame game. It was great when it came out but after that it sucks big time. This is why I say it:
1. You have to pay for the updates! Do I need to say more? Yes. You have to Pay to play.
2. Communication with other ppl sucks in this game.
3. The times I have tried this game I have found that others ppl there are pricks and would not answer your questions when you asked for help. Meaning they are not ppl friendly.
4. I also did not like how the game was set up but that is how I feel.

Now for the solution to your gaming addiction is Lineage2.
1. You do not have to pay for updates they are free. Yes there is a small monthly fee to play.
2. Yes comunication is made easilly. You can whisper other ppl, shout out loud, talk global, or just plain old talk to other ppl around you.
3. Most ppl will take the time to help you out and or tell you how to do something or show you how to do it. There are a few bad apples but most of the ppl on the server will help you out.
4. Combat is easy and with the use of hot keys spell casters don't have a problem.
1. Agreed, paying for the expansions does suck,
2. /tell is L2's whisper, you can /shout to the zone, /auc to the zone, /ooc to the zone, and /say is just for people around you.  /gsay is for groups, and there is a guild specific chat, and chat channels that go across servers.
3. I suggest trying to ask questions on serverwide chat channels that deal with your class.  Asking random questions of random people is going to get you called a n00b and other BS.
4. It's a decent set up, and you can hot key spells for EQ as well.
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by riduan »

You guy should play the new online game call the game at

It is in beta..but very stable....and most important it is FREE...

The only set back is that you need to download abt 500MB file....and then require another 1GB free space to install....and during installation, you will be downloading quite a number of patches (of earlier version)....but overall - after 1hr or so, it worth the patient!

well got to occupy my time while waiting for the next sword chapter...
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Re: Yes, I know, I've disappeared...(update)

Post by HarryS »

riduan wrote:It is in beta..but very stable....and most important it is FREE...
Somehow I'm afraid that the game is only free while beta.

Personally, I would not count on it staying free when testing is done.

The FAQ at says:
Is it F2P or P2P?
It is free to play, on Beta test.